An index of topics covered at The Picket Line

This outline is one possible subject-matter index of The Picket Line. You can click on the ♦ symbols to visit pages on this site that cover the associated topics. I reorganize this outline occasionally, so the ordering of things will not always be consistent from visit to visit. The main headings are:

  1. How you can resist funding the government
  2. Why it is your duty to stop supporting the government
  3. Have things really gotten that bad?
  4. Book reviews
  5. Henry David Thoreau
  6. Aristotle
  7. Some historical and global examples of tax resistance
  8. Tax resistance in the “Peace Churches”
  9. Miscellaneous tax resisters

  1. How you can resist funding the government
    1. getting under the income tax line
      1. it’s not very difficult
        1. the war tax resistance movement sometimes exaggerates the difficulty
      2. many Americans live under the income tax line
      3. how it’s done
        1. keeping an eye on your budget
          1. keeping an eye on my budget
          2. consumerism, personal debt
          3. distorted standard of living expectations
        2. IRAs, 401(k)s, and other retirement accounts
          1. “MyRAs”
          2. the retirement savings tax credit
        3. Health Savings Accounts
          1. is health insurance a moral necessity?
          2. deductible health costs
      4. other advantages to this method
      5. arguments against this method
        1. A.J. Muste’s dissent
    2. a survey of tactics of historical tax resistance campaigns
      1. 99 Tactics of Successful Tax Resistance Campaigns
      2. accompany resisters to/from prison, correspond with/visit them inside
      3. appeal to a bigger, badder government to take your side
      4. assist resisters whose property is seized
      5. assist the families of imprisoned resisters
      6. attend the trials of those prosecuted
      7. ask people to vow to resist when a critical mass of people take a similar vow
        1. The Conscience and Military Tax Resolution
        2. “Don’t Buy Bush’s War” campaign
        3. Extinction Rebellion
      8. assault tax collectors
        1. see also
      9. attack police or military personnel engaged in tax enforcement
      10. attack tax offices
      11. attack the homes and property of tax collectors
      12. avoid falsehood, engage in radical honesty
        1. see also
      13. block tax collectors with barricades, blockades, or occupations
      14. blockade tax offices
      15. boycott government monopoly goods or particularly taxed goods
      16. choose a small, easy, high-participation tax to resist
        1. phone tax resistance
          1. the “Hang Up On War” campaign
          2. criticisms of
          3. the Federal Universal Service Fee
          4. internet telephony
          5. phone tax abolition efforts
          6. the death of the long distance phone service excise tax
            1. the refund program
          7. Gloria J. Mead
      17. clog up the courts and/or the jails
      18. conduct consumer strikes
      19. conduct labor strikes
        1. see also
        2. prison labor strikes
      20. conduct hartals and business strikes
        1. Benares hartal of 1810–1811
      21. conduct surveys to gauge support
        1. NWTRCC surveys
      22. contrast your tax resistance campaign with more fearsome or objectionable opposition movements
      23. convince existing organizations to adopt or endorse tax resistance
      24. convince the government to rescind the tax or legalize resistance
      25. counsel people in legal tax avoidance techniques
        1. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
          1. what it is, how to volunteer
          2. my participation in
          3. low-accuracy work by
          4. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
        2. Common Sense Tax Consultants
      26. defy conditions of tax-exemption, deliberately incur then resist a tax
      27. demonstrate support for individual resisters
      28. destroy the apparatus of taxation
        1. see also
        2. modern roadside apparatus in particular
      29. develop and use legal expertise
      30. develop positive relationships with tax officials
      31. disrupt government auctions
        1. see also
        2. First Boer War
        3. British nonconformists
        4. British tithes during The Depression
        5. British women’s suffrage movement
        6. Bromley and Snyder homes, 1975
        7. Corner and Kehler home, 1989
        8. Tim DeChristopher
        9. Dutch West Indies, 1921
        10. English assessed taxes
        11. English church rates
        12. Irish Catholics
        13. Kentucky, 1906
        14. Missouri railroad bonds scandal, 1876
        15. New York railroad bonds scandal, 1878
        16. Kentucky railroad bonds scandal, 1878–1913
        17. Poujadism
        18. Reform Act agitation
        19. Weimar Germany
        20. “White Quakers”
        21. York riot, 1786
      32. disrupt trials, break resisters out of prison
      33. educate potential resisters about techniques and consequences
      34. encourage defection in the tax bureaucracy
        1. see also
      35. encourage tax evasion, erode general taxpayer compliance
        1. how to encourage tax evasion
      36. engage in mass action in response to arrests
      37. engage in pickets, protests, and other public demonstrations
      38. engage in social boycott of non-resisters
      39. engage in social boycott of tax collectors and collaborators
      40. foment acts of solidarity from non-resisters
      41. foment bank runs
      42. form groups for mutual support and coordinated decision-making
      43. form mutual insurance pacts
        1. penalty funds
        2. Charles Murray’s argument
      44. get a good spin out in the media
        1. see also
      45. hide or flee to resist arrest
      46. hide taxable or seizable assets
      47. hold resisters’ property in others’ names
      48. honor resisters who have been imprisoned
      49. increase the salience of taxation
      50. intimidate or assault tax collaborators
      51. intimidate tax collectors with humiliation attacks
        1. see also
      52. issue bomb threats, send disturbing packages
        1. see also
      53. issue formal shows of support for imprisoned resisters
      54. join cooperative housing and business arrangements
        1. see also
        2. The Agape Community
          1. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy
          2. Brayton & Suzanne Belote Shanley
        3. The Bijou Community
          1. Esther Kisamore
          2. Mary & Peter Sprunger-Froese
        4. The Bridge
        5. The Counozouls commune
        6. Fairview House
        7. New Creation Fellowship
        8. New York Yearly Meeting
        9. Sojourners
        10. St. Patrick’s 4
        11. Possibility Alliance
        12. The Other Side
        13. War Resisters International
        14. Whiteway Colony
        15. Women’s Freedom League
      55. keep a record of “sufferings”
      56. maintain solidarity in the face of divisive pressure
      57. manufacture & sell alternatives to taxed goods
        1. homegrown, home-brew, & moonshine
        2. underground economy
          1. varieties of, “Solidarity Economics”
          2. working without a Social Security number
          3. my participation in
          4. size of, impact on tax gap
      58. migrate or taxpatriate ahead of the tax collector
        1. leave the country (“taxpatriatism”)
        2. Puerto Rico as a tax haven?
        3. the Monteverde settlement
        4. Simon Black
        5. Jamie K. Donaldson
        6. the Gastonguay family
        7. Jeff Knaebel
      59. miscellaneous corporation/employer resistance
      60. miscellaneous uses of violence
      61. participate in an unorganized, leaderless, tax strike
      62. participate in barter and other off-the-books transactions
        1. barter & gift economy
      63. participate in buycotts and boycotts
        1. see also
      64. pay taxes in an inconvenient or symbolic way
        1. paying under protest, or in a protesting fashion
      65. pay taxes with degraded currency
      66. pay the fines or legal fees of prosecuted resisters
      67. petition for leniency towards resisters
      68. petition for redress of grievances
      69. put your taxes in an escrow fund in lieu of payment
        1. see also
      70. rally on the occasion of arrests, trials, or imprisonments
      71. reach out to potential resisters at the time and place of payment
        1. Tax Day actions
          1. 1949
          2. 1950
          3. 1952
          4. 1959
          5. 1960
          6. 1966
          7. 1970
          8. 1971
          9. 1972
          10. 1979
          11. 1981
          12. 1982
          13. 1983
          14. 1985
          15. 1986
          16. 1987
          17. 1988
          18. 1990
          19. 1995
          20. 2003
          21. 2004
          22. 2005
          23. 2006
          24. 2007
          25. 2008
          26. 2009
          27. 2010
          28. 2011
          29. 2012
          30. 2013
          31. 2014
          32. 2015
          33. 2016
          34. 2017
          35. 2018
          36. 2019
          37. 2020
          38. 2021
          39. 2022
      72. recruit new resisters through letters or face-to-face outreach
      73. redirect resisted taxes to charity
        1. see also
      74. refuse to elect tax assessors or collectors
      75. refuse to fund certain voluntary, non-governmental activities as well
      76. refuse to indict or convict as a jury
        1. see also
      77. refuse to support the government in certain other ways
      78. refuse to use government currency
      79. renounce government privileges and titles
        1. see also
      80. resist levies on employees’ salaries
      81. resist the census
        1. see also
      82. resist withholding on employees’ salaries
      83. resonate with myths, legends, folklore, or historical examples
        1. the “black tax credit”
        2. Joaquin Murieta
        3. John Hampden as an inspiration to later tax resisters
        4. Lady Godiva
        5. Robin Hood
      84. secede / set up a parallel government
        1. territorial/political secession
      85. short-circuit the bureaucracy with paperwork
        1. donate money to tax assessors to disqualify them
        2. file misconduct complaints against tax officials
        3. file paper returns / extra paperwork
        4. property tax/assessment challenges
      86. sing tax resistance songs
        1. see also
      87. smuggle goods to evade taxes
      88. surrender yourself as a criminal for having paid taxes
        1. see also
      89. switch to alternative currencies
        1. see also
        2. Bitcoin
        3. Faircoin
        4. “forever” stamps
        5. hawala
        6. Ripple / LETS
        7. “time dollars”
        8. virtual-world currencies
        9. Zcash
      90. switch to cash
        1. see also
      91. take public oaths or pass resolutions of tax resistance
        1. War Tax Boycott
        2. Writers & Editors War Tax Protest, 1967
        3. Refuse to Pay for War Sign-On Statement, 2022
      92. threaten to repudiate the government debt
      93. threaten taxpayers to try to coerce them into resisting
      94. use property seizures as rally or protest opportunities
      95. warn people when tax collectors are on the way
      96. wear badges, emblems, and uniforms
    3. other tax resistance strategies
      1. shifting from earned income to returns on capital
      2. car-free living / slugging / hacks
      3. charitable giving
      4. DIY
      5. freeganism
        1. dumpster-diving
        2. gleaning
      6. frugality / simple living / self-sufficiency
        1. FIRE (financial independence, retire early)
        2. frugal eating
        3. frugal energy use
        4. frugal gardening
        5. second-hand shopping
        6. Wendy McElroy & Brad on
      7. home-based business
      8. impersonate tax collectors
      9. interfere with parking meter enforcement
      10. rent strike
      11. running for office (in Canada)
      12. tax evasion / fraud
        1. “disregarded entities”
        2. government evasion of its own taxes
        3. personal tax evasion
          1. examples
        4. prisoner tax fraud
        5. the “tax gap”
      13. Constitutionalist tax protest stuff (“show me the law!”)
        1. dumb, incorrect, and doomed
        2. occasional successes
        3. America: From Freedom to Fascism
        4. renewed hope for the 5th Amendment argument
        5. IRS can’t call you an “illegal tax protester”
    4. other forms our opposition can take
      1. economic secession
      2. electoral politics, legislator lobbying, playing the game
      3. living as if there were no state
      4. Monkey-Fu
      5. nonviolent action; “People Power”
        1. “Occupy” movement
        2. in current anti-war movement
        3. theorists
          1. James C. Scott
          2. Gene Sharp / AEI
        4. satyagraha
        5. in the modern Middle East
          1. in U.S.-occupied Iraq
        6. in Nazi-occupied Europe
        7. in the U.S. civil rights movement
        8. in the former Soviet Bloc
        9. in Latin America
        10. criticisms of
      6. peace movement: marches, protests, and so forth
        1. recent anti-war movement actions
          1. August 2006 Bechtel headquarters action
        2. my frustration with
        3. other criticisms/defenses of
        4. 1849 peace conference
        5. movement introspection
      7. disrupting the military
        1. counter-recruitment
          1. actions at recruiting stations
        2. encouraging soldiers to desert / defy orders, supporting conscientious objectors
        3. fragging
        4. refuseniks, deserters, soldiers defying orders
      8. subversion from within
      9. Temporary Autonomous Zones and such
      10. physical intervention
        1. blockades
          1. August 2006 Bechtel headquarters action
        2. blockade-running
        3. hounding officials
        4. sabotage/destruction of equipment
      11. violent rebellion, blowing-one’s-top
    5. the tax resistance movement
      1. campaigns
        1. 100-Day Tax Strike
        2. 777 Club
        3. Divest from the War Machine
        4. Slave Uprising
        5. Stop Trump Tax Protest
        6. War Tax Boycott
      2. events
        1. 1968 IRS building protest
        2. google hangouts
        3. workshops and webinars
        4. Five Years Too Many
        5. 2017 Tax Day marches
      3. conferences & gatherings
        1. War Tax Protest Committee, 1969
        2. Workshop on War Taxes, 1971
        3. Workshop on War Taxes, 1972
        4. Jesus and the 1040 Form, 1972
        5. National War Tax Resistance Conference, 1972
        6. East Coast Regional Meeting of War Tax Resistance, 1974
        7. National Conference of War Tax Resistance, 1975
        8. Mennonite/Brethren conference on war tax issues, 1975
        9. Waubee / Camp Mack retreat, 1977
        10. A New Call To Peacemaking, 1978 national conference
        11. Mennonite General Conference midtriennium conference on war tax issues, 1979
        12. A New Call To Peacemaking, 1979 national conference
        13. A New Call To Peacemaking, 1979 Mid-America Gathering
        14. A New Call To Peacemaking, 1980 National Gathering
        15. Historic Peace Church Task Force on Taxes, 1980 conference
        16. A Religious Response to Growing Militarism, 1981
        17. Mennonite General Conference triennial sessions, 1983
        18. Money and Conscience, 1985
        19. Paying for War/Paying for Peace, 1985
        20. 1st International Conference on Military Tax Resisters & Peace Tax Campaigns, 1986
        21. Employers & Employees: Responding to Conscience, 1986
        22. Employers & Employees: Responding to Conscience, 1988
        23. A New Call To Peacemaking, 1995 National Gathering
        24. 4th International Conference on War Tax Resistance & Peace Tax Campaigns
        25. 6th International Conference on War Tax Resistance & Peace Tax Campaigns
        26. Spring 2003 NWTRCC national in Santa Rosa, California
        27. 10th International Conference on War Tax Resistance & Peace Tax Campaigns
        28. Fall 2004 NWTRCC national in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
        29. Spring 2005 NWTRCC national in Nashville, Tennessee
        30. Fall 2005 NWTRCC national in Brooklyn, New York
        31. Spring 2006 NWTRCC national in Seattle, Washington
        32. 11th International Conference on War Tax Resistance & Peace Tax Campaigns
        33. Fall 2006 NWTRCC national in Las Vegas, Nevada
        34. Fall 2007 NWTRCC national in Newton, Kansas
        35. Winter 2007 New England War Tax Resistance conference
        36. Spring 2008 NWTRCC national in Birmingham, Alabama
        37. 12th International Conference on War Tax Resistance & Peace Tax Campaigns
        38. Fall 2008 NWTRCC national in Eugene, Oregon
        39. Fall 2008 New England War Tax Resistance regional gathering
        40. Spring 2009 NWTRCC national in Harrisonburg, Virginia
        41. Fall 2009 New England War Tax Resistance regional gathering
        42. 2009 Gandhi-King Conference on Peacemaking
        43. Fall 2009 NWTRCC national in Cleveland, Ohio
        44. 2010 South-East Gathering of War Tax Resisters
        45. Spring 2010 NWTRCC national in Tucson, Arizona
        46. 13th International Conference on War Tax Resistance & Peace Tax Campaigns
        47. Fall 2010 NWTRCC national (and 25th Annual New England Gathering of War Tax Resisters and Supporters) in Boston, Massachusetts
        48. Spring 2011 NWTRCC national in Oakland, California
        49. Fall 2011 NWTRCC national in Kansas City
        50. Fall 2011 New England War Tax Resistance regional gathering
        51. Spring 2012 NWTRCC national in Chicago
        52. Fall 2012 New England War Tax Resistance regional gathering
        53. Fall 2012 NWTRCC national in Colorado Springs
        54. 14th International Conference on War Tax Resistance & Peace Tax Campaigns
        55. Spring 2013 NWTRCC national in Asheville, North Carolina
        56. Fall 2013 New England War Tax Resistance regional gathering
        57. Fall 2013 NWTRCC national in New York City
        58. Spring 2014 NWTRCC national in San Diego
        59. Fall 2014 New England Regional Gathering of War Tax Resisters and Supporters
        60. Fall 2014 NWTRCC national in Richmond, Indiana
        61. Spring 2015 NWTRCC national in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
        62. March 2015 Conscience and Peace Tax International general assembly?
        63. Fall 2015 New England Regional Gathering of War Tax Resisters and Supporters
        64. Fall 2015 NWTRCC national in Las Vegas, Nevada
        65. Spring 2016 NWTRCC national in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania
        66. 2016 World Congress on Military and Social Spending, Berlin
        67. Fall 2016 New England Regional Gathering of War Tax Resisters and Supporters
        68. Fall 2016 NWTRCC national in North Florida
        69. Spring 2017 Maine war tax resisters gathering
        70. Spring 2017 NWTRCC national in St. Louis
        71. June 2017 Conscience and Peace Tax International general assembly in London
        72. Fall 2017 NWTRCC national in Amherst, Massachusetts
        73. Spring 2018 NWTRCC national in Los Angeles, California
        74. Fall 2018 NWTRCC national in Cleveland, Ohio
        75. Fall 2018 New England regional gathering / Colrain commemoration
        76. Spring 2019 NWTRCC national in Washington, D.C.
        77. Mennonite Church U.S.A. biennial, 2019
        78. 15th International Conference on War Tax Resistance & Peace Tax Campaigns
        79. Fall 2019 NWTRCC national in Oregon
        80. Spring 2020 NWTRCC national (on-line)
        81. Fall 2020 NWTRCC national (on-line)
        82. Spring 2021 NWTRCC national (on-line)
        83. Fall 2021 NWTRCC national (on-line)
        84. Spring 2022 NWTRCC national (on-line)
        85. 16th International Conference on War Tax Resistance & Peace Tax Campaigns
        86. Fall 2022 NWTRCC national (on-line)
        87. Spring 2023 NWTRCC national in Indiana
      4. birth of the modern American war tax resistance movement
        1. Peacemakers
        2. Committee for Non-Violent Action
        3. Edith Aldis
        4. Ross Anderson
        5. Benny Bargen
        6. Paula Beck
        7. Marilyn Blaise Neuhauser
        8. Ernest & Marion Coddington Bromley
        9. Emma & Lindley J. Burton
        10. Ava, Beulah & Horace Champney
        11. Sara Chase
        12. Miriam Keeler Cornelius
        13. Wolcott Cutler
        14. Lloyd Danzeisen
        15. Dorothy DaPonte
        16. Ralph DiGia
        17. Barbara & Saunders Dixon
        18. Aleck D. Dodd
        19. Roger Drury
        20. Margaret E. Dungan
        21. Beatrice & Henry Dyer
        22. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Emery
        23. Arthur Evans
        24. Rebecca Winsor Evans
        25. William Bacon Evans
        26. Fyke Farmer
        27. Richard Fichter
        28. Caleb & Hope Foote
        29. Marion C. Frenyear
        30. Robert C. Friend
        31. Gerhard Friesen
        32. David Gale
        33. Walter Gormly
        34. Richard Groff
        35. Konrad Halle
        36. Art Harvey
        37. J. William Hawkins
        38. Neil Haworth
        39. George Hauser
        40. Gerald Haynes
        41. Irwin Hogenauer
        42. George M. Houser
        43. Woodbridge O. Johnson
        44. Sander Katz
        45. Patricia & Roy C. Kepler
        46. Raymond E. Kinney
        47. Kenneth Knudson
        48. Ruth C. LaBarrer
        49. Sarah B. Leeds
        50. Emily & Walter Longstreth
        51. Bradford Lyttle
        52. Mary Bacon Mason
        53. Jane & Milton Mayer
        54. Charlie McCormick
        55. Maurice McCrackin
        56. Mary S. McDowell
        57. Abraham J. Muste
        58. Anton Nelson
        59. Ax Nelson
        60. Juanita Nelson
        61. Wally Nelson
        62. Roy Nusbaum
        63. Jean & Raymond S. Olds
        64. Leland Olds
        65. Raymond F. Olds
        66. Stors F. Olds
        67. Theodore Olson
        68. Katsuki James Otsuka
        69. Mrs. Gordon Parker
        70. Mabel G. Parker
        71. James “Jim” & Paula Peck
        72. Miriam Pennypacker
        73. Carol Perry
        74. Caroline & Lydia Philips
        75. Grace E. Rhoads
        76. Edward C.M. & Elizabeth Richards
        77. Ned Richards
        78. Francis B. and Valerie Riggs
        79. Eroseanna Robinson
        80. Dale Rogers
        81. Igal Roodenko
        82. Max Sandin
        83. Margaret Schauffler
        84. Laurence Scott
        85. Richard Stenhouse
        86. Arthur Sternberg
        87. Marjorie & Robert Swann
        88. Lila & Ralph Templin
        89. Louise Thomas
        90. Caroline Foulke Urie
        91. Beverly White
        92. George Willoughby
        93. Lillian Willoughby
        94. Edmund Wilson
        95. Ellen Winsor
        96. George Yamada
        97. Abraham & Jean Zwickel
      5. outreach to other groups
      6. publications
        1. posters
        2. Low Income/Simple Living as War Tax Resistance
        3. More Than a Paycheck (newsletter)
        4. RADI.MS
      7. media
        1. television
        2. theater
        3. movies
        4. video
    6. arguments against tax resistance
      1. Kwame Anthony Appiah
      2. Michael Harrington
      3. J.G. James
      4. William Klassen
      5. Labor Action
      6. Carl M. Lehman
      7. C.W. Light
      8. Ricardo Rodríguez
      9. Edward Swaine
      10. Harold Waterhouse
    7. my tax resistance
      1. periodic reports
      2. budget check
      3. levies, liens, seizures
      4. self-employment
      5. media mentions of
        1. April 2004 Columbia Chronicle
        2. 19 April 2006 San Francisco Weekly
        3. March 2007
        4. 3 April 2007 San Francisco Chronicle
        5. May 2007 Peacework Magazine
        6. 4 July 2007 Associated Press & followup
        7. August 2007 Media with Conscience
        8. September 2007 Steve Brenneman column
        9. 11 October 2007 KPFA
        10. March 2008 Money Magazine
        11. July 2008 Soul-N-Black radio
        12. 10 April 2009 KMVR radio
        13. 15 April 2010 Mancow Show radio
        14. 17 April 2012 Shareable
        15. 27 April 2012 Porc Therapy podcast
        16. 28 February 2014 Porkins Policy Radio podcast
        17. 9 April 2014 Shareable
        18. 10 July 2014 Radical Personal Finance podcast
        19. 12 November 2014 The Atlantic
        20. 5 February 2015 Litopia After Dark
        21. 13 March 2017 Village Voice
        22. 27 April 2017 New Times
        23. February 2019 The MOON Magazine
      6. nastygrams from the IRS
      7. The Picket Line site
    8. the payroll / social security tax (FICA)
      1. Congress dips into this money to supplement the general fund.
      2. Amish are exempt
      3. other exemptions/techniques
      4. possible effects of “Social Security Reform”
      5. how and why I started resisting the self-employment tax
        1. Will this jeopardize my “½ self-employment tax” deduction?
    9. other ways the government is funded
      1. borrowing, government bonds
      2. campaign donations
      3. corporate income tax
      4. dummies who play the lottery
      5. dummies who over-withhold
      6. dummies who voluntarily donate to the government
      7. duties & tariffs
      8. excise taxes
        1. air travel tax
        2. alcohol tax
        3. fuel tax
        4. guns & ammo tax
        5. marijuana tax
        6. revenue stamps
        7. tobacco tax
        8. vaccine tax
      9. FDIC premiums
      10. fines, fees, fares, and such
      11. sales of purchased and seized assets
      12. seigniorage / printing money / inflation
      13. the “underground government”
      14. value-added tax
    10. about the IRS and U.S. tax law/policy
      1. 2008 stimulus “prefunds”
      2. bankruptcy and tax debt
      3. Collection Due Process
      4. (avoiding) seizure of state tax refunds
      5. record-breaking swings in tax receipts
      6. Taxpayer Advisory Panel
      7. IRS is not always forthcoming and accurate
      8. IRS incompetence
        1. at least their website is good
        2. CADE / PRIME / software modernization fiasco
        3. employees don’t understand the tax law well
        4. enforcement effort/results
          1. audits
          2. civil forfeiture abuse
          3. corporate tax enforcement
          4. criminal prosecutions
          5. enforcement budget
          6. failure to collect even when it knows about tax debt or wins tax convictions
          7. failure to follow the rules during collection process
          8. Government Accountability Office reports on
          9. high-profile prosecutions
          10. IRS Data Book numbers
          11. IRS Oversight Board reports on
          12. identity theft epidemic
          13. impersonation of IRS enforcers
          14. IRS Advisory Council reports on
          15. levies, liens, and seizures
          16. National Taxpayer Advocate reports on
          17. Obamacare tax penalties
          18. reduced tax enforcement workforce / furloughs
          19. statute of limitations on collections
          20. targeting “tax defiers”
          21. the “tax gap”
          22. Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse reports on
          23. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration reports on
          24. whistleblowers and rats
        5. headquarters under 20 feet of water
        6. headquarters on fire
        7. January 2019 government “shutdown”
        8. 2020 Covid enforcement freeze
        9. miscellaneous blundering
      9. how the government deals with tax resisters
        1. IRS policy on conscientious tax resistance
        2. frivolous filing penalty
        3. how they respond to inflated W-4 allowances
        4. interest and penalties for failure to pay
        5. penalties for failure to file
        6. particular individual cases
        7. seizure of inheritances
        8. summonses
        9. what won’t they seize (e.g. for hardship reasons)?
        10. can tax resisters sponsor people for citizenship?
        11. will tax resisters get hassled at the borders or when applying for passports?
      10. how is tax law/policy/administration changing?
        1. accelerated capital goods depreciation
        2. Alternative Minimum Tax
        3. credit for solar installations and such
        4. estate tax
        5. health insurance tax deduction
        6. education-related credits and deductions
        7. how tax rates are changing over time
        8. income tax becoming a “salary tax”
        9. increased Big Brotherish snooping
          1. use of Department of Homeland Security travel dossiers
          2. loophole introduced in 2012
          3. more reporting of stock market transactions
        10. increased fees and excise taxes
        11. legislation
          1. JOBS Act of 2004
          2. Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006
          3. Housing Assistance Act of 2008
          4. big-assed bailout of 2008
          5. ginormous stimulus boondoggle of 2009
          6. Obamacare, 2010
          7. HIRE Act of 2010
          8. Small Business Jobs Act of 2010
          9. tax extension package of 2010
          10. transportation bill of 2012
          11. “fiscal cliff” bill of 2012
          12. Obama budget proposal of 2013
          13. “Cromnibus” of 2014
          14. tax extender package of 2014
          15. 2015 transportation bill
          16. Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2017
          17. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
          18. IRS reform bills, 2018
          19. CoViD-19 pandemic-related legislation, 2020–21
          20. Payroll tax deferral (executive order), 2020
          21. Child Tax Credit boost, 2021
          22. Infrastructure and Budget Bills, 2021–22
          23. Fair Tax Act, 2023
        12. “Lucky Duckies”
        13. predictions of future tax policy
        14. “qualifying child”, new definition
        15. ratting out neighbors & employers
        16. “recission”
        17. standard deduction / personal exemption
        18. state sales tax deduction on federal taxes;
        19. tax-free savings vehicles
        20. tax policy tangent to the budget deficit/debt debate
        21. “tax reform”
          1. Dubya’s tax reform panel
          2. miscellaneous proposals
          3. “simplification”
          4. “tax reform” as a Congressional shake-down opportunity
          5. radical tax reform / the “Fair Tax”
          6. Obama’s deficit/tax commission
        22. yearly adjustments of deductions/exemptions/credits/thresholds
      11. corporate / municipal / wealthy tax dodgers
        1. falling corporate tax rates
        2. Lease-In / Lease-Out, etc.
      12. tax exemptions for religious groups / activity
      13. compliance costs of federal income tax
      14. the “starve the beast” theory
    11. what happens if the IRS knocks on my door?
      1. or their quasi-private debt collection contractors?
  2. Why it is your duty to stop supporting the government
    1. not being a “Good German”
      1. Hannah Arendt
      2. Adolf Eichmann
      3. Karl Jaspers
      4. Nuremberg principles / war crimes
      5. does your responsibility end where the law begins?
        1. does a business’s responsibility go beyond the profit motive?
      6. Jefferson and his slaves
      7. Milgram’s experiment and My Lai
    2. ethics
      1. are ethics just aesthetics, instincts, lifecycle trends, or fashion statements?
      2. free will
      3. existentialism and ethical thought experiments
      4. how I came to have my ethical beliefs
      5. the concept of “evil”
      6. J.G. James on the ethics of tax resistance
      7. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on this and that
      8. C.S. Lewis on becoming a scoundrel
      9. the Dalai Lama on secular ethics
      10. G.E.M. Anscombe’s Modern Moral Philosophy
      11. Hazel Barnes’s An Existentialist Ethics
      12. Fred E. Katz’s Ordinary People and Extraordinary Evil
      13. Rushworth Kidder’s Moral Courage
      14. Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue
      15. Russ Shafer-Landau’s Whatever Happened to Good and Evil?
      16. Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments
      17. Cass Sunstein’s theory of how cultural norms shift
      18. Arne Johan Vetlesen’s Evil and Human Agency
      19. William Wollaston’s The Religion of Nature Delineated
      20. practice makes perfect; virtue ethics
      21. personal development as a means of political change
      22. values are things you live, not things you profess
    3. cool stuff I found in back issues of MANAS
    4. the danger of “feel-good” protests
      1. they don’t accomplish much
      2. they spawn violent, futile actions from the impatient
      3. liberals can be infuriating
        1. astrological granola California bullshit
        2. cheerleading other people’s activism from the sidelines
        3. shallow criticism of the war
        4. looking for a quick fix that won’t require much of them
        5. San Franciscans who disapprove of the war are among the war’s biggest supporters
        6. “cargo cult” fetishization of 60s activism
        7. supporting the Democratic Party in spite of its policies
        8. Tolstoy on liberals
        9. why the most committed people might be the quietest
      4. advice for successful activism / activists
      5. the revolution won’t be in your Facebook feed
      6. “symbolic” tax protests?
        1. the “Peace Tax Fund,” legal conscientious objection to military taxation
          1. criticisms of
          2. defense of
          3. 1837 Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention debate concerning
          4. Peace Tax Seven
            1. Brenda Boughton
            2. Robin Brookes
            3. Siân Cwper
            4. Simon Heywood
            5. Joe Jenkins
            6. Roy Prockter
            7. Birgit Völlm
          5. in Italy
          6. in Czarist Russia
          7. back-door judicial peace tax fund in the U.S.? or in Bolivia?
      7. tax resistance won’t topple the government either
    5. is there any point in trying?
    6. comparisons with the abolitionist movement
    7. calls to action!
      1. by me
      2. by other folks
      3. what makes a good call-to-action?
    8. how tax resistance fits the bill
      1. taxation compared with conscription
      2. does taxpaying make you complicit?
      3. how does the government train taxpayers?
      4. are taxpayers immoral monsters?
      5. isn’t some government worth paying for?
        1. what’s right with the free market / what’s wrong with capitalism?
        2. can libertarians, peaceniks, anarchists, environmentalists, paleocons, and lefties get along?
          1. about those libertarians
          2. Karl Hess
          3. left/libertarian alliances
        3. how government degrades ethics
        4. doing without government
          1. citizen dependence / reliance on government
          2. government vs. organized crime (Pirates & Emperors)
          3. Mexican governor abolishes traffic cops
          4. problems with having governments
          5. voluntaryism
          6. what’s good about bad government?
  3. Have things really gotten that bad?
    1. U.S. government is cruel, despotic, a threat to people
      1. U.S. torture policy
        1. Abu Ghraib in particular
        2. cover-ups, wrist-slapping of abusers
        3. the ostensible opposition party doesn’t care
        4. extraordinary rendition
        5. evading legal prohibitions / White House approval
        6. Gitmo in particular
        7. Alberto Gonzales
        8. leadership failure vs. personal responsibility of torturers
        9. Craig Murray (Uzbekistan)
        10. roots in U.S. prison system
        11. School of the Americas
        12. Swiftian defense of torture
      2. civilian casualties, urban bombardment, etc.
        1. aversion to keeping track of civilian casualties
        2. destruction of infrastructure, impact on population
        3. echoes of Hiroshima, earlier uses of aerial bombardment
        4. effects of pre-war sanctions on Iraq
        5. evasion of responsibility
        6. Killing a Child: “I did what I had to do”
        7. Lancet study
        8. Najaf & Falluja
        9. “Smart” weapons don’t reduce civilian casualties
        10. targeted bombings of Iraq brass
        11. underwriting Saudi Arabia’s Yemen war
      3. despotism
        1. no consent of the governed
        2. declining liberty, drug war, mass imprisonment
        3. embarrassing, pampered god-emperor in the White House
        4. secrecy, contempt, dishonesty, Commander-in-Chief override
      4. threat to world peace
        1. propping up tyrants
        2. fueling global arms races
        3. supporting Israel’s worst policies
        4. imperialist in deed (some call it “sovereignty”)
        5. insisting on the global rule of the unilateral iron fist
      5. robbing the public and spending irresponsibly
        1. bloated military budget
          1. Democrats aren’t helping
          2. fake Pentagon belt-tightening
          3. federal budget pie chart
          4. hiding pork in the military budget
          5. Hurricane Katrina aftermath
          6. monetary cost of Iraq/Afghanistan wars
          7. money for the absurd
          8. money spent on big-ticket porkish items
          9. public opinion concerning
          10. shady Pentagon accounting
          11. tax expenditures
          12. weapons of mass destruction
        2. huge deficits / debt / war financed on credit
        3. pork spending
      6. corrupt legislature
      7. losing the Vietnam War all over again
      8. U.S. military casualties
    2. U.S. citizens aren’t rising to the challenge
      1. no functioning opposition party
        1. Democrats fail to oppose torture
        2. John Kerry’s candidacy specifically
          1. rehabilitating the reputation of the Vietnam war
        3. neither party opposes government bloat
        4. Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich on tax resisters
      2. public acquiescence / approval / collaboration
        1. Abu Ghraib whistleblower threatened on return home
        2. bad faith reasoning
        3. dangerous willingness to obey authority
        4. even Hiroshima not seen as an atrocity
        5. incredible pretzel-logic to justify war
        6. rise of the praetorian class
        7. ready-made excuses for brutality; glory in cruelty
      3. independent press oversight lacking
        1. blogs bucking this trend somewhat
        2. but there is WikiLeaks
        3. doublespeak parroted without embarrassment
        4. jingoist bias, malarkey
        5. unreliable establishment spokespersons frame debate
  4. Book reviews
    1. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Nonviolent Strategies and Tactics for Social Change (John J. Ansbro)
    2. Experiments in Ethics (Kwame Anthony Appiah)
    3. The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen (Kwame Anthony Appiah)
    4. Crises of the Republic (Hannah Arendt)
    5. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (Hannah Arendt)
    6. Responsibility and Judgment (Hannah Arendt)
    7. Sense and Sensibilia (John L. Austin)
    8. Language, Truth, and Logic (A.J. Ayer)
    9. Human Smoke (Nicholson Baker)
    10. An Existentialist Ethics (Hazel Barnes)
    11. The Blood of Others (Simone de Beauvoir)
    12. The Ethics of Ambiguity (Simone de Beauvoir)
    13. Rents, Taxes, and Peasant Resistance: The Lower Yangzi Region, 1840–1950 (Kathryn Bernhardt)
    14. Conquest of Violence (Joan V. Bondurant)
    15. The Law of Christ Respecting Civil Obedience, Especially in the Payment of Tribute (John Brown)
    16. Thoreau’s Living Ethics: Walden and the Pursuit of Virtue (Philip Cafaro)
    17. Lyrical and Critical Essays (Albert Camus)
    18. The Plague (Albert Camus)
    19. Studies in Mutualist Political Economy (Kevin A. Carson)
    20. For Peace and Truth (Pierre Cérésole)
    21. Noam Chomsky: Imperial Ambitions (Noam Chomsky & David Barsamian)
    22. The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical (Shane Claiborne)
    23. The Power of the People (Robert Cooney & Helen Michalowski)
    24. About Face: Military Resisters Turn Against War (Courage to Resist)
    25. White Fragility (Robin DiAngelo)
    26. We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live (Joan Didion)
    27. Possum Living: How to live well without a job and with (almost) no money (Dolly Freed)
    28. Who’s In Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain (Michael S. Gazzaniga)
    29. Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century (Jonathan Glover)
    30. Standing Up to the Madness (Amy Goodman & David Goodman)
    31. Share or Die: Voices of the Get Lost Generation in the Age of Crisis (Neil Gorenflo & Malcolm Harris)
    32. The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy (David Graeber)
    33. The Warriors: Reflections on Men in Battle (J. Glenn Gray)
    34. Among the Dead Cities (A.C. Grayling)
    35. The Wheels are Falling Off the Wagon at the IRS (Michael Gregory)
    36. The Quiet American (Graham Greene)
    37. 99 Tactics of Successful Tax Resistance Campaigns (David M. Gross)
    38. Against War and War Taxes: Quaker Arguments for War Tax Refusal (David M. Gross)
    39. American Quaker War Tax Resistance (David M. Gross)
    40. We Won’t Pay!: A Tax Resistance Reader (David M. Gross)
    41. Dissenting Opinions (Clare Hanrahan)
    42. The Next American Civil War (Lee Harris)
    43. The Power of the Powerless (Václav Havel)
    44. The Book of Ammon (Ammon Hennacy)
    45. Bury the Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire’s Slaves (Adam Hochschild)
    46. The Freedom Manifesto (Tom Hodgkinson)
    47. The Moral Equivalent of War (William James)
    48. The Question of German Guilt (Karl Jaspers)
    49. As the World Burns (Derrick Jensen & Stephanie McMillan)
    50. Beatrice: The Cadbury Heiress Who Gave Away Her Fortune (Fiona Joseph)
    51. Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)
    52. Ordinary People and Extraordinary Evil: A Report on the Beguilings of Evil (Fred E. Katz)
    53. Look Homeward, America: In Search of Reactionary Radicals and Front-Porch Anarchists (Bill Kauffman)
    54. Peaceable Kingdom Lost: The Paxton Boys and the Destruction of William Penn’s Holy Experiment (Kevin Kenny)
    55. Moral Courage (Rushworth M. Kidder)
    56. Fear and Trembling (Søren Kierkegaard)
    57. Escape in Prison (Ghislaine Lanctôt)
    58. After Virtue (Alasdair MacIntyre)
    59. Mario and the Magician (Thomas Mann)
    60. The Recorder (William Matthews)
    61. On Liberty: Man v. The State (Milton Mayer)
    62. Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future (Bill McKibben)
    63. Billy Budd (Herman Melville)
    64. By The People (Charles Murray)
    65. Is There No Other Way: The Search for a Nonviolent Future (Michael Nagler)
    66. Living the Good Life: How to Live Sanely and Simply in a Troubled World (Helen & Scott Nearing)
    67. Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy (Susan Neiman)
    68. Moral Philosophy: Text and Readings (Andrew Oldenquist)
    69. The Road to Wigan Pier (George Orwell)
    70. Free Will: A Very Short Introduction (Thomas Pink)
    71. Twelve by Twelve: A One-Room Cabin Off the Grid and Beyond the American Dream (William Powers)
    72. Opening Mexico: The Making of a Democracy (Julia Preston & Samuel Dillon)
    73. Waging Peace: The Art of War for the Antiwar Movement (Scott Ritter)
    74. The Psychopath Test (Jon Ronson)
    75. Existentialism and Human Emotions (Jean-Paul Sartre)
    76. Extreme Virtue: Truth and Leadership in Five Great American Lives (Crispin Sartwell)
    77. Seeing Like a State (James C. Scott)
    78. Two Cheers for Anarchism (James C. Scott)
    79. The Unconquerable World (Jonathan Schell)
    80. Whatever Happened to Good and Evil? (Russ Shafer-Landau)
    81. Guantánamo Diary (Mohamedou Ould Slahi)
    82. The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Adam Smith)
    83. Break His Bones: The Private Life of a Holocaust Revisionist (Bradley R. Smith)
    84. A Paradise Built in Hell (Rebecca Solnit)
    85. Why Honor Matters (Tamler Sommers)
    86. The Great Derangement (Matt Taibbi)
    87. Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World (Tenzin Gyatzo, the Dalai Lama)
    88. Ethics for the New Millennium (Tenzin Gyatzo, the Dalai Lama)
    89. The Kingdom of God Is Within You (Leo Tolstoy)
    90. War and Peace (Leo Tolstoy)
    91. Direct Action: Radical Pacifism From the Union Eight to the Chicago Seven (James Tracy)
    92. Off the Books: The Underground Economy of the Urban Poor (Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh)
    93. Evil and Human Agency: Understanding Collective Evildoing (Arne Johan Vetlesen)
    94. Fragebogen (Ernst von Salomon)
    95. An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Ethics (Mary Warnock)
    96. The Cold War and the Income Tax: A Protest (Edmund Wilson)
    97. Basics of Resistance (Claire Wolfe & Kit Perez)
    98. How to Kill the Job Culture Before It Kills You (Claire Wolfe)
    99. Rats! (Claire Wolfe)
  5. Henry David Thoreau
    1. his tax resistance
    2. his writings
      1. his correspondence
      2. his journals
      3. his juvenilia
      4. on John Brown
      5. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
      6. Herald of Freedom
      7. Life Without Principle
      8. Natural History of Massachusetts
      9. Paradise (To Be) Regained
      10. The Price of Freedom
      11. Reform and the Reformers
      12. Resistance to Civil Government (Civil Disobedience)
      13. Sir Walter Raleigh
      14. Slavery in Massachusetts
      15. The Service
      16. Thomas Carlyle and His Works
      17. Walden
      18. Wendell Phillips Before the Concord Lyceum
  6. Aristotle
    1. Nicomachean Ethics
      1. Book Ⅰ (eudaimonia)
      2. Book Ⅱ (virtue)
      3. Book Ⅲ (virtue, and some moral virtues)
      4. Book Ⅳ (some moral virtues)
      5. Book Ⅴ (justice)
      6. Book Ⅵ (intellectual virtues)
      7. Book Ⅶ (self-control, and pleasure)
      8. Books Ⅷ and Ⅸ (friendship)
      9. Book Ⅹ (pleasure, eudaimonia)
    2. Politics
      1. introduction
      2. Book Ⅰ, ⅰ–ⅱ (the natural polis)
      3. Book Ⅰ, ⅲ–ⅶ (slavery)
      4. Book Ⅰ, ⅷ–ⅹⅲ (the household, and household economy)
      5. Book Ⅱ, ⅰ–ⅳ (Plato’s Republic)
      6. Book Ⅱ, ⅴ (communal ownership of property)
      7. Book Ⅱ, ⅵ (Plato’s Laws)
      8. Book Ⅱ, ⅶ (Phaleas’s political theories)
      9. Book Ⅱ, ⅷ (Hippodamus’s political theories)
      10. Book Ⅱ, ⅸ (the constitution of Sparta)
      11. Book Ⅱ, ⅹ (the constitution of Crete)
      12. Book Ⅱ, ⅺ (the constitution of Carthage)
      13. Book Ⅱ, ⅻ (Solon and so forth)
      14. Summing up Books Ⅰ & Ⅱ
      15. Book Ⅲ, ⅰ–ⅱ (citizenship)
      16. Book Ⅲ, ⅲ (state identity and continuity)
      17. Book Ⅲ, ⅳ (good persons and good citizens)
      18. Book Ⅲ, ⅴ (how inclusive is citizenship?)
      19. Book Ⅲ, ⅵ–ⅷ (distinguishing good and bad constitutions)
      20. Book Ⅲ, ⅸ & ⅻ (just distribution of political power)
      21. Book Ⅲ, ⅹ (are constitutional decisions always just?)
      22. Book Ⅲ, ⅺ (the wisdom of crowds)
      23. Book Ⅲ, ⅹⅲ (what sort of person should rule?)
      24. Book Ⅲ, ⅹⅳ–ⅹⅵ (types of monarchy)
      25. Book Ⅲ, ⅹⅶ–ⅹⅷ (where the best rulers come from)
      26. Summing up Book Ⅲ
      27. Book Ⅳ, ⅰ–ⅱ (the subject matter of political science)
      28. Book Ⅳ, ⅲ–ⅶ & ⅹ (parts and varieties of states)
      29. Book Ⅳ, ⅷ–ⅸ & ⅺ–ⅻ (polity)
      30. Book Ⅳ, ⅹⅲ (trick the people to reduce their power)
      31. Book Ⅳ, ⅹⅳ (the deliberative branch of government)
      32. Book Ⅳ, ⅹⅴ–ⅹⅵ (the executive and judicial branches)
      33. Summing up book Ⅳ
      34. Book Ⅴ, ⅰ–ⅲ (causes of factionalism)
      35. Book Ⅴ, ⅳ (sparks that cause revolutions)
      36. Book Ⅴ, ⅴ–ⅶ (how various constitutions fall)
      37. Book Ⅴ, ⅷ–ⅸ (how to strengthen a constitution)
      38. Book Ⅴ, ⅹ–ⅻ (the troubles of tyrannies)
      39. Book Ⅵ, ⅰ–ⅳ (democracy)
      40. Book Ⅵ, ⅴ–ⅶ (preserving democracies and oligarchies)
      41. Book Ⅵ, ⅷ (the necessary offices of a polis)
      42. Book Ⅶ, ⅰ–ⅱ (thriving citizens and thriving states)
      43. Book Ⅶ, ⅲ (the active and contemplative lives)
      44. Book Ⅶ, ⅳ–ⅶ & ⅺ–ⅻ (ideal population and placement)
      45. Book Ⅶ, ⅷ–ⅹ (needs of a state)
      46. Book Ⅶ, ⅹⅲ–ⅹⅶ (upbringing of citizens)
      47. Book Ⅷ (education and music)
      48. Alice Turtle’s Guide to Anarchism
  7. Some historical and global examples of tax resistance
    1. Afghanistan
      1. resistance to Taliban war tax (2014)
    2. Argentina
      1. in 1924
      2. “crisis of 125” in 2008
      3. in 2009–10
        1. Ramón Guerrero
        2. Olga Vivas
      4. Andino in 2011
      5. Buenos Aires in 2015
      6. Griselda Baldata’s toll resistance in 2011
      7. in 2012–14
      8. Luján businesses, farmers in 2018
      9. La Rioja in 2018
        1. Carlos Muriete
      10. #RebeliónFiscal in 2020
      11. Rosario business tax strike, 2021
      12. Mar del Plata hotel tax strike, 2021
      13. opposition to paying for abortions, 2021
      14. #RebelionFiscal, 2021
        1. José Luis Espert
    3. Australia
      1. dog tax in 1846
      2. dray & land tax in 1850–51
        1. A. Anderson
        2. Mr. Bennett
        3. John Darby
        4. John Fisher
        5. Mr. Fisher, Esquire
        6. F. Launcelott
        7. Hiram Manfull
        8. Jonathan Norman
        9. Mr. Oliver
        10. William Parker
        11. Mr. Sutherland
        12. Charles Watson
        13. Mr. Wells
        14. Thomas Wilson
      3. digger license tax resistance in 1854
      4. resistance by Chinese immigrants, 1858–59
        1. Pig Mon
        2. Sze Yip
      5. Tasmania railway district in 1874
        1. W.S. Button
        2. A.F. Rooke
        3. Theodore(?)
      6. Tasmania income tax, 1904
        1. A.J. Jenson
        2. James Joseph Long
        3. C. Metz
        4. John Shepherd
        5. Mr. Sagg
        6. David Storrer
        7. W.H. Taylour
        8. R.J. Wilkinson
        9. A.A. Winch
      7. Sydney income tax, 1914
      8. Melbourne amusement tax, 1917
      9. bachelor tax, 1917
      10. Northern Territory, and Papua, 1919–21
        1. Mr. Bakling
        2. R.M. Balding
        3. Mr. Brennan
        4. Albert Colley
        5. R.J. Doling
        6. James Fitzgerald
        7. Hardie Gibson
        8. R.H. Green
        9. Harold George Nelson
        10. John O’Neill
        11. K. Spain
        12. Robert Toupein
        13. D.C. Watts
      11. digger income tax resistance in 1921
      12. Queensland in 1927
      13. Graziers in 1932
    4. Austria
      1. Tyrol in 1931
      2. 1414: Der Steuer Streik, 2014
        1. Gerhard Höller
        2. Wolfgang Reichl
      3. brothel in Salzburg
    5. Bangladesh
      1. Independence movement, 1971
        1. Sheikh Mujib (Mujibur Rahman)
    6. Belarus
      1. Polatsk merchants, 2015
      2. vagrants tax, 2017
    7. Belgium
      1. agricultural tax protest, 1963
      2. trucking tax protest, 2016
    8. Bermuda
      1. church tax, 1821
    9. Brazil
      1. passe livre movement, 2014
    10. Britain / U.K. (see also: Ireland, Scotland, Wales)
      1. English peasant revolt (14th Century)
      2. Gloucester tax refusers, circa 1626
        1. Morris Berkley
        2. Richard Berkley
        3. Walter Bourcher
        4. Nathaniel Coxwell
        5. John Croker
        6. John Dutton
        7. William Master
        8. Thomas Nicholas
        9. Henry Poole
        10. Robert Poynts
        11. John Prettyman
        12. Nathaniel Stephens
      3. resistance to Cromwell’s government (17th Century)
        1. George Cony
      4. Jack-a-Lents (18th Century)
        1. Thomas Arnold
        2. William Bithell
        3. Thomas Bunting
        4. William Carrier
        5. ⸺ Cox
        6. ⸺ Derrick
        7. Walter Fitzharding
        8. ⸺ Jones
        9. Thomas Phillips
        10. John Powell
        11. Richard Price
        12. Robert Price
        13. Pierce Robins
        14. Elizabeth Walters
        15. Thomas Wellings
      5. radical reformers, 1819
        1. Cobler Jem
        2. Mr. Liddell
        3. Mr. M‘Kenzie
        4. James Weems
      6. Reform Act of 1832
        1. Thomas Attwood
        2. W. Brougham
        3. William Carpenter
        4. Thomas Duncombe
        5. George Edmonds
        6. John Fife
        7. Charles William Wentworth Fitzwilliam (Lord Milton)
        8. Mr. Galloway
        9. Captain Williams
      7. True Sun incident, 1833
        1. John Ager
        2. John Bell
        3. Patrick Grant
        4. Mr. Lorimer
      8. church rates, 1833–
      9. assessed taxes, 1833–51
        1. Mr. Birch
        2. Mr. Brain
        3. Mr. Brown
        4. Mr. Bush
        5. Mr. Chessman
        6. Mr. Cripps
        7. Mr. Crouch
        8. John Doherty
        9. Mr. Freeth
        10. Mr. George
        11. Mr. Gough
        12. D.W. Harvey
        13. Mr. Kemp
        14. Mr. Lawford
        15. Mr. Murphy
        16. Daniel O’Connell
        17. Thomas Robertson
        18. Mr. Savage
        19. Mr. Sewell
        20. Mr. Wakeley
        21. Stephen White
        22. W. Williams
        23. Mr. Wyld
        24. Mr. York
      10. Newspaper stamp tax, 1835
        1. Joseph Foster
      11. Corn Law protest, 1842
      12. Poor Laws protest, 1843
      13. Somerset tollgate attack, 1853
      14. Insurance Act resistance, 1912
      15. The Poplar Rates Rebellion, 1921
        1. George Lansbury
      16. bookmakers strike, 1926
      17. farmers’ tithe rebellion, 1930s
        1. Eve Balfour
        2. E.A. Clarke
        3. S.B. Creen
        4. Mr. Crees
        5. W.E. Crump
        6. Vernon Drewitt
        7. K. Edward
        8. Mr. Edwards
        9. Mr. Gammon
        10. Mrs. Gardiner
        11. Arthur Groves
        12. J.M. Jones
        13. R.M. Kedward
        14. E.B. Stickells
        15. Jonathan Tamblin
        16. B. Waddington
        17. John Waspe
        18. C. Western
      18. Poll Tax Rebellion, 1987–91
        1. John Ball
        2. John Battle
        3. Danny Burns
        4. Russell Burrows
        5. Denis Canavan
        6. Andy Clachers
        7. Michael Connarty
        8. John Cromby
        9. Kenny MacAskill
        10. Thomas McGee
        11. Jeannette McGuin
        12. Eric Milligan
        13. Peter Sheridan
        14. Tommy Sheridan
        15. Alex Smith
        16. Brian Wilson
        17. Brian Wright
      19. fuel tax protests, 2000
        1. David Handley
      20. Council Tax Rebels, 2003–
        1. Ian Drover
        2. Bill Evans
        3. June Farrow
        4. Richard Fitzmaurice
        5. Sylvia Hardy
        6. Rae Hoffenberg
        7. Hedley Lester
        8. Barbara Lockwood
        9. Ross Longhurst
        10. Catherine McKenna
        11. Paul Nicolson
        12. Angela Richards
        13. David Richardson
        14. Alfred & Una Ridley
        15. June Robinson
        16. Josephine Rooney
        17. Ryan Shilson
        18. James “Sandy” Steel
        19. Billy Thomson
        20. Elizabeth Winkfield
      21. fuel tax protests, 2005, 2007
      22. Coventry “Axe the Tax” protest, 2010
      23. “Bedroom Tax” resistance, 2013–14
        1. River Axe The Tax
        2. Liz Kitching
      24. London tube fare strike, 2014
      25. “Toilet Tax” resistance, 2014
      26. Solus Estate resisters, 2014
      27. “Golden Rule Tax Disobedience,” 2016
        1. George Barda
        2. Liam Barrington-Bush
        3. Joel Benjamin
        4. Gail Bradbrook
        5. David Drew
        6. Max Graef
        7. Andrea Halewood
        8. Polly Higgins
        9. Richard House
        10. Ben Jarlett
        11. Martin Large
        12. Karín Lesnik-Oberstein
        13. Jojo Mehta
        14. Beatrice Millar
        15. Gabriel Millar
        16. Alice Murray
        17. Paul Nicolson
        18. Aliyah Norrish
        19. Mark Nurse
        20. Brian Oosthuysen
        21. Maja Passchier
        22. Kate Pickett
        23. Hazel Raee
        24. Skeena Rathor
        25. Leon Rosselson
        26. Andrew Samuels
        27. Ilana Mira Sluckin
        28. Richard Wilkinson
        29. Richard Wilson
        30. Matt Wimpress
      28. Brexit enforcement, 2019
      29. climate change activists/Extinction Rebellion, 2019–22
        1. Pete Brace
        2. Sarah Eastwood
        3. Imogen May
        4. Alex Pension
        5. Jane Rogers
      30. television license resistance, 2020
      31. Don’t Pay U.K., 2022–23
    11. Burundi
      1. in 2015
        1. Jérémie Minani
    12. Cameroon
      1. Ambazonian separatists
      2. Biafra Nations League, 2021
    13. Canada
      1. Irish settlers, 1881
      2. Montreal merchants, 1893
      3. Doukhobors in 1906
      4. Manitoba wage tax, 1934
      5. Montreal sales tax, 1935
      6. customs dispute with Mohawks, 1969
      7. Stormont County education tax, 1970
        1. Gordon Hill
      8. Ontario sales tax, 1981
        1. Bruce Knapp
        2. Verna Perry
      9. taxi drivers, 2016
      10. property tax resisters, McKillop, 2018
      11. war tax resisters
        1. Edith Adamson
        2. Joshua Goldberg
        3. Doug Hewitt-White
        4. Bruna Nota
        5. Jerilynn C. Prior
        6. Charlotte & Ernie Weins
        7. Joshua Weresch
        8. Don Woodside
      12. carbon tax resistance, 2019
      13. Alberta tax strike, 2020
        1. David Swann
      14. Strathcona neighbors, 2020
    14. Chile
      1. Salta municipal taxes in 2013
        1. Guillermo Durand Cornejo
    15. China
      1. Ge Cheng revolt, 1601
      2. Zhaowen in 1846
      3. Qingpu and eastern Jiangnan, 1852–53
      4. Canton in 1901
      5. circa 1902
      6. Sahyang in 1904
      7. liberals in 1910
      8. Railway Protection Movement, 1911
      9. Shanghai in 1927
      10. farmers in 1952
      11. violent attacks against tax collectors in 1986–1987
      12. in 1988–2000
      13. in 2009
      14. Zhili in 2011
      15. Hong Kong / Occupy Central, 2014–15, 2019
        1. Franklen K.S. Choi
        2. Raymond Kwong
        3. Louise Lee
    16. Colombia
      1. Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, 1997–
      2. in 2009
        1. Carlos Gomez
      3. tollgate destruction, 2018
    17. Democratic Republic of the Congo
      1. tax strikes in North & South Kivu, 2015–21
      2. pro-democracy movement, 2017
      3. Mungwalu business strike, 2017
      4. Faradje tax strike, 2019
      5. Tax strikes in Ituri, 2020–22
      6. Butembo businesses, 2022
    18. Cuba
      1. immigrants to the Isle of Pines, 1903
    19. Cyprus
      1. tax resistance for partition, 1958
      2. bank deposit tax for a bailout, 2013
      3. social insurance tax resistance, 2014
        1. Michael Paraskevas
      4. conscientious objector Halil Karapasiaoglou, 2019
    20. Denmark
      1. war tax resistance movement
      2. anti tax-administration arson attacks in 2015
    21. Dominican Republic
      1. sugar industry, 1905
      2. value-added tax resistance, 2014
    22. Dutch West Indies
      1. in 1921
    23. Egypt
      1. Mahdist uprising, 1884
      2. tourist tax strike, 1947
      3. transit fare boycott, 2013
    24. Ethiopia
      1. Business strikes, 2017
      2. Sawla tax revolt, 2017
    25. Fiji
      1. tax on Indian laborers, 1924
      2. tax resistance of native Fijians, 1928
    26. France
      1. gabelle riots in 1548
      2. Croquant Rebellion (17th Century)
      3. revolt of the papier timbré, 1675
      4. tithe resistance
      5. French revolutions, 1789–93 & 1848
      6. constitutionalists, 1829
      7. protest against Catholic school measures, 1902–03
      8. tax on home-distilled liquor, 1904
      9. wine-growers tax strike, 1907
        1. Marcélin Albert
        2. Ernest Ferroul
      10. baby carriage tax, 1913
      11. income tax, 1922
      12. stokers, 1923
      13. Paris hartal, 1933
      14. Peasant Front, 1933–35
        1. Joseph Divanac’h
        2. Henri Dorgères
        3. Valentin Salvaudon
      15. petrol tax, 1934
      16. Jews in Vichy France, 1944
      17. Tax on Christian school fundraising, 1947
      18. Poujadism, 1955
        1. Pierre Poujade
      19. Larzac base protesters, 1973
      20. heterosexual supremacists, 2013
      21. football teams, 2013
      22. bonnets rouges, 2013–14
        1. Joseph Baron
        2. Samantha Prime
      23. miscellaneous resisters, 2014
      24. hotels, 2016
      25. terrorist victims’ families, 2016
      26. toll gate raiders, 2016
      27. gilets jaunes, 2018–19
      28. fuel tax blockades, 2019
    27. Germany
      1. Balingen in 1764
      2. in 1848
        1. Lothar Bucher
        2. Ludwig Hildenhagen
        3. Karl Marx
        4. Hermann Schulze
        5. Philipp von Berg
        6. ⸺ Zeigler
      3. Hesse in 1850
      4. Weimar Germany and the Ruhrkampf, 1919–33
        1. Gustav Ritter von Kahr
      5. dog tax, 1925
      6. VAT resistance
      7. television tax resistance
        1. Sieglinde Baumert
      8. war tax resisters
        1. Susanne Großmann
        2. Gertrud Nehls
        3. Christa & Klausmart Voigt
      9. peace tax movement
        1. Brigitte Janus
        2. Dorothee Sölle
        3. Wolfgang Steuer
      10. Wir Zahlen Nicht, 2023
    28. Ghana
      1. in 1854
        1. Badu Asōnkō
      2. phone retailers in 2013
      3. business strike in Accra, 2016
    29. Greece
      1. Tinos, 1833
      2. Lazarina tax resistance, 1898
      3. tobacco tax increase, 2010
      4. in 2011–2019
        1. coffee tax resistance
        2. electricity tax resistance
        3. road toll resistance
        4. Nick Aslanoglou
        5. Stratos Daskarolou
        6. Alexis Haritsis
        7. Zoe Konstantopoulou
        8. John Oikonomakou
        9. George Theofanou
        10. Thanos Tzimeros
    30. Guinea-Bissau
      1. cashew traders, 2011
    31. Haiti
      1. Ouanaminthe Codevi workers, 2017
    32. Holland
      1. war tax resistance around 1921
    33. Honduras
      1. 2013–16
        1. Maria Francisca Sevilla
    34. Hungary
      1. independence (from Austria) campaign, 1849–1905
        1. Ferenc Deák
    35. Iceland
      1. resistance to mandatory tithes, 2015
    36. India
      1. Benares hartal of 1810–11
      2. Muslim cloth merchants in Bombay, 1860
      3. Bhats in 1861
      4. Gandhi’s campaigns
        1. Bardoli tax strikes
        2. the salt march
        3. homespun cloth (khādī) / swadeshi
        4. Jarunalal Bajaj
        5. Raja Gopala Chari
        6. Mahadev Desai
        7. Kasturbhai Gandhi
        8. Davi Das Gandhi
        9. Ram Das Gandhi
        10. Sen Gupta
        11. Shanker Lal
        12. Rukmini Laxmipathi
        13. Jawaharlal Nehru
        14. Sarojini Naidu
        15. Maniben Patel
        16. Vallabhbhai Patel
        17. Abbas Tyabji
      5. Khakharechi, 1930
      6. Alwar Meo revolt in 1932–34
      7. Moslem League in 1946
      8. Delhi lawyers in 2009
      9. cable TV operators in 2013
      10. Local Body Tax in Pune, 2014
      11. new state taxes in Kerala, 2014
      12. Hoskote toll gates, 2015
      13. business tax strike in Jammu, 2015
      14. house tax resistance in Guragon, 2015
      15. Patidar reservation agitation, 2015
      16. Transport truck strike, 2015
      17. Aurangabad property tax strike, 2015
      18. anti-corruption tax resistance, 2016–17
        1. Premlata Bhansali
        2. Arun Chaudhari
        3. Anjali Damania
        4. Alyque Padamsee
      19. Textile industry in Vaishali, 2016
      20. Gold dealers, 2016
      21. GST rollout, 2017
      22. Municipal Corporation of Gurugram, 2017
      23. Handcraft manufacturers, 2017
      24. Kollywood filmmakers, 2017
      25. Maratha Kranti Morcha movement, 2018
      26. Electronic City, 2021
    37. Indonesia
      1. Dutch East Indies in 1909
      2. PRD protest in 2000
        1. Sunu Pajar
      3. anti-austerity in 2012
      4. political opposition in 2019
        1. Arief Poyuono
    38. Iran
      1. Christians in the 4th Century
        1. Shimon bar Sabbae
      2. Tehran bazaar in 2008
      3. Protests of 2018
        1. Shirin Ebadi
    39. Iraq
      1. Resistance to Ottoman taxes, 1906
    40. Ireland
      1. Rebecca copycats, 1843
      2. Land League
        1. Thomas Condon
        2. Michael Davitt
        3. James Rice Kent
        4. Thomas MacMahon
        5. Charles Stewart Parnell
      3. Nationalists in 1887
        1. Thomas Croke
      4. Constable Leahy Tax, 1888
        1. John Healy
        2. James R. Kent
        3. John Mandeville
        4. Michael O’Donnell
      5. Unionists (~1892–1913, 1986)
        1. Edward Carson
        2. William Moore
        3. J.H. Stirling
      6. Inishmurray, 1911
      7. Sinn Fein (~1917–~1922)
        1. Éamon de Valera
      8. Galway County islands (~1932)
      9. Blue Shirts in 1934
        1. Michael Patrick Lynch
      10. Dublin water charge strike, 1990s
      11. bin tax protests (~2001–05)
        1. Joe Higgins
      12. water charge strike, 2007
      13. household tax/water charge, 2012–16
        1. Joe Conway
        2. Ruth Coppinger
        3. Nicky Coules
        4. Richard Forbes
        5. Bill Michael O’Brien
        6. Paul Murphy
      14. anti-austerity protests, 2014
      15. heavy goods vehicle tax, 2014
    41. Islamic State
    42. Israel (see also Palestine)
      1. Ethiopian Jewish minority, 2015
        1. Shlomo Molla
      2. Pandemic-related protest, 2020
        1. Hemi Rudner
      3. Palestinians in East Jerusalem
    43. Italy
      1. Naples in 1647
        1. Masaniello (Tommaso Aniello)
      2. grist tax, 1869
      3. Carnival of Viareggio, 1873
      4. Movement for Life, 1979
      5. Catholic war tax resisters, 1985–
        1. Lorenzo Belloni
        2. Giovanni Paolo Ramonda
      6. Palermo’s anti-pizzo movement, 2004–
        1. Lo Bello
        2. Vincenzo Conticello
        3. Libero Grassi
        4. Fabio Messina
        5. Andrea Vecchio
      7. Sicily in 2010?
      8. Northern League in 2010–14
        1. Roberto Maroni
        2. Matteo Salvini
        3. Luca Zaia
      9. anti-austerity, 2012
      10. miscellaneous resisters, 2013–15
        1. Giuseppe Barresi
        2. Rossella Fidanza
        3. Alessandra Marazzi
        4. Marco Mori
        5. Mariano Pavanello
        6. Andrea Polese
        7. Chiara Rizzi
        8. Don Marino Ruggero
      11. Venetian secessionists, 2014–
        1. Gianluca Busato
        2. Lucio Chiavegato
        3. Fabio Padovan
        4. Federica Piran
      12. gay rights tax strike, 2016
        1. Tommaso Cerno
      13. Trieste secessionists, 2016
      14. Anti-refugee dissenters, 2017
      15. Marche restauranteurs, 2020
      16. Orange Vests, 2020
      17. Tuscan businesses, 2020
      18. Cesena businesses, 2021
      19. Bars and restaurants, 2021
    44. Ivory Coast
      1. in 2011
    45. Jamaica
      1. in 1848
        1. Mark Bloomfield
        2. Edward Francis
        3. John Gordon
        4. William Gordon
        5. William Graham
        6. Thomas Henry
        7. Robert M‘Cormick
        8. Lewis Nugent
        9. George Riley
      2. in 1883
    46. Japan
      1. foreign residents and the house tax, 1902
        1. T.W. Hellyer
        2. H. Keswick
      2. Conscientious Objection to Military Tax, 1974–
        1. Akiteru Nakagawa
        2. Yasusaburo Hoshino
        3. Susumu Ishitani
        4. Shizuo Ito
        5. Michio Ohno
        6. Gan Sakakibara
        7. Ishihara Shoichi
    47. Jordan
      1. Bani Obeid tax strike, 2014
    48. Kenya
      1. hut tax resistance, 1907–34
      2. European Taxpayers’ Protection League, 1922
      3. anti-White Paper poll tax strike, 1924
      4. Nakuru Wakulima market tax strike, 2014
      5. anti-“disappearances” tax strike, 2014
      6. Githurai market vendors, 2015
      7. Eastleigh business owners, 2016
      8. Kongowea market vendors, 2017
      9. Fuel tax protests, 2018
      10. Budalangi merchants, 2019
      11. Marimanti market vendors, 2022
    49. Korea (see also South Korea)
      1. 1873–1907
        1. Choe Ik-hyŭn
    50. Lebanon
      1. business-owners in 2019
      2. #مش_دافعين movement, 2019–20
      3. business-owners in 2020
        1. Dany Chakour
      4. “Don’t Pay” (utility bills), 2023
    51. Madagascar
      1. in 2013
    52. Malaysia
      1. tithe resistance after 1960
    53. Mexico
      1. Guerrero in 1892
      2. Cristero War, 1926
      3. Oaxaca in 1952
      4. Juarez in 1961
      5. Zapatista municipios autónomos
      6. Tijuana shopkeepers in 2006
        1. César Cázares
      7. Oaxaca vehicle tax, 2011
      8. Tijuana sales tax, 2013
      9. Mexico City pos me salto movement, 2013–14
      10. Apatzingán tax resistance, 2014
      11. anti-Peña tax resistance, 2014
        1. Gerardo Fernández Noroña
      12. Acapulco businesses, 2014
      13. Uruapan, 2015
      14. Huatulco, 2016
      15. Acapulco businesses, 2016
      16. gasolinazo, 2017
      17. business tax revolt, 2020
    54. Morocco
      1. tax riots, 1874
    55. Myanmar (Burma)
      1. Saya San Rebellion, 1930
      2. post-coup resistance, 2021–21
        1. Ko Aung Thu
    56. Namibia
      1. Bondelswarts Rebellion, 1922
    57. Nepal
      1. democratization movement in 2006
        1. Vijay Kumar
      2. doctors in 2010
    58. Netherlands
      1. war profits tax in 1917
      2. war tax resisters, 1986
      3. Belastingstaking voor Klimaat, 2022–
    59. New Zealand
      1. poll tax resistance, 1868
        1. S. Edger
        2. John George
        3. W.J. Speight
        4. James Wrigley
      2. Chatham Islands, 1891
      3. Dog Tax War
        1. Hone Toia
      4. “flatulence tax” in 2003
        1. Bryan Hocken
      5. sex workers, 2015
    60. Nicaragua
      1. in 1909
      2. in 1978
      3. in 2018–19
        1. Theódulo Báez Argüello
        2. Irlanda Jerez
    61. Nigeria
      1. Igbo Women’s War, 1929
        1. Nwanyeruwa
      2. the Agbękoya of 1968–69
        1. Tafa Adeoye
      3. Save Lagos Group, 2017
      4. Land Use Charge in Lagos, 2018
      5. Community Levy in Imo, 2018
      6. Biafra Nations League, 2021
    62. Pakistan
      1. PTI-organized tax strike, 2014
      2. business strikes, 2015–16
      3. business strike, 2019
    63. Palestine (see also Israel)
      1. resistance to Roman empire’s taxes
      2. Arab resistance to British empire’s taxes, 1920s
      3. Israeli independence movement, 1939–48
      4. doctors in 1981
      5. Beit Sahour & intifada, 1988–92
        1. Ghassan Andoni
        2. Tawfik Abu Aita
        3. Hanna al-Atrash
        4. Mubarak Awad
        5. Aysa Hanna Khier
        6. Ibtisam & Michel Kokaly
        7. Isa Kukali
        8. Selim Qassis
        9. Elias Rishmawi
        10. George Rishmawi
        11. Khalil Hana Rishmawi
        12. Makram Sa’ad
        13. Kamal Abu Saada
        14. Issam Sheheibet
        15. Yassa Abu Zelef
      6. Jerusalem taxing Church property, 2018
        1. Archbishop Theodosios
    64. Papua New Guinea
      1. LBJ cult in 1964
        1. Bosmialek
      2. Mataungan resistance in 1969
    65. Philippines
      1. Revolt Against the Tribute, 1589
      2. war tax resistance in 1898
      3. resistance to rebel war tax in 2011
    66. Poland
      1. Lech Walesa in 1995
      2. Media advertising tax, 2021
    67. Portugal
      1. wine district tax riot, 1845
      2. anti-austerity in 2013
    68. Puerto Rico
      1. merchants in 1932
      2. value-added tax in 2015
    69. Romania
      1. freelancers in 2010
      2. witches in 2011
        1. Alisia
        2. Bratara Buzea
      3. mining companies, 2016
    70. Russia
      1. “kosher” tax, 1810–
      2. after emancipation, 1861–
      3. Abkhazia in 1866
      4. Vyborg manifesto period, 1905–07
        1. Sergei Muromtsev
        2. Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov
        3. Ivan Illitch Petrunkevitch
      5. Russian Civil War, 1917–23
      6. trucker strike, 2015–16
    71. Samoa
      1. 1887, 1928
      2. Previously untaxed churches, 2018
    72. Scotland
      1. Malt Tax riots, 1725
      2. Kelso-bridge tollgate attack, 1854
      3. Abbey Manse Tax, 1880
      4. The “Turra Coo”, 1913
        1. Robert Paterson
    73. Senegal
      1. Aline Sitoe Diatta
    74. Serbia
      1. gig workers, 2021
    75. Sierra Leone
      1. Hut Tax War, 1898
        1. Bai Bureh
    76. Somalia
      1. Bakaara Market in 2018
      2. Galkayo businesses in 2020
    77. South Africa
      1. Griqualand West, 1874
        1. Alfred Aylward
      2. First Boer War, 1880
        1. Mr. Basson
        2. Piet Bezuidenhout
        3. Piet Cronjé
        4. Mr. Koetze
        5. Paul Kruger
      3. Tswana rebellion, 1882
      4. Swaziland hut tax resistance, 1903–07
        1. Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo
      5. Bambatha Rebellion, 1906
      6. Rhodesian farmers, 1911
      7. Gandhi’s campaigns, 1906–1914
      8. anti-Zuma/corruption movement, 2015–
    78. South Korea
      1. Jeju Naval Base activists, 2016–
      2. People’s Democracy Party, 2016
    79. Spain
      1. “trade-subsidy” tax, 1847
      2. Rubí, 1873
      3. Madrid businesses, 1882
      4. Tancament de Caixes, 1898–1900
      5. Madrid alcohol tax, 1904
      6. Valladolid undertaker strike, 1907
      7. Málaga, 1911
      8. Ondárroa municipal tax strike, 2003–11
      9. theater tax resistance, 2014
      10. la Infanta-motivated resistance, 2016
      11. Catalonia in 2010–23
        1. Quim Arrufat
        2. Andreu Bartolomé
        3. Alfred Bosch
        4. Josep Casadellà
        5. Maria Casademunt
        6. Muriel Casals
        7. Jordi Fàbrega
        8. Teresa Jordà
        9. Vincent Partal
        10. Carles Puigdemont
        11. Marta Rovira
        12. Joan Tardà
        13. Quim Torra
        14. Carles Valentí
      12. war tax resistance movement
        1. Basque war tax resistance movement
          1. Bitor Abarzuza Fontellas
        2. Hugo Alcalde
        3. Idoia Aldazabal
        4. Pepe Beúnza
        5. Juan Carlos Rois
        6. José Cutillas
        7. Pedro Enrique Polo
        8. Abel Esteban
        9. Francisco Fernández Buey
        10. Francesc García Barberà
        11. Mar Gimena
        12. Jorge Güemes
        13. Tirs Llorens
        14. Josep Manel Fontdevila
        15. Antonio Martín Canaves
        16. Miguel Martínez
        17. Jùlia Moltó
        18. Carlos S. Olmo Bau
        19. Martí Olivellas
        20. Arcadi Oliveres
        21. Pedro Otaduy
        22. Jesús Paz
        23. Carlos Pérez
        24. Pepa Pretel
        25. Ignacio Ruibal
        26. Pablo San José
        27. Francisco José Sarrión Torres
        28. Joan Surroca
        29. Almudena Trillo
        30. Adrián Vahillo
        31. Koldovi Velasco
        32. Arrate Vivar
        33. Josep Maria Yago
      13. comprehensive disobedience movement
        1. Handbook of Economic Disobedience
        2. Troika Fiscal Disobedience Consultancy
        3. Maite Blasco
        4. Álex Corrones
        5. Enric Durán
        6. Núria Güell
        7. Carlos Lopez
        8. Levi Orta
        9. Paco Ortega
        10. Luis Torres
      14. anti-bullfighting tax resistance movement
        1. Rubén Pérez
      15. ICA in Zaragoza
        1. Pablo Hijar
      16. Barcelona Metropolitan Area tax
    80. Sri Lanka
      1. anti-Tamil Tiger compensation, 2018
      2. labor strike against tax hikes, 2023
    81. Sweden
      1. transit fare resisters, 2000–14
    82. Switzerland
      1. tax strike in Basel region, 1920
      2. bobbed hair tax of 1929
      3. war tax resisters, 1972
    83. Tanzania
      1. hut tax rebellion, 1900
      2. Arumeru tax revolt, 1998
      3. merchants, 2013
    84. Thailand
      1. anti-amnesty resistance, 2013
    85. Tunisia
      1. taxi drivers, 2014
      2. businesses, 2017
    86. Turkey
      1. Christians in Crete in the 1880s
      2. tax revolts of 1906–07
      3. refusal to pay inflated utility bills, 2022
        1. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu
    87. Uganda
      1. internet tax, 2018
        1. Robert Kyagulanyi, “Bobi Wine”
    88. Ukraine
      1. 2014
    89. United States
      1. Resistance to tax on Jews in New Amsterdam, 1655
        1. Asser Levy
      2. Colonial resistance to Governor Andros, 1687
        1. John Andrews
        2. John Appleton
        3. Samuel Appleton
        4. Thomas French
        5. William Goodhue
        6. Robert Kinsman
        7. John Wise
      3. New Jersey resistance to Catholic assessor, 1715
      4. Massachusetts nonconformists in 1723
      5. North Carolina colonial rebellions, 1735–66
      6. American revolution, 1765–81
        1. Boston Tea Party
          1. George Hewes
          2. Joshua Wyeth
          3. Thomas Young
        2. boycott of British goods
        3. Quaker resistance to rebel taxes
        4. Samuel Adams
        5. Penelope Barker
        6. Mary Hoskins
        7. Elizabeth King
        8. Milcah Martha Moore
        9. Sarah Valentine
      7. Regulator movement (North Carolina), 1767–71
        1. ⸺ Butler
        2. Bartholomew Cogman
        3. Hermon Cox
        4. Isaac Cox
        5. Samuel Cox
        6. Joshua Dixon
        7. Benjamin & John Hinshaw
        8. James Hunter
        9. Hermon Husband
        10. Nathan Farmer
        11. James Few
        12. John Frazer
        13. John Fulman
        14. William Graves
        15. Rednap Howell
        16. ⸺ Johnston
        17. James Matthews
        18. Thomas Person
        19. Jesse Pugh
        20. Christopher Smith
        21. William Tanzy
        22. Robert Thompson
        23. Thomas Trap
        24. Benjamin & James Underwood
        25. John & William Williams
        26. ⸺ Winkler
        27. Mr. Woodward
      8. Western New Hampshire, 1781
      9. York tax riot of 1786
        1. Jacob Bixler
        2. Adam, Andrew, Conrad, & Frederick Hoak
        3. Godfrey & Philip King
        4. George Miller
        5. Peter Schneider
        6. Philip Wintemeyer
      10. Whiskey Rebellion, 1791–94
        1. John Hamilton
        2. Hermon Husband
        3. Thomas McComb
        4. John McCulloch
        5. James McFarlane
        6. John Robertson
        7. Robert Smilie
      11. Fries Rebellion, 1799–1800
        1. Henry Artman
        2. Abraham Braith
        3. Michael Breich
        4. John Eberhart (Everhard)
        5. Daniel Everly
        6. Jacob Eyerman
        7. John Fox
        8. Daniel and John Fries
        9. Daniel, Jacob, and Peter Gable
        10. George, John, and William Getman
        11. Peter Hamberg
        12. Herman Hartman
        13. Frederick Heany
        14. Abraham and Peter Heidrick
        15. Jacob Hoover
        16. Henry, Jacob, and John Huber
        17. Henry Jarrett
        18. Daniel, Jacob, and John Klein
        19. Conrad Marks
        20. George Mitchel
        21. George and Henry Mumbower
        22. Aaron Samsel
        23. George Shaeffer
        24. Henry Shankwyler
        25. Andrew Shiffert
        26. George Snyder
        27. Christopher Socks
        28. Adam Stephen
        29. Abraham Strong
        30. William Thomas
        31. Daniel Weidner
        32. George and Nicholas Wyker
      12. Maryland debt crisis, 1843
      13. California Foreign Miners Tax, 1850
      14. California/Utah/Nevada boundary disputes, 1850–67
      15. Tennessee during reconstruction, 1866
      16. Georgia dockworkers, 1867
      17. anti-Tammany Hall, 1871
      18. South Carolina during reconstruction, 1871–77
        1. J.B. Campbell
        2. T.M. Hanckel
        3. Isaac W. Hayne
        4. Richard Lathers
        5. C.T. Lowndes
        6. C.R. Miles
        7. B.H. Rutledge
        8. C.H. Simonton
        9. George A. Trenholm
        10. George H. Walter
      19. Louisiana during reconstruction, 1872–79
        1. Smith W. Bennett
        2. W.C. Black
        3. Edward Booth
        4. Daniel Warren Brickell
        5. D.C. Brown
        6. Fred Cann
        7. Anthony Carriere
        8. E. Conery
        9. John B. Cotton
        10. D. Faulk
        11. John Q.A. Fellows
        12. John G. Fleming
        13. Benjamin F. Florence
        14. W. Freret
        15. A.A. Lacy
        16. Hugh McCloskey
        17. G.W. McCranie
        18. John McEnery
        19. S.D. McEnery
        20. G.W. McFee
        21. Julien Michel
        22. Archibald Mitchell
        23. Eli Noble
        24. Isaac W. Patton
        25. William. M. Randolph
        26. R. Richardson
        27. Louis Schneider
        28. S.J.N. Smith
        29. Eugene Waggaman
        30. Robert J. Wilson
        31. William Woelper
      20. Texas Salt Wars, 1877
      21. Missouri railroad bonds, 1872–1908
        1. William P. Barnes
        2. Benjamin F. Copenhaver
        3. F.M. George
        4. F.E. Johnston
        5. Edwin T. Lane
        6. Judge Lyons
        7. James M. Nevitt
        8. Sam C. Peden
        9. Judge Phillips
        10. Thomas Scott
        11. W.A. Wray
      22. Steuben County, New York railroad bonds, 1878
        1. William Atkins
      23. Kentucky railroad bonds, 1878–1913
        1. Aaron, Ed, George, Luther, and Walter Blakeman
        2. John Bass
        3. Julia Bass
        4. Jo H. Chandler
        5. John H. Chandler
        6. W.T. Chandler
        7. Q.B. Coleman
        8. J.M. Dyer
        9. James Gupton
        10. Jane Hoskins
        11. James Lemon
        12. Milton & Brady
        13. H.T. Morton
        14. D.B. Moore
        15. Levi Oppenheimer
        16. Tot Perkins
        17. Frank Prater
        18. George A. Prentice
        19. John Price
        20. Sheriff Prouse
        21. R.E. Puryear
        22. Sheriff Quirey
        23. Capt. & Mrs. Sandusky
        24. Ive Taylor
        25. James Taylor
        26. Mander Underwood
        27. Captain Wall
        28. Thomas Young
      24. Niagara County, New York railroad bonds, 1881
      25. Cincinnati liquor tax, 1884
      26. Dakota “half-breeds,” 1889
      27. Dothan Riot, 1889
        1. George Stringer
      28. Polish dog owners in Kingston, 1895
      29. Denver property tax, 1896
      30. Cuban war tax, 1897
      31. Crow Reservation, 1899
      32. Cherokee cattle tax, 1899
      33. Creek tribal tax, 1900–05
      34. Alabama poll tax, 1901
      35. police extortion in New York City, 1902
      36. Syracuse University students, 1902
      37. Ohio vehicle tax, 1906
      38. Ohio surtax, 1906
      39. Creek Nation tribal tax, 1907
      40. Greek community in Lewiston, Maine, 1907
      41. Silver Lake Assembly property owners, 1908
      42. Japanese workers in Oxnard, 1909
      43. Italian immigrants denied Second Amendment rights, 1909
      44. socialists vs. poll taxes, 1910–12
        1. J.J. Keon
      45. Kansas road tax, 1911
        1. C.O. Boyce
        2. Dilver Brown
        3. W.H. Brown
        4. M.F. Egan
        5. George Harp
        6. O.M. Hund
        7. Jeff Hurley
        8. William Reese
        9. A.W. Ricker
        10. W.P. Riley
        11. J.I. Sheppard
        12. Ed Taylor
      46. Joplin plumbers, 1914
      47. Liberty Bonds in World War Ⅰ, 1917–18
        1. George Allenbach
        2. Leon Battig
        3. Herman Bausch
        4. Joseph Buechtel
        5. D.A. Cleason
        6. George, Henry, & Walter Cooprider
        7. Dan A. Diener
        8. David Fast
        9. Henry Freudenberg
        10. Gustav Gastrock
        11. Nick Hirsch
        12. A.L. Hitchcock
        13. Henry Horst
        14. John Kramer
        15. William Kolterman
        16. Henry Lattell
        17. Louis B. Leach
        18. John S. Mast
        19. John Meints
        20. Theodore Pape
        21. Ed Payne
        22. John Radzouki
        23. Lizzie Rozitch
        24. John Schrag
        25. Tony Senkis
        26. Hans Spiegel
        27. Frank Stephens
        28. C.C. Thompson
        29. Lena Turdalowitz
        30. Herman Uhlrig
        31. Michael Wisasanki
      48. radical groups around World War Ⅰ
      49. soft drinks tax in World War Ⅰ, 1919
      50. Arkansas road tax, 1921
        1. Alexander MacDonald
      51. black poll tax resisters in Georgia, 1921
        1. Lee Adams
        2. Jim Bennefield
        3. Sam Byrom
        4. Causey Chapman
        5. Willie Chapman
        6. Fate Chapman
        7. Ras Cobb
        8. J.T. Davis
        9. Rich Davis
        10. Chess Lewis
        11. Buddie Wall
        12. Lawyer West
        13. Luke West
      52. farmers tax strike, 1922
      53. Newly-enfranchised women in Pennsylvania, 1922–27
        1. Anna Beck
        2. Caroline Behanna
        3. Mr. & Mrs. H. Norman Byers
        4. Ada Housden
        5. Christian Landis
        6. Margaret Lytle
        7. Henrietta Moss
        8. Lillian Reed
        9. Ella & Rhoda Rotz
        10. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stankavitz
        11. Frank & Lucy Sura
        12. E.A. Webster
      54. Chicago property tax strikes, 1930–33 & 1977
        1. Lillian Cisar
        2. Leonard Hartman
        3. Milton Mueller
        4. John Morgan Pratt
        5. James Tobin
      55. Cedar County Cow War, 1931
      56. Elmira, New York local taxes, 1933
        1. Leon B. Keeton
      57. New York auto tax, 1933
      58. agricultural areas, 1933
      59. Arkansas sales tax, 1935
        1. Harley Stump
      60. Meat Strike, 1935
      61. Alabama sales tax, 1936
      62. Catholic War Vets in Manhattan, 1938
      63. Coal Township, Pennsylvania, 1939
        1. George Rumberger
      64. Pennsylvania wage tax, 1952–53
      65. D.C. statehood, 1955–
        1. Jan Eichhorn
        2. Walter E. Fauntroy
        3. Daisy Harriman
        4. Lateef Mangum
        5. Carol Schwartz
      66. Tuscarora Nation, 1959
        1. Mad Bear Anderson
      67. Cadillac, Michigan property tax strike, 1961
      68. Vietnam War, ~1965–75
        1. No Tax for War Committee protest, 1967
          1. Amy & Meldon Acheson
          2. Warren Ambrose
          3. Michael J. Ames
          4. Alfred F. Andersen
          5. Beulah K. Arndt
          6. Richard Baker
          7. Bruce & Pam Beck
          8. Ruth T. Best
          9. Margaret & Robert Blood
          10. Donnell Boardman
          11. Edwin Brooks
          12. A. Dale Brothington
          13. Lydia Bruns
          14. Wendal Bull
          15. Dorothy Bucknell
          16. John Burslem
          17. Catharine J. Cadbury
          18. Maris Cakars
          19. Phyllis & Robert Calese
          20. William N. Calloway
          21. Betty Camp
          22. Daryle V. Carter
          23. Jared & Susan Carter
          24. Ken & Peggy Champney
          25. Hank & Henry Chapin
          26. Holly Chenery
          27. Richard A. Chinn
          28. Noam Chomsky
          29. John & Judy Christian
          30. Gordon & Mary Christiansen
          31. Peter Christiansen
          32. Donald F. Cole
          33. John Augustine Cook
          34. Helen Marr Cook
          35. Jack Coolidge, Jr.
          36. Allen Cooper
          37. Martin J. Corbin
          38. Dorothy J. Cunningham
          39. Jean DaCosta
          40. Ann & William Davidon
          41. Stanley F. Davis
          42. David Dellinger
          43. Robert Dewart
          44. Ruth Dodd
          45. John M. Dolan
          46. Orin Doty
          47. Allen Duberstein
          48. Malcolm Dundas
          49. Susan Eanet
          50. Robert W. “Bob” Eaton
          51. Mark Paul Edelman
          52. John Ek
          53. Francis & Johan W. Eliot
          54. Jerry Engelbach
          55. George J. Etu, Jr.
          56. Mary C. Eubanks
          57. Jonathan Evans
          58. William E. Evans
          59. Pearl Ewald
          60. Franklin Farmer
          61. Bertha Faust
          62. Dianne M. Feeley
          63. Rice A. Felder
          64. Henry A. Felisone
          65. Mildred Fellin
          66. Glenn Fisher
          67. Ann & Don Fortenberry
          68. Ruth Gage-Colby
          69. Lawrence H. Geller
          70. Richard Ghelli
          71. Charles Gibadlo
          72. Bruce Glushakow
          73. Arthur Goulston
          74. Thomas Grabell
          75. Steven Green
          76. Walter Grengg
          77. Joseph Gribbins
          78. Kenneth Gross
          79. John M. Grzywacz, Jr.
          80. Catherine Guertin
          81. Martha Bentley Hall
          82. Thomas C. Hall
          83. David & Jan Hartsough
          84. Janet Hawksley
          85. James P. Hayes, Jr.
          86. R.F. Helstern
          87. Norman Henry
          88. Robert Hickey
          89. Dick & Heide Hiler
          90. William Himelhoch
          91. C.J. Hinke
          92. Anthony Hinrichs
          93. William M. Hodsdon
          94. Florence Howe
          95. Donald & Mary Huck
          96. Philip Isely
          97. Michael Itkin
          98. Charles T. Jackson
          99. F. Robert Johnson
          100. Ashton & Marie Jones
          101. Paul Jordan
          102. Donald Kalish
          103. Louis Kampf
          104. Paul Keiser
          105. Joel C. Kent
          106. Paul & Pauline Kermiet
          107. Peter N. Kiger
          108. Richard King
          109. H.A. Kreinkamp
          110. Arthur & Margaret Landes
          111. Paul Lauter
          112. Marolyn & Peter Leach
          113. George A. & Gertrud Lear, Jr.
          114. Alan & Elin Learnard
          115. Richard A. Lema
          116. Florence Levinsohn
          117. Elliot Linzer
          118. David C. Lorenz
          119. Preston B. Luitweiler
          120. Staughton Lynd
          121. Adriann van L. Maas
          122. Ben & Sue Mann
          123. Paul & Salome Mann
          124. Howard E. Marston, Sr.
          125. Helen & Martin Mayfield
          126. Lilian McFarland
          127. Felix & Maureen McGowan
          128. Maryann McNaughton
          129. Gelston McNeil
          130. Guy W. Meyer
          131. Catherine & David Miller
          132. Jonathan Mirsky
          133. James Missey
          134. Sidney Morgenbesser
          135. Mark Morris
          136. Janet Murphy
          137. Thomas P. Murray
          138. Rosemary Nagy
          139. Neal D. Newby, Jr.
          140. Miriam Nicholas
          141. David Nolan
          142. Wayne A. O’Neill
          143. Michael O’Quin
          144. Ruth Orcutt
          145. Eleanor Ostroff
          146. Doug Palmer
          147. Malcolm & Margeret Parker
          148. Michael E. Pettie
          149. John Pettigrew
          150. Lydia H. Philips
          151. Dean W. Plagowski
          152. Jefferson Poland
          153. Ralph Powell
          154. Jean Putnam
          155. Harriet Putterman
          156. Anatol Rapoport
          157. Robert Reitz
          158. Ben & Helen Reyes
          159. Elsa G. Richmond
          160. Pat Rusk
          161. Helen & Joe Ryan
          162. Paul Salstrom
          163. Ira J. Sandperl
          164. Franz Schurmann
          165. Jerry & Rae Schwartz
          166. Martin Shepard
          167. Richard T. Sherman
          168. Louis Silverstein
          169. T.W. Simer
          170. Ann B. Sims
          171. Jane Beverly Smith
          172. Linda Smith
          173. Thomas W. Smuda
          174. Bob Speck
          175. Elizabeth P. Steiner
          176. Lee D. Stern
          177. Beverly Sterner
          178. Charles H. Straut, Jr.
          179. Stephen Suffet
          180. Albert & Joyce Sunderland, Jr.
          181. Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Sutter
          182. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
          183. Katherine & Oliver Tatum
          184. Gary G. Taylor
          185. Harold Tovish
          186. Cele & Joe Tuchinsky
          187. Lloyd & Phyllis Tyler
          188. Ingegerd Uppman
          189. Margaret von Selle
          190. Evelyn Wallace
          191. Joan Ann & Wilbur Wallis
          192. Mary & William Webb
          193. Barbara Webster
          194. John K. White
          195. Willson Whitman
          196. Denny & Ida Wilcher
          197. Huw Williams
          198. Bob Wilson
          199. Emily T. Wilson
          200. Jim & Raona Wilson
          201. W.W. Wittkamper
          202. Sylvia Woog
          203. Mildred & Wilmer Young
          204. Betty & Louis Zemel
          205. Vicki Jo. Zilinkas
        2. Writers & Editors War Tax Protest, 1967
          1. Nelson Algren
          2. Walter Arnold
          3. Lew Arthur
          4. Aaron Asher
          5. Dore Ashton
          6. Eliot Asinof
          7. James Baldwin
          8. Richard Baron
          9. Thomas D. Barry
          10. Elizabeth Bartelme
          11. Gregory Battcock
          12. Sally Belfrage
          13. Francis Bello
          14. Eric Bentley
          15. Lawrence M. Bensky
          16. Albert Bermel
          17. Joyce Bermel
          18. Sidney Bernard
          19. James Best
          20. Sara Blackburn
          21. George Blake
          22. Robert Bly
          23. Florence Bonime
          24. Kay Boyle
          25. Frederic Bradlee
          26. Yanna Kroyt Brandt
          27. Saul Braun
          28. Carol Brightman
          29. Thomas R. Brooks
          30. Dan Browne
          31. Susan Brownmiller
          32. David Budbill
          33. Richard V. Carter
          34. Lois Chevalier
          35. Robert Clairborne
          36. Judith Coburn
          37. Arthur A. Cohen
          38. Hy Cohen
          39. Fred J. Cook
          40. Joseph Cunneen
          41. Guy Daniels
          42. Amy Dave
          43. Tana de Gamez
          44. Barbara Deming
          45. Philip K. Dick
          46. Digby Diehl
          47. Lawrence Dietz
          48. Stanley Diamond
          49. Shirley Dolgoff
          50. Candida Donadio
          51. Arlene Donovan
          52. Martin Duberman
          53. Lloyd Richard Ellison
          54. Richard M. Elman
          55. Joseph Felshin
          56. Lawrence Ferlinghetti
          57. W.H. Ferry
          58. David W. Fisher
          59. Harold Flender
          60. Isabel W. Fox
          61. Joseph M. Fox
          62. Jean Todd Freeman
          63. Betty Friedan
          64. Dan Georgakas
          65. Edwin Gilbert
          66. Allen Ginsberg
          67. Ralph Ginzburg
          68. Tod Gitlin
          69. Natalie Gittelson
          70. Mitchell Goodman
          71. Paul Goodman
          72. Sally Goodman
          73. Saul Gottlieb
          74. Jean Gould
          75. Dan Green
          76. Caroline Greenberg
          77. Josh Greenfeld
          78. Harold Greenwald
          79. Ronald Gross
          80. Jean Grossman
          81. Richard L. Grossman
          82. William H.Y. Hackett
          83. Richard Hammer
          84. Dianne Harris
          85. Mary Heathcote
          86. James Leo Herlihy
          87. Neil Hickey
          88. Warren Hinckle
          89. Susan Hirschmann
          90. Berenice Hoffman
          91. Len Holt
          92. Lamar Hoover
          93. John Hopper
          94. Richard Hudson
          95. Thomas Humber
          96. Will Inman
          97. Martin & Nancy Jezer
          98. Paul Jacobs
          99. Louise Kapp
          100. Peter Kemeny
          101. Edwin Kennebeck
          102. James Kirkwood
          103. Richard Kostelanetz
          104. Norman Kotker
          105. Zane Kotker
          106. Max Kozloff
          107. Barbara S. Kraft
          108. Paul Krassner
          109. Louise Lacey
          110. Keith Lampe
          111. Elinor Langer
          112. Eric Lasher
          113. Sidney Lens
          114. John Leonard
          115. Denise Levertov
          116. Janice Lloyd
          117. Louis E. Lomax
          118. Kennett Love
          119. Dick Lourie
          120. Walter Lowenfels
          121. Dwight Macdonald
          122. A. Kent MacDougall
          123. Martha MacGregor
          124. Iris Lezak MacLow
          125. Jackson MacLow
          126. Henry Magdol
          127. Norman Mailer
          128. George Mandel
          129. Richard Marek
          130. Robert Markel
          131. Charles Lam Markmann
          132. Peter Matthiessen
          133. Alice Mayhew
          134. James R. McCawley
          135. James McConkey
          136. John McDermott
          137. Harold Mehling
          138. Henry Miller
          139. Merle Miller
          140. Henry Misrock
          141. Howard R. Moody
          142. Ira Morris
          143. Kelly Morris
          144. Carl Morse
          145. Erika Munk
          146. Henry Myers
          147. Jack Nessel
          148. Jay Neugeboren
          149. Peter Nevraumont
          150. Jack Newfield
          151. Robert B. Nichols
          152. William Noble
          153. Bink Noll
          154. Robert M. Ockene
          155. Ned O’Gorman
          156. Tillie Olsen
          157. Grace Paley
          158. Adam Parry
          159. Frances Fox Piven
          160. Richard Poirier
          161. Ned Polsky
          162. Thomas Pynchon
          163. Jules Rabin
          164. Anne Reit
          165. Evan H. Rhodes
          166. Adrienne Rich
          167. Alan Rinzler
          168. Ray Robinson
          169. Frances Ross
          170. William S. Rukeyser
          171. Marshall Sahlins
          172. Faith Sale
          173. J. Kirkpatrick Sale
          174. Gertrude Samuels
          175. John P. Scanlon
          176. Gertrude P. Schafer
          177. Hal Scharlatt
          178. Richard Schechner
          179. Robert Scheer
          180. Andre Schiffrin
          181. Janet Schulman
          182. Richard Seaver
          183. David Segal
          184. Selma Shapiro
          185. Robert Sherrill
          186. Paul Showers
          187. Jules Siegel
          188. Joan Simon
          189. John Simon
          190. John J. Simon
          191. Bennett Sims
          192. Susan Sontag
          193. Peter Sourian
          194. Peter Spackman
          195. John Speicher
          196. Benjamin Spock
          197. Gloria Steinem
          198. Dorothy Sterling
          199. Philip Sterling
          200. Samuel D. Stewart
          201. Neil G. Stuart
          202. Harvey Swados
          203. Dave Swaney
          204. Hope Taylor
          205. Norman Thomas
          206. Hunter S. Thompson
          207. Caroline Trager
          208. Kurt Vonnegut
          209. Gerald Walker
          210. Greta Walker
          211. Arthur I. Waskow
          212. Sonya Weil
          213. Harold Weisberg
          214. David Welsh
          215. Ruth West
          216. Wallace White
          217. Roger Wiesenbach
          218. Judith Winkler
          219. Sol Yurick
          220. Howard Zinn
        3. Swarthmore professors, 1969
          1. Carl Barus
          2. Thompson Bradley
          3. Barbara Reynolds
          4. Alburt M. Rosenberg
          5. Richard Terdiman
          6. James T. Wood
        4. Harvard University faculty, 1970
          1. Harvey Cox
          2. Herbert C. Kelman
          3. Salvador E. Luria
          4. Everett I. Mendelsohn
          5. Mark Ptashne
          6. George Wald
        5. Cornell University staff, 1970
          1. Andreas & Genia Albrecht
          2. Douglas & Marie Archibald
          3. Judy & Michael Balch
          4. David & Eloise Blanpied
          5. Daniel Berrigan
          6. Stephen Chase
          7. John & Sandra Condry
          8. Robert Connelly
          9. Fred Cooper
          10. Jill & Vincent De Luca
          11. Douglas Dowd
          12. Daniel & Linda Finlay
          13. Bill & Maggie Goldsmith
          14. Louise & Neil Hertz
          15. Carol & Tom Hill
          16. Carol & David Jasnow
          17. Jack Kiefer
          18. Jack & Mary Lewis
          19. David Marr
          20. James & Jean Matlack
          21. Chandler & Katrina Morse
          22. Reeve Parker
          23. George & Julie Rinehart
          24. Jane & Walter Slatoff
          25. Eve & Michael Stocker
          26. David Stroud
          27. Marilyn & Moss Sweedler
          28. Andrea & Winthrop Wetherbee
        6. Helen G. Alexander
        7. Winslow Ames
        8. Oscar L. Arnall
        9. Mary E. Austin
        10. Alan Barnett
        11. Joan Baez
        12. Victor H. Balke
        13. Norma Becker
        14. Eugene C. Bianchi
        15. David Bray
        16. Dave Brey
        17. James Bristol
        18. Leslie Brockelbank
        19. Donald Callahan
        20. Angela O’Gorman & Robert Calvert
        21. Frank Collins
        22. Anne Costello
        23. Francis J. Costello
        24. Arnold Cuba
        25. John Darr
        26. Mike DeGregory
        27. Jerry Dickinson
        28. Diane di Prima
        29. Jim Dunn
        30. Margaret Eberbach
        31. Ruth W. Fales
        32. Mike Fowler
        33. John H. Ginaven
        34. Charles Gray
        35. Jane Hart
        36. Bob Haskell
        37. Justine Heavilon
        38. James S. Henry
        39. Irving Hogan
        40. Natalie P. Kent
        41. Douglas Kenyon
        42. Larry Kessler
        43. Faye Knopp
        44. Carl Kukkonen
        45. John Leininger
        46. Debbie Loewe
        47. Barbara & Howard W. Lull
        48. Bob Marcus
        49. Lloyd McMurray
        50. Helen Merrell Lynd
        51. John Paul “Jack” Malinowski
        52. Carol L. Marks
        53. Chuck Matthei
        54. David McReynolds
        55. Charlotte and Stewart Meacham
        56. Rev. Arthur G. and Cathy Melville
        57. Carole Nelson
        58. Richard J. Neuhaus
        59. Bonnie Parker
        60. Britt Peter
        61. Walter C. Pietsch
        62. Amy Pitt
        63. Christopher Pollock
        64. Carroll C. Pratt
        65. Harry Purvis
        66. Melinda Reed
        67. William S. Richard
        68. Dennis Richter
        69. Michael A. Robinson
        70. Ed Rosenthal
        71. Theodore Roszak
        72. Finley Schaef
        73. Peter Seeger
        74. Jim Shea
        75. Mark Sherman
        76. James Smith
        77. Robert M. Smith
        78. Addie & Paul Snyder
        79. DeCourcy Squire
        80. E. Russell Stabler
        81. Robert H. Staley
        82. Barton Stone
        83. Lyle Stuart
        84. Anne Tapper
        85. Martha Tranquilli
        86. Kay Van Deurs
        87. John M. Vickers
        88. Ted Webster
        89. Eric Weinberger
        90. William Whitman
        91. Irma Zigas
        92. Richard W. Zipfel
      69. El Paso sales tax, 1969
        1. David Ifshin
        2. Bill Shamblin
      70. Little Rock privilege tax, 1971
      71. Norwalk Taxpayers League, 1972
      72. Castine school tax revolt, 1975
      73. boat owners, 1991
      74. Seneca sales tax resistance, 1992
      75. Onondaga Nation tax protest, 1997
      76. West End Home Assurance Value tax, 2002–04
        1. Eddy Lang
      77. “Don’t Buy Bush’s War”, 2007–08
        1. lists of quotes from participants
        2. Liz Aaronsohn
        3. Kristine Abney
        4. Renata Ahmed
        5. Celia Alario
        6. Stephan Maddy Altschul
        7. Amejo Amyot
        8. Leo Anderson
        9. Krystal Ansley
        10. Gina Arcuri
        11. Mary Atkins
        12. Suzia Aufderheide
        13. Marcia Bailey
        14. Alby Baker
        15. Stacy Bannerman
        16. Elizabeth Barger
        17. Nan Barnard-Jorgensen
        18. Tighe Barry
        19. Carol Bayard
        20. Khris Beliveau
        21. Reich Benasutti
        22. Connie Bergen
        23. Friend Bernstein
        24. Diane Birmingham
        25. Tanya Boone-Alva
        26. Karen Boyer
        27. Richard Brinton
        28. Todd Brooks
        29. Brenda Brown
        30. Daniel Bryan
        31. Valerie Burkman
        32. Linsay Roussou Burnett
        33. Friend Burton
        34. David Busch
        35. Chris Caldwell
        36. Laura Carlson
        37. Mathilda Cassidy
        38. Claire CdeBaca
        39. Jennifer Chacon
        40. Claire Chang
        41. Brian Ciesko
        42. Joseph Colgan
        43. Christopher Constantin
        44. Marilyn Cornwell
        45. Jesse Crumb
        46. Katina Cummings
        47. Rebecca Cummings
        48. Sara Crawford
        49. Barbara & Jim Dale
        50. Jason Dalldorf
        51. Michael DeBenedictis
        52. Shawn DeFrance
        53. Theadora de Soyza
        54. Gregory Dicum
        55. Matt Dinsmore
        56. Duncan Dow
        57. Joseph Durocher
        58. Paul Eagle
        59. Sarah Ealey
        60. Susan Eleuterio
        61. Robert Elliott
        62. Joy Ellison
        63. Mike Ellison
        64. Wendy Emrich
        65. Jodie Evans
        66. Thomas Fatone
        67. Linda Fecher
        68. Kyle Finch
        69. Patricia Foulkrod
        70. Mary Francis
        71. Amelia Free
        72. Frank Gehry
        73. Erin Genia
        74. Nancy Gilbertson
        75. Emery Goff
        76. Thomas Gokey
        77. Hal Goldfarb
        78. Herb Gonzales, Jr.
        79. Lyn Gottschalk
        80. Joni Goodale
        81. Kris Graham
        82. Karen Gray
        83. Maricela Guzman
        84. Nicki Hansen-Dix
        85. Zack Harrison
        86. Kitty Hartford
        87. Nathan Hartle
        88. Diane Haugesag
        89. Randy Hayes
        90. Jack Heller
        91. Wendy Hershey
        92. Robert Huddleston
        93. Steven Humes
        94. Kathy Ingallinera
        95. Carolyn Israel
        96. Joseph Italiano
        97. Kathleen Jackson
        98. Nancy Jakubiak
        99. Susan Janes
        100. Joseph Janssen
        101. Friend Johnson
        102. Scott Johnston
        103. Beatice Kay Jones
        104. Zanne Joy
        105. Greg Junell
        106. Maria Kanaan
        107. Ruth Kastner
        108. Maicol Kelee
        109. June Forsyth Kenagy
        110. Lakshmi Kerner
        111. Rayeanne King
        112. Jeff Kipilman
        113. Suzanne Knoll
        114. Kathy Labriola
        115. Mark Landau
        116. Louise Legun
        117. James LeJeune
        118. Emily Levy
        119. Shiara Lightfoot
        120. James Limbach
        121. Margie Lindsey
        122. David Lubeck
        123. Deidra Lynch
        124. Scot Macinnis
        125. Yaney MacIver
        126. Chris Magda
        127. Laura Martin
        128. Jennifer Suzanne Martino
        129. AnnaMaria Mauhs
        130. Kim Maynard
        131. Eli Sasaran McCarthy
        132. Cliff McCutchen
        133. Judy McDonald
        134. Marla McDonald
        135. Mary Jane McElrath
        136. Bert McKinley
        137. Ann Meany
        138. Sol Metz
        139. Bridget Miller
        140. Julie Morgan
        141. Ahmad Morrar
        142. Elizabeth Morrison
        143. Marcus Mosbacker
        144. Ranney Moss
        145. Tara Mulqueen
        146. Ameeta Nanji
        147. Susan Nash
        148. Saren Nelson
        149. Lee Newman
        150. Ted Newsome
        151. Vicki Noble
        152. Gregg Noblett
        153. Bethany Norris
        154. Angie O’Gorman
        155. Kossia Orloff
        156. Meg Palley
        157. Cynthia Papermaster
        158. Sharon Parshall
        159. Avi Peterson
        160. Susan Peuler
        161. Laban Pheidas
        162. John Phillips
        163. Leslie Provatas
        164. Eric Rechel
        165. Friend Reynolds
        166. Mazda Riazi
        167. Tina Richards
        168. Jamie Romano
        169. John G. Root, Jr.
        170. Ruthe Rugh
        171. Julio Sandoval
        172. Steve Savitch
        173. Christopher Schaedler
        174. Cheryl Schimenti
        175. Matthew Schmidt
        176. Sandee Scott
        177. Alan Scouten
        178. Laila Selk
        179. Christopher Senn
        180. Jacques Seronde
        181. Nabil Shaban
        182. Randall Shields
        183. Michelle Shocked
        184. Claire Simpson
        185. Jo Sippie-Gora
        186. Donny Smartmouth
        187. Jill Sobule
        188. Cynthia Stokes-Adam
        189. Mary E. Stone
        190. Kathy Stroud
        191. Greg Sullivan
        192. Heli Taylor
        193. Sandra Taylor
        194. Craig Teichen
        195. Aileen Terra
        196. Allen Thibault
        197. Susan Thorpe
        198. Chris Torri
        199. Phyllis Townley
        200. Anais Tuepker
        201. Nina Rothschild Utne
        202. Nat Vance
        203. Bret Vanderberg
        204. Becky Van Meter
        205. Wind Vogel
        206. Carol Wald
        207. Pat Walker
        208. Kathy Walsh
        209. Marion Ward
        210. Valory Warncke
        211. Janet Weil
        212. Kaye Werner
        213. Patrick West
        214. Suzanne Wheatley
        215. Elizabeth Whitmore
        216. Den Mark Wichar
        217. Kathleen Wolfe
        218. Roger Wood
        219. Tim Wood
        220. Kimberly Wyke
        221. Shizuno Wynkop
        222. Linda York
        223. Michael Zargarov
      78. “Pledge for Peace,” Christian Peace Witness for Iraq, 2008
      79. Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 2010
        1. Fred Heller
      80. Michigan bar owners, 2011
      81. “Swipe Back” against New York City fare hikes, 2013
      82. Detroit property tax protests, 2015
      83. Seattle income tax resistance, 2017
      84. Chattanooga #BlackLivesMatter business strike, 2020
      85. Boston property tax strike, 2020
      86. Fells Point businesses, 2021
      87. Castro district businesses, 2022
    90. Venezuela
      1. political opposition in 2003
        1. Belkis Soto
      2. Carabobo in 2010?
      3. transit operators in 2010
      4. 2014 protest movement
      5. public employees, 2016
      6. political opposition in 2017
      7. Guanare merchants in 2019
      8. Delta Amacuro municipal taxes in 2019
    91. Wales
      1. Rebecca riots, 1839–44
        1. contemporary news accounts of
        2. Arthur Arthur
        3. Edward Bagnall
        4. Samuel Bowen[s]
        5. Isaac Charles
        6. Joseph Clement
        7. George Daniel
        8. David Davies (a.k.a. Dai’r Cantwr)
        9. Esau Davies
        10. Evan Davies
        11. James Davies
        12. Lewis Davies
        13. Thomas Davies
        14. William Davies
        15. David Evans
        16. Henry Evans
        17. James Evans
        18. Job (John?) Evans
        19. William Evans
        20. Thomas George
        21. Lewis Griffiths
        22. James Gwynne
        23. Thomas Gwynne
        24. John Harris [Harries?]
        25. William Harries
        26. Thomas Harry [Harries?]
        27. William Hopkin
        28. David Howells
        29. John Howells
        30. Thomas Howells
        31. John Hugh
        32. William Hugh[es]
        33. David Hughes
        34. John Hughes (Jac Tŷ-Isha)
        35. Thomas Hughes
        36. Isaac James
        37. John James
        38. Benjamin Jones
        39. David Jones
        40. John Jones (informer, a.k.a. Lletty Fulbert)
        41. John Jones (a.k.a. Shoni Scyborfawr)
        42. John Jones (Three Commons tollgate destroyer)
        43. John Jones (threatener of Thomas Williams)
        44. John Jones (toll evader)
        45. John Jones (part of Daniel Harris burglary conspiracy)
        46. John Jones (alleged Llangadoc house torcher)
        47. Jonathan Jones
        48. Thomas Jones
        49. William Jones
        50. George Laing
        51. Daniel Lewis (Petris Bach)
        52. David Lewis
        53. Gwenllian Lewis
        54. Howell Lewis
        55. Jonathan Lewis
        56. John Lewis
        57. Thomas Lewis
        58. Daniel Luke
        59. Francis M‘Kiernin
        60. Esther Morgan
        61. Henry Morgan
        62. John Morgan
        63. Margaret Morgan
        64. Matthew Morgan
        65. Morgan Morgan
        66. Rees Morgan
        67. Seth Morgan
        68. Thomas Morgan
        69. William Morgan
        70. Thomas Morris
        71. William Narbett
        72. William Owen
        73. Philip Philip
        74. William Philip
        75. John Phillips
        76. William Phillips
        77. John Powell
        78. Thomas Powell
        79. Evan Rees
        80. David Richards
        81. Benjamin Richards
        82. John Richards
        83. Henry Rogers
        84. John Skinner
        85. David Thomas
        86. Henry Thomas
        87. James Thomas
        88. John Thomas
        89. Joseph Thomas
        90. Phillip Thomas
        91. Samuel Thomas
        92. Thomas Thomas
        93. David Vaughan
        94. Griffith Vaughan
        95. Joseph [Joshua?] Walters
        96. William Walters
        97. –– Williams
        98. David Williams
        99. Henry Williams
        100. Hugh Williams
        101. Thomas Williams
        102. William Williams
      2. Cardiff tollgate attack, 1886
      3. tithe riots, 1887–88
        1. Mr. Jones
        2. Thomas Thomas
      4. miners against income tax, 1919
      5. the “Fair Tax Town” of Crickhowell, 2015
    92. Zimbabwe
      1. democracy movement in 2000
      2. democracy movement in 2013
      3. underground economy in 2014
      4. protests in 2018
    93. women’s suffrage movements
      1. American women’s suffrage movement
        1. Mary S. Anthony
        2. Susan B. Anthony
        3. Anna Baskin
        4. L.J. Craniels
        5. Lou J.C. Daniels
        6. Marietta Flagg
        7. Abby Kelley & Stephen Foster
        8. Lydia Sayer Hasbrouck
        9. Virginia L. Minor
        10. Lillian Russell
        11. Ellen C. Sargent
        12. Anna Howard (Annie) Shaw
        13. Abby & Julia Smith
        14. E. Oakes Smith
        15. Belle Squire
        16. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
        17. Lucy Stone
        18. Ellen Van Valkenburg
        19. Sarah E. Wall
        20. J.S. Weeden
      2. Bermuda’s women’s suffrage movement
        1. Mrs. St. George Butterfield
        2. Mrs. Thomas Childs
        3. May Hutchings
        4. Jennie Cheesborough Lightbourne
        5. Mrs. Henry Lockward
        6. Gladys Misick Morrell
        7. Henrietta Tucker
      3. British women’s suffrage movement
        1. Alice Abadam
        2. Janie Allan
        3. Mary Anderson
        4. Constance E. Andrews
        5. Helen Alexander Archdale
        6. Rhoda Anstey
        7. Lena Ashwell
        8. Phyllis Ayrtin
        9. Charlotte Babb
        10. Mrs. Bacon
        11. Miss Ball
        12. Sarah Benett
        13. Teresa Billington-Greig
        14. C. Nina Boyle
        15. Bertha Brewster
        16. Myra Eleanor Sadd Brown
        17. Janet Legate Bunten
        18. Alice M. Burn
        19. Grace Cadell
        20. Mr. Carlin
        21. Miss Carson
        22. Adeline Cecil Chapman
        23. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Clark
        24. Mary McLeod Cleeves
        25. Anne (& Mr.) Cobden Sanderson
        26. Adela & Stanton Coit
        27. Constance Collier
        28. Mrs. Colquhoun
        29. Matilda Cubley
        30. Miss Cummin[s)
        31. Marion Cunningham
        32. Charlotte Despard
        33. Gertrude Eaton
        34. Frances Ede
        35. Elizabeth Clarke Wolstenholme Elmy
        36. Caroline Frances Fagan
        37. Mary Sargant Florence
        38. Mrs. Francis
        39. Mrs. Fyffe
        40. Miss Gibbs
        41. Miss Gilliat
        42. Captain Gonne
        43. Miss Green
        44. Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Hall
        45. Mr. & Mrs. F.N. Hall
        46. Mrs. Douglas Hameton
        47. Florence Gardiner Hamilton
        48. Helen Hanson
        49. Mabel Hardie
        50. Mary Hare
        51. Beatrice Harraden
        52. Isabella Eliza Harrison
        53. Mrs. Hartley
        54. Kate Harvey
        55. Miss Hayes
        56. Katherine Heanley
        57. Miss (Lilian? Amy?) Hicks
        58. Amy Hicks
        59. Lilian Hicks
        60. Kate Raven & Winifred Holiday
        61. Clemence Housman & Laurence Housman
        62. Miss Howes
        63. Edith Hulme
        64. Marianne Clarendon Hyde
        65. Rose Hyland
        66. Miss James
        67. Fleming Williams
        68. Mrs. Jones-Williams
        69. Emily Juson Kerr
        70. J. Kirtlan
        71. Elizabeth Knight
        72. Miss Koll
        73. Marie Lawson
        74. Hortense Lane
        75. Pethick Laurence
        76. Clara Lee
        77. Miss Lees
        78. Edith Kate Lelacheur
        79. Octavia Lewin
        80. Miss Manuelle
        81. Isabel Hampden Margesson
        82. Edith How Martyn
        83. Muriel Matters
        84. Merrivale Mayer
        85. Miss McGregor
        86. Marion McKenzie
        87. Agnes Edith Metcalfe
        88. Ina Moncrieff
        89. Dora Montefiore
        90. Decima Moore
        91. Honnor Morten
        92. Mrs. Muir
        93. Henrietta Müller
        94. Anna Munro
        95. Jessie Murray
        96. Alison Neilans
        97. Dorinda Neligan
        98. Margaret Wynne Nevinson
        99. Mrs. O’Sullivan
        100. Emmeline Pankhurst
        101. Margaret Kineton Parkes
        102. Winifred Patch
        103. Charlotte Payne-Townshend
        104. Mrs. Portrey
        105. Lila Pratt
        106. Louisa Thompson Price
        107. Miss Pridden
        108. Anna Maria & Mary Priestman
        109. Ethel Ayres Purdie
        110. Kate Raleigh
        111. Mr. & Mrs. Richards
        112. Adeline Roberts
        113. Maud F. Roll
        114. Miss Rose
        115. Mary Russell
        116. Ethel Sargent
        117. Mrs. Scott
        118. Evelyn Sharp
        119. George Bernard Shaw
        120. Amy Sheppard
        121. Sophia Alexandria Duleep Singh
        122. Miss & Mrs. Skipwith
        123. Rosina Sky
        124. Helen Smith
        125. Ethel Snowden
        126. Emma & Frank Sproson
        127. Barbara Joanna Steel
        128. Flora Annie Steele
        129. Isabelle Stewart
        130. Mary Sutcliffe
        131. Miss Symons
        132. Miss Thomas
        133. Mrs. Beaumont Thomas
        134. Isabel Tippett
        135. Mrs. Tollemache
        136. L.E. Turquand
        137. Mrs. Tyson
        138. Florence A. Underwood
        139. Alice M. Walters
        140. Miss Weir
        141. Elizabeth & Mark Wilks
        142. Miss Wratislaw
        143. Edith Ayrton Zangwill
      4. France’s women’s suffrage movement
        1. Hubertine Auclert
        2. Suzanne Noël
      5. Germany’s women’s suffrage movement
      6. South Africa’s women’s suffrage movement
    94. general history of tax resistance
    95. religious groups and the religious perspective
      1. miscellaneous Christian perspectives
      2. tax status of churches in U.S.
      3. how do secular attitudes compare?
      4. Robert McGee’s cross-cultural studies
      5. Anglican church
        1. Archdeacon Colley
        2. Dick Sheppard
        3. Paul Oestreicher
      6. Buddhists
        1. Jesse Davis
        2. Maia Duerr
      7. Catholic churches
        1. Pax Christi
        2. St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
        3. Nathan Beall
        4. Heinrich Böll
        5. John Brennan
        6. Hugh of Lincoln
        7. Mark Brockley
        8. Maureen Casey
        9. Tom Cordaro
        10. Alice Drefchinski
        11. Robert W. Dundon
        12. John P. Egan
        13. Patrick Fenton
        14. Donald C. Fisher
        15. Dick & Evelyn Freeman
        16. John M. Garvey
        17. Mark Glasgow
        18. Daniel J. Guilfoil
        19. Ed Guinan
        20. Thomas Gumbleton
        21. Raymond Hunthausen
        22. Al Lauer
        23. Raymond Lucker
        24. Daniel Marshall
        25. Michael McCarthy
        26. Donald W. McIlvane
        27. Thomas McKenna
        28. Richard McSorley
        29. Warren Metzler
        30. Martin Newell
        31. William N. Novicky
        32. John Oesterle
        33. Joseph O’Hara
        34. John “Jack” O’Malley
        35. Cosmas Raimondi
        36. William Ruhaak
        37. Philip Schervish
        38. James A. Schexnayder
        39. Robert Schweitzer
        40. Bernard Survil
        41. Germán Treuz
        42. Lawrence Williamson
        43. Hartmut Zapp
      8. Catholic Worker movement
        1. Carol Campain
        2. Monica & Thomas Cornell
        3. Michael Cullen
        4. Dorothy Day
        5. Ralph Dowdy
        6. Robbie Gamble
        7. Ammon Hennacy
        8. Chrissy Kirchhoefer
        9. Mufti & Patrick McNassar
        10. Karl Meyer
        11. Bill Ramsey
        12. Lincoln Rice
        13. Don & Roberta Thurstin Timmerman
      9. Central Conference of American Rabbis
      10. Church of Scotland (Presbyterian)
        1. George MacLeod
      11. Episcopal Church
        1. Thaddeus Bennett
        2. Abbie Coburn
        3. David M. Gracie
        4. Thomas Whitcroft
      12. Indianapolis Baptist Temple
      13. Jehovah’s Witnesses
        1. Alfredo Díaz Bustos
        2. Edward J. Bambridge
        3. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ludovici
        4. Susie Vitting
      14. Lutheran Peace Fellowship
        1. Dennis Jacobsen
      15. Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.
        1. Chris Hedges
      16. Unitarian Universalists
        1. Karel F. Botermans
        2. Arthur B. Jellis
        3. Kenneth Patton
        4. Philip Zwerling
      17. United Methodist Church
        1. Methodist Federation for Social Action
        2. Ronald P. Arms
        3. William Cate
        4. Ruth Clark
        5. Carl “Skip” Lundborg
        6. John & Pat Schwiebert
      18. Nazarenes
      19. Hutterites
        1. Claus Felbinger
      20. Restored Israel of Yahweh
        1. Inge Donato
        2. Joseph Donato
        3. Kevin McKee
      21. British Nonconformists
        1. 17th Century Quakers
        2. 17th Century Scottish Presbyterians
          1. Gavin Maclymont
          2. Gilbert M‘Meiken
          3. James Renwick
        3. 18th Century American colonists
          1. Philip Tabor
        4. 19th Century Edinburgh Annuity Tax resisters
          1. Mr. Adair
          2. John Bright
          3. John Brown
          4. William Brown
          5. Mr. Chapman
          6. Alexander Cruickshank
          7. William Dick
          8. Mr. Dunn
          9. Mr. Fairbain (Fairbairn?)
          10. James Georgeson
          11. Mr. Hope
          12. Mr. Hunter
          13. Thomas Johnston
          14. Mr. McLaren
          15. Thomas Menzies
          16. James Millar
          17. Mr. Musgrove
          18. Daniel O’Connel
          19. Thomas Peacock
          20. “Widow” Pringle
          21. John Ritchie
          22. Bailie Russell
          23. Thomas Russell
          24. Mr. Simpson
          25. Mr. Stewart
          26. Baillie Stott
          27. William Tait
          28. Mr. Wilson
        5. 19th Century Irish Tithe War and other Catholic tax resistance
          1. James Warren Doyle
        6. 19th Century Vicars’ Rate resisters
          1. William Henry Clay
          2. William Brook
          3. Enoch Mellor
          4. Thomas Ormerod
        7. Other 19th Century British nonconformists and tithe resisters
          1. William Clemes
          2. John Thorogood
          3. John Edey, Ricuinn, William, and Andrew Kingston Veale
        8. Early 20th Century resistance to publicly-funded sectarian schools
          1. Charles F. Aked
          2. J.A. Aldis
          3. Archibald Alexander
          4. Mr. Alexander (Tunbridge Wells)
          5. Mr. Ansell
          6. G.W.C. Armstrong
          7. Macdonald Aspland
          8. Richard Henry Auty
          9. R.W. Ayres
          10. G. Bainton
          11. Ann & Daniel Francis Baker
          12. J.P. Baker
          13. James Bakewell
          14. Murray Barford
          15. J.T. Barkley
          16. Joshua Barrett
          17. Frank Bates
          18. G.W. Beattie
          19. Mr. Belcher
          20. G.R. Bell
          21. Freer Bell
          22. W.B. Bembridge
          23. F.J. Benskin
          24. Mr. Best
          25. Mr. Bird
          26. Martha Blackwell
          27. Miss Blanchard
          28. William Ernest Blomfield
          29. G.W. Bloomfield
          30. Walker Blott
          31. C. Boardman
          32. William Bond
          33. W. Bowell
          34. W. Bradley
          35. Rennie J. Brown
          36. F.W. Bryan
          37. T.H. Bryant
          38. Samuel Bubb
          39. W. Burton
          40. Reginald John Campbell
          41. W.H. Churchill
          42. G. Clark
          43. John Clifford
          44. T. Collins
          45. William W. Collinson
          46. E. Craddock
          47. H.J. Crouch
          48. E.J. Culyer
          49. A. Curtis
          50. F.P. Dale
          51. T.R. Dann
          52. R.D. Darbishire
          53. Henry Davidson
          54. T. Seaton Davies
          55. A.E. Dent
          56. G. Dent
          57. A.W. Douglas
          58. J. Scott Duckers
          59. Samuel Rathbone Edge
          60. Mr. Edmonds
          61. E. Ellwoof
          62. James Everitt
          63. A.R. Exard
          64. A. Farmer
          65. R.W. Farquhar
          66. Alderman Finch
          67. G.W. Flint
          68. Mr. Flint (Pocklington)
          69. S.J. Ford
          70. J. Foster
          71. E.H. Gaston
          72. J.S. Geale
          73. Henry Gibbs
          74. Richard Glover
          75. Terrot Reaveley Glover
          76. Josiah Godley
          77. Misses Goldie
          78. Alick Gray
          79. R.C. Grey
          80. Charles Grundy
          81. C.H. Hacker
          82. R. Harrison
          83. Councillor Hardy
          84. Samuel Harry
          85. John Hartley
          86. William Pickles Hartley
          87. Lamb Harvey
          88. W.J. Harris
          89. Jesse Haworth
          90. G. Roberts Hern
          91. James Hewitt
          92. Mr. Hiley
          93. Silas Hockins
          94. Mr. Hodges
          95. J. Hodgkiss
          96. W. Hogan
          97. A.S. Hollinshead
          98. James Hirst Hollowell
          99. Edwyn Holt
          100. W. Holyoak
          101. E. Hopkins
          102. Councillor Hopper
          103. Sylvester Horne
          104. Ebenezer Housden
          105. W.G. Howell
          106. T.B. Howells
          107. P.A. Hudgell
          108. J.R. Huntley
          109. J.W. Jacobs
          110. G. Howard James
          111. J. Angell Jones
          112. William Jones
          113. Charles Joseph
          114. George William Kekewich
          115. G.W. King
          116. F.J. Kirby
          117. George Kirby
          118. J.K. Kirby
          119. S.B. Lane
          120. Thomas Law
          121. G.E. Lawson
          122. Peter Lawson
          123. Percy Lawson
          124. Charles Leach
          125. Robert Leggat
          126. J. Lewitt
          127. F. Cowell Lloyd
          128. George J. Long
          129. W.F. Long
          130. Jemima Luke
          131. Harry Cook Marshall
          132. George Martin
          133. Dr. Massie
          134. J.W. Mayo
          135. Frederick B. Meyer
          136. W. Miles
          137. Cairns Mitchell
          138. Arthur Morgan
          139. Peg Morton
          140. J. Mountain
          141. D. Muxworthy
          142. Charles New
          143. Miss Newberry
          144. Samuel Newbold
          145. William Robertson Nicoll
          146. B. Noble
          147. J.F. Nodder
          148. J.J. Norton
          149. Arthur O’Connor
          150. J. O’Dell
          151. J.W. Ogden
          152. Ernest Oliver
          153. John Oman
          154. B. Oriel
          155. John Otty
          156. G.F. Owen
          157. W.H.C. Palmer
          158. Mr. Parker
          159. W.H. Parr
          160. Tolfree Parr
          161. H.J. Parry
          162. J.B. Parry
          163. Robert William Perks
          164. D.J. Perrott
          165. Walter Pitt
          166. C. Pockney
          167. Ambrose Pope
          168. W.J. Potter
          169. F. Rabey
          170. William Ramsill
          171. Percy Rawson
          172. W. Robinson
          173. John Scott
          174. W.B. Selbie
          175. J. Seldon
          176. Charles E. Shaw
          177. T.B. Silcock
          178. J.E. Simon
          179. John Smeeton
          180. C.J. Smith
          181. J. Turner Smith
          182. A. Sowerby
          183. J. Spensley
          184. E.B. Stephenson
          185. W.L. Stephenson
          186. Thomas Storr
          187. Lilla Talbot
          188. H. Arnold Thomas
          189. George William Thompson
          190. Edward John Thorne
          191. Mr. Thorpe
          192. A.I. Tillyard
          193. Misses Townsend
          194. James Travis
          195. Rev. Dr. Usher
          196. F.P. Verney
          197. W. Vivian
          198. W. Wakinshaw
          199. Henry Walker
          200. Mr. Walter
          201. H.R. Wasling
          202. Albert H. Waters
          203. C.W. Watkins
          204. J. Watkinson
          205. R.W. Watson
          206. Thomas Watson
          207. Percy Webb
          208. Mrs. Webster
          209. John Wenn
          210. Charles Wenyon
          211. Alderman White
          212. George White
          213. Thomas Whittard
          214. A.C. Wilkin
          215. W.R. Wilkinson
          216. W.W. Wilks
          217. Mr. Williams
          218. Bastow Wilson
          219. Henry Joseph Wilson
          220. German Sims Woodhead
          221. Mark Wyatt
          222. Walter Young
      22. What Would Jesus Do? (render unto Cæsar?)
    96. American conservative arguments for tax resistance
      1. Olen R. Adams
      2. John F. Andrews
      3. Leslie W. Bailey
      4. Glenn Beck
      5. Ralph Bly
      6. Julius W. Butler
      7. Mary D. Cain
      8. Jon Coupal
      9. Vincent DePanfilis
      10. Greg Dixon
      11. Thomas Gaskins
      12. Dan Gelernter
      13. Patrick Howley
      14. Vivien Kellems
      15. Rose Wilder Lane
      16. J. Bracken Lee
      17. Alan Leveritt
      18. John Lewis
      19. Lucille Miller
      20. Craig T. Nelson
      21. Howard G. Pennington
      22. Fred Perkins
      23. Thomas Salzer
      24. Irene Whetstone
      25. “Texas housewives” (U.S., 1950s)
        1. Carolyn Abney
        2. Jennie Abney
        3. Eleana Bradford
        4. Celeste Clemons
        5. Winnifred Furrh
        6. Mary Hicks
        7. R.B. Lothrop
        8. Dorothy Martin
        9. Rubye Pelz
        10. Joy Quinn
        11. Etheldra Spangler
      26. TEA Party phenomenon
    97. anti-abortion tax resistance
      1. Victor H. Balke
      2. Ann Barnhardt
      3. Joe Borowski
      4. Michael E. Bowman
      5. Jerry DePyper
      6. Brendan Finnegan
      7. Garrett Johnson
      8. John Kelly
      9. David Little
      10. Scott Roeder
    98. tax resistance for same-sex marriage
      1. John Bisceglia
      2. Melissa Etheridge
      3. Charles Merrill / Kevin Boyle
  8. Tax resistance in the “Peace Churches”
    1. A New Call to Peacemaking
    2. Brethren
      1. Bible Monitor
      2. The Brethren At Work
      3. The Brethren Evangelist
      4. The Brethren Missionary Herald
      5. Christian Family Companion
      6. (The Gospel) Messenger
      7. The Gospel Visitor
      8. The Inglenook
      9. The Missionary Visitor
      10. Our College Times/Etownian
      11. The Pilgrim
      12. Primitive Christian and Pilgrim
      13. Dale Aukerman
      14. Rufus D. Bowman
      15. Chuck & Shirley Boyer
      16. Dale W. Brown
      17. Deanna Brown
      18. Kenneth & Viona Brown
      19. Dorothy & Paul Brumbaugh
      20. Anita Smith & Richard Buckwalter
      21. Robert D. Cain, Jr.
      22. Terry Ciszek
      23. Lois & Mike Clark
      24. David Coppock
      25. Merle Crouse
      26. Miller & Phyllis Davis
      27. Mary Cline & Ralph Detrick
      28. Joy & Ralph Dull
      29. Horner M. Eby
      30. William Faw
      31. John Forbes
      32. David W. Fouts
      33. Robert Fritter
      34. Julie Garber
      35. David Gerdes
      36. O.E. Gibson
      37. Art Gish
      38. Dale W. Good
      39. Bob Gross
      40. Allen T. Hansell
      41. Dale Hess
      42. Floyd M. Irvin
      43. Jeanne Lee Jacoby
      44. Arlene & Cliff Kindy
      45. John Leedy
      46. Grace & Harrold Lefevre
      47. Dave Leiter
      48. Dean Miller
      49. Delia Miller
      50. Galen & Wanda Miller
      51. Merlin G. Miller
      52. S. Mohler
      53. Leon Neher
      54. Louise & Phil Rieman
      55. David B. Rittenhouse
      56. J.A. Robinson
      57. Virgil Rose
      58. Jerry Royer
      59. Mart Scheaffer
      60. Ford Secrist
      61. Phyllis & Stephen Senesi
      62. Mary Blocher & Ralph E. Smeltzer
      63. Fred W. Smith
      64. Carol Zeurcher & Mike Stern
      65. E.A. Teter
      66. Rick Ukena & Twyla Wallace
      67. Beverly Weaver & Duane Grady
      68. Shirley Whiteside
      69. Mark Wilhelm
      70. Steve Williams
      71. John Yeatts
      72. Mike Yoder
      73. L. William Yolton
      74. Richard G. Young
      75. Kevin Zimmerman
      76. Charles E. & Cleda P. Zunkel
    3. Brethren In Christ
      1. Harriet Bicksler
      2. Sarah Mueller
    4. Free Brethren
    5. Mennonites / Amish
      1. Gospel Herald
      2. The Mennonite
      3. Carman Albrecht
      4. Paul W. Andreas
      5. Elaine & Nathan Zook Barge
      6. Lois Barrett
      7. Ed Benner
      8. R.W. Benner
      9. Deb & Wes Bergen
      10. Merrit Birky
      11. Carol & Sam Bixler
      12. Don Blosser
      13. Ron Boese
      14. Anita & E. Stanley Bohn
      15. Jurgen Brauer
      16. Ray Brubacher
      17. Andy M. Byler
      18. J. Daryl Byler
      19. Jon Byler
      20. Valentine Byler
      21. John Carmichael
      22. Charles Carney
      23. Howard Charles
      24. Bruce Chrisman
      25. Dan Clark
      26. Dean Denner
      27. Marion Deckert
      28. Robert E. Dickinson
      29. Duane A. & Esther W. Diller
      30. John R. & Paula Dyck
      31. Peter Ediger
      32. Max Ediger
      33. Allan Eitzen
      34. Jacob J. and Joan Veston Enz
      35. Charlene Epp & Duncan Smith
      36. Frank H. Epp
      37. Esther Epp-Tiessen
      38. Joe Evans
      39. Wally Fahrer
      40. Ethel S. & Henry A. Fast
      41. Peter Farrar
      42. Ron Faust
      43. Marian Franz
      44. Michael Friedmann
      45. Berry & Sharon Friesen
      46. Dorothy Nickel Friesen
      47. Jacob T. Friesen
      48. Ruth Anne Friesen
      49. John Gaeddert
      50. Susan Gascho-Cooke
      51. Melvin Gingerich
      52. Ken & Noreen Gingerich
      53. Ray & Wilma Gingerich
      54. Orval Gingrich
      55. Timothy Godshall
      56. Jean-Jacques Goulet
      57. Christian L. Graber
      58. David Graber
      59. Martha Graber
      60. David L. Habegger
      61. Walton Hackman
      62. Barry Hart
      63. Jonas S. Hartzler
      64. R.L. Hartzler
      65. Robert Hartzler
      66. Sharon Heath
      67. Lewis J. Heatwole
      68. Keith Helmuth
      69. Daniel Hertzler
      70. Ernie Hildebrand
      71. Jep & Joyce Hostetter
      72. Stan Hostetter
      73. Jacob Hubert
      74. Robert Hull
      75. Charlie Hurst & Maria Smith
      76. Annie Janzen
      77. David & Joanne Janzen
      78. Heinz & Dorothea Janzen
      79. Ken Janzen
      80. Gary Jewell & Jan Yoder
      81. David Jost
      82. Marie Judson
      83. Anna & James C. Juhnke
      84. Don & Eleanor Kaufman
      85. Dorothy & Gordon D. Kaufman
      86. S. Roy Kaufman
      87. Stanley E. Kaufman
      88. Lynn Keenan
      89. John Kefalas
      90. Larry Kehler
      91. Perry Keidel
      92. Jerry Keiper
      93. Ron Kennel
      94. Scott Key
      95. Walter Klaassen
      96. Hanno Klassen
      97. James Klassen
      98. Menno Klassen
      99. Sue Klassen
      100. Roy S. Koch
      101. Gayle Gerber & Ted Koontz
      102. H.B. Kossen
      103. Janeal & Randy Krehbiel
      104. Ronald Krehbiel
      105. Carl Kreider
      106. Richard Kremer
      107. Esther Lanting
      108. Mark S. Lawson
      109. Dan Leatherman
      110. Joan & Paul Leatherman
      111. Loretta & Paul Leatherman
      112. Edwin Lee
      113. John & Sandy Drescher-Lehman
      114. Paula Diller Lehman
      115. Titus Lehman
      116. Cornelia Lehn
      117. Lester L. Lind
      118. Fred Loganbill
      119. Chris Longenecker
      120. J. Michael Loss
      121. Willem-Jan Maas
      122. Earl & Pat Hostetter Martin
      123. Fred Martin
      124. John & Mary Martin
      125. Steven W. Mason
      126. Wesley Mast
      127. Colman McCarthy
      128. Everett G. Metzler
      129. Edgar Metzler
      130. Albert & Mary Ellen Meyer
      131. Daniel D. Miller
      132. Marlin Miller
      133. Susan Miller (Balzer)
      134. Craig D. Morton
      135. Cindy Mullet
      136. Herb & Sarah Myers
      137. Ken Nagele
      138. Scott Neufeld
      139. James Newcomer
      140. James W. Nikl
      141. Margaret & Weldon Nisly
      142. Lenae K. Nofziger
      143. Ray Nussbaum
      144. Ed Olfert
      145. Steven J. Olshewsky
      146. David E. Ortman
      147. Irene & Jacob Pauls
      148. Linda & Titus Gehman Peachey
      149. Barbara & Harold A. Penner
      150. Becky & Robert V. Peters
      151. Rebecca & Weldon Pries
      152. Doug Pritchard
      153. Jane Pritchard
      154. Steve Ratzlaff
      155. Janet & Stan Reedy
      156. Harold R. Regier
      157. Janet Friesen & Jerry Regier
      158. Jonah Reimer
      159. Rex J. Rempel
      160. Wendell Ressler
      161. James & Leanna Rhodes
      162. Marge Roberts
      163. Joe Roos
      164. Carol Rose
      165. Dwight E. Roth
      166. Hedwig Maria (Hedy) Sawadsky
      167. Linda Schmidt
      168. Melvin D. Schmidt
      169. Steve & Wanda Schmidt
      170. Don Schrader
      171. Keith Schrag
      172. Dave Schrock-Shenk
      173. Floyd Schrock
      174. Jennifer & Kent Sensenig
      175. Michael Shank
      176. Ladon Sheats
      177. Andrew R. Shelly
      178. Linda Shelly
      179. Dan Slabaugh
      180. Niles M. Slabaugh
      181. John M. Snyder
      182. John Sommer
      183. Meribeth Sprunger
      184. Milo & Viola Stahl
      185. James K. Stauffer
      186. Grant Stoltzfus
      187. Winfred Stoltzfus
      188. Mardy Rich Stone
      189. Janet & John K. Stoner
      190. Ted W. Stuckey
      191. Mabel Amstutz & Sem Sutter
      192. John S. Swarr
      193. Mary & Willard Swartley
      194. Max E. Thierry
      195. Jacob Tice
      196. Henry Troyer
      197. Willard Unruh
      198. Roy Vogt
      199. Felix van der Wissel
      200. David Weaver
      201. Dorothy Jean Weaver
      202. Mark Weidner
      203. John S. & Sara L. Wengerd
      204. Anna & Ben Wyse
      205. Caroline & Rick Yoder
      206. Daryl Yoder-Bontrager
      207. Elizabeth Yoder
      208. John Howard Yoder
      209. Karl R. Yoder
      210. Perry Yoder
      211. Andrew Ziegler
      212. John Zimmerman
      213. Mary Ann Zoeller
    6. Quakers
      1. Against War and War Taxes: Quaker Arguments for War Tax Refusal (David M. Gross)
      2. American Quaker War Tax Resistance (David M. Gross)
      3. 17th century Quakers
        1. Richard Addams
        2. Robert Atkinson
        3. Samuel Atlee
        4. William Austell
        5. Sarah Bagg
        6. Robert Barclay
        7. Thomas Barker
        8. Anne Bax
        9. Edward Bealing
        10. Roger & William Beck
        11. Arthur Bewes
        12. William Bond
        13. Richard Bonwick
        14. Richard Bowley
        15. Daniel Bunce
        16. William Bundy
        17. John Burgess
        18. Richard Byer
        19. Thomas Callowhill
        20. Robert Chalkley
        21. William Chamberlain
        22. Jeremiah Clarke
        23. Thomas Cobb
        24. Arthur Condon
        25. John Cooke
        26. William Davis
        27. John Dew
        28. Henry Doggett
        29. Amariah Drewett
        30. John Eaves
        31. William Ellis
        32. Edward Erberry
        33. Philip Ford
        34. Thomas Frith
        35. John Furly
        36. Richard Geldart
        37. William Gill
        38. Thomas Gouchman
        39. Thomas Graham
        40. Samuel Hancock
        41. Stephen Handcock
        42. John Hewett
        43. Samuel Hill
        44. David Hitchins
        45. James Hogg
        46. William Holland
        47. Henry Howland
        48. Christopher Jacobs
        49. William Jenkins
        50. Ralph Johnson
        51. Richard Jordan
        52. Thomas Lacey
        53. John Light
        54. Thomas Luxford
        55. John Marlow
        56. John Marshall
        57. Simon Marshall
        58. Thomas Mincks
        59. Philip Oyles
        60. John Pantling
        61. Johnathan Phelps
        62. John Pike
        63. Thomas Powel
        64. John Price
        65. Henry Prows
        66. Daniel Quare
        67. Nicholas Raw
        68. Elizabeth Redford
        69. Stephen Richards
        70. John Richardson
        71. Adam Robinson
        72. John Robinson
        73. Richard Robinson
        74. John Scantlebury
        75. John Stokes
        76. Elizabeth Streater
        77. Samuel Taylor
        78. James Tennant
        79. John Thusstone
        80. John Tregellis
        81. Richard Tregennow
        82. William Valler
        83. John Vaughton
        84. Mrs. John Watson
        85. Thomas West
        86. Joseph Wilkinson
        87. Samuel Wilkinson
        88. Thomas Witehel
        89. Thomas Witham
      4. 18th century Quakers
        1. John A[i]kin
        2. Samuel Allinson
        3. Joseph Anthony
        4. Benjamin Barney, Jr.
        5. Ebenezer Beaman
        6. Anthony Benezet
        7. Samuel Bownas
        8. Daniel Bowne
        9. John Bowne
        10. Willet Bowne
        11. Moses Brown
        12. Benjamin Buffington
        13. William Buffum
        14. John Burling
        15. John Churchman
        16. George Comstock
        17. David Cooper
        18. James & Paul Cooper
        19. John Cowgill
        20. Paul Cuffee
        21. Timothy Davis
        22. Abraham Dow
        23. Joshua Evans
        24. Jonathan Farnum
        25. Abraham Farrington
        26. John Farrington
        27. Ann Field
        28. Samuel Fothergill
        29. Benjamin Franklin
        30. Joshua Fulsom
        31. Isaac Grey
        32. Joseph Benjamin Grubb
        33. “College” Tom Hazard
        34. Richard Hill
        35. Luke Howard
        36. John Hunt
        37. Samme Hunt
        38. Hermon Husband
        39. Griffith John
        40. John Lawrence
        41. Hannah Lindley (Miller)
        42. Jacob Lindley
        43. James Logan
        44. Thomas Macamore
        45. Isaac Martin
        46. Benjamin Mason
        47. Oliver Matthews
        48. Warner Mifflin
        49. James Mott
        50. Samuel Newby
        51. Daniel Newhall
        52. Thomas Parvin
        53. Henry Paxson
        54. John Payne (“Pacificus”)
        55. Mary Peisley
        56. James Pemberton
        57. John Pemberton
        58. Robert Pleasants
        59. William Rakestraw (“Philalethes”)
        60. John Richardson
        61. Thomas Scattergood
        62. Job Scott
        63. John Sisson
        64. John Smith
        65. Thomas Story
        66. James Thorington
        67. Isaac Underhill
        68. Nicholas Waln
        69. Thomas Watson
        70. Joseph Whitall
        71. Thomas Wilkinson
        72. Abner Woolman
        73. John Woolman
        74. Eli Yarnall
        75. Isaac Zane
      5. 19th century Quakers
        1. 1819 Maine constitutional convention
        2. 1821 New York constitutional convention
        3. 1837 Pennsylvania constitutional convention
        4. “White Quakers”
          1. Abigail Beale
          2. Maria Gee
          3. Joshua Jacob
          4. Mary Jacob
          5. Samuel Jacob
          6. Elizabeth Pim
          7. Anne Thacker
        5. Daniel Anthony
        6. Lloyd Balderston
        7. Cyrus & Nathan Barker
        8. Isaac Bass
        9. Benjamin Bates
        10. Ann Branson
        11. Asa Branson
        12. James B. Bruff
        13. David Conrow
        14. Thomas P. Cope
        15. Isham Cox
        16. John B. Crenshaw
        17. Jonathan Evans
        18. William Evans
        19. Gideon Frost
        20. John Gardner
        21. Nathan Hall
        22. Richard Hall
        23. Rufus Hall
        24. Benjamin Hallowell
        25. Edward Hicks
        26. Elias Hicks
        27. Jacob (Amos?) & Thomas Hinshaw
        28. Joseph Hobson
        29. Himelius, Jesse, & William Hockett
        30. David Irish
        31. Howard M. Jenkins
        32. Enoch Lewis
        33. Thomas Luscombe
        34. Joshua Maule
        35. Nathan Mendenhall
        36. Joseph Metford
        37. Joseph G. Miller
        38. Nathaniel Morgan
        39. Israel W. Morris
        40. Pacificus
        41. Samuel Parsons
        42. Cyrus G. Pringle
        43. Samuel Rhoads
        44. Nathaniel Richardson
        45. Joseph Snowdon
        46. Thomas Stewardson
        47. Nathan Swift
        48. Joseph M. Truman, Jr.
        49. Tilghman Vestal
        50. Albert, Edward, & Ernest Voisin
        51. James E. Whipple
        52. Zerah C. Whipple
        53. William Williams
      6. 20th–21st century Quakers
        1. Friends Journal
        2. the American Friends Service Committee
        3. the Monteverde settlement
          1. Hubert Mendenhall
          2. Marvin Rockwell
        4. Priscilla Adams
        5. John Affolter
        6. Nancy Alach
        7. Vickie Aldrich
        8. Alfred & Connie Andersen
        9. Stephen Leroy Angell, Jr.
        10. Cushman Anthony
        11. Robert Anthony
        12. Donald Ary
        13. William Ashworth
        14. Bruce Baechler
        15. Dan Balderston
        16. Merrill Hallowell Barnebey
        17. Susan Lee Barton
        18. David R. & Miyoki Inouye Bassett
        19. Colin W. Bell
        20. Tor J.S. Bejnar
        21. Sharon Bienert
        22. Elizabeth Blaser
        23. Darrell Bluhm
        24. Elizabeth Boardman
        25. Beatrice & Cornelis Boeke
        26. Margaret G. (Meg) Bowman
        27. Sylvia Boyes
        28. Jens & Spee Braun
        29. Constance P. Brown
        30. Edith Carlton & Gordon Mervin Browne
        31. Sally Buckley
        32. DeAnne Butterfield
        33. Mary Bye
        34. Henry Cadbury
        35. Leonard Cadwallader
        36. Jack Cady
        37. Samuel D. Caldwell
        38. Elizabeth Campuzano
        39. Lucy Perkins Carner
        40. Thomas L. Carter
        41. Richard Ralston Catlett
        42. Howard & Paula Cell
        43. Susan B. Chambers
        44. Katy & Kyle Chandler-Isacksen
        45. W.H. Churchill
        46. Lucy & Sheldon Clark
        47. Lorraine Ketchum Cleveland
        48. Linda Coffin
        49. Wallace T. Collett
        50. Clarissa & Samuel Cooper
        51. Sara P. Cory
        52. Elaine J. Crauder
        53. Elaine Craudereff
        54. Scott Crom
        55. Frances Crowe
        56. Lily Dalke
        57. J.H. Davenport
        58. Vinton Deming
        59. Carole Hope Depp
        60. Meg Dickinson
        61. Roberta Dickinson
        62. Dan & Marion Dobbert
        63. Marian Dockhorn
        64. Robert & Roma Dockhorn
        65. Alura & Donald Dodd
        66. Phil Drath
        67. Bill & Genie Durland
        68. Betsy Eberhart
        69. Alan (Allyn? Allan?) Eccleston
        70. Irene S. Eldridge
        71. John R. Ewbank
        72. David A. & Sabrina Falls
        73. Lon Fendall
        74. Lissa Field
        75. Katherine Fisher
        76. John Fitz
        77. Ed Flowers
        78. Jim Forest
        79. Charles H. Fox
        80. Anne Friend
        81. Susan Furry
        82. Newton Garver
        83. Peter Goldberger
        84. Abram Bresel Goldstein
        85. William V. Grassie
        86. Bruce & Ruth Graves
        87. David Green
        88. Naomi Paz Greenberg
        89. Louise Benckenstein Griffiths
        90. Stephen M. Gulick
        91. Lois Mae Handsaker
        92. Marlies Harper
        93. Robin Harper
        94. Barbara Harrison
        95. Ruth Larson Hatcher
        96. William F. “Bill” Hayden
        97. Errol Hess
        98. Joan Hewitt
        99. William (“Bill”) & Sue Himmelbauer
        100. Elinor Gene Hoffman
        101. Irving Hollingshead
        102. Paul Hood
        103. Nadine Hoover
        104. Chuck Hosking
        105. Barbara C. & David D. Houghton
        106. Debra & Harold Houghton
        107. Mary Barclay Howarth
        108. Jeff Hunn
        109. John Huyler, Jr.
        110. Gladis Innerst
        111. David Paul Irish
        112. Daniel Jenkins
        113. Charles Johnson
        114. Cynthia & Richard Johnson
        115. Constance Jolly
        116. Louis E. Jones
        117. Mark Judkins
        118. Martin Kelly
        119. Stephanie Kennedy
        120. Sue Kinchy
        121. Esther Marie Kitching
        122. Lee Maria Kleiss
        123. Carl Kline
        124. Trudy Knowles
        125. Seres Kyrie
        126. Larry & Lisa Kuenning
        127. George Lakey
        128. Kent R. Larrabee
        129. Steve Leeds
        130. Sam Legg
        131. George Levinger
        132. Walter Ludwig
        133. Dan Lundquist
        134. Ellen Lyon
        135. Craig MacDonald
        136. Duane Magill
        137. Glenn S. Mallison
        138. Joe Marinello
        139. Jeannette Marquardt
        140. Elizabeth & Frank Massey
        141. John L.P. Maynard
        142. Mary Caroline Mendenhall
        143. Dan Merritt
        144. Mary Mikesell
        145. Jason Robert Mizula
        146. Grace Montgomery
        147. Anne & Tom Moore
        148. Chris Moore-Backman
        149. Albert E. Moorman
        150. Anne & Norman Morrison
        151. Carol & Richard Morse
        152. Gerald Morsello
        153. Jeremy Hardin Mott
        154. Virginia Snow Mountain
        155. Marjorie Nelson
        156. Joan H. Nicholson
        157. Ben Norris
        158. Joseph Olejak
        159. Virginia O’Rourke
        160. Rosa Packard
        161. Ruth Hyde Paine
        162. Jane Palmer
        163. Jill Penberthy
        164. Finley Perry
        165. Clarence Pickett
        166. Charles Purvis
        167. Viola Evelyn Purvis
        168. Ellis Rece
        169. Karen A. Reixach
        170. Ben Richmond
        171. Mark Riley
        172. Mildred Teusler Ringwalt
        173. Laura Robinson
        174. Paula Rogge
        175. Harrison & Marilyn Roper
        176. John J. & Louise Runnings
        177. Bob & Kathy Runyan
        178. Bill Samuel
        179. Robert Schultz
        180. Lloyd C. Shank
        181. Paul Sheldon
        182. David Shen
        183. Roland Smith
        184. Lyle & Sue Snider
        185. Dorothy & Edward Snyder
        186. Merry Stanford
        187. Carolyn Stevens
        188. William D. “Bill” Strong
        189. Kingdon Swayne
        190. Bill & Fran Taber
        191. Robert Tatman
        192. Mildred Thierman
        193. Jennifer S. Tiffany
        194. Mary Timberlake
        195. Keith Tingle
        196. Sebrina Tingley
        197. Geoff Tischbein
        198. Perry E. Treadwell
        199. P.A. Trisha
        200. Brinton Turkle
        201. Mike Turner
        202. Robert Turner
        203. Samuel R. Tyson
        204. Carol & Jack Urner
        205. Lonnie Valentine
        206. Susan Van Haitsma
        207. Beth & Joe Volk
        208. Charles C. Walker
        209. Dorothy Ann Ware
        210. George Watson
        211. Austin Wattles
        212. Eleanor Brooks Webb
        213. Silas Weeks
        214. Bonnie Wells
        215. Lloyd Lee Wilson
        216. Arthur & Ursula Windsor
        217. Philip Dudley Woodbridge
        218. Franklin Zahn
        219. David Zarembka
    7. Shakers
  9. Miscellaneous tax resisters
    1. individual war tax resisters
      1. F.C. Ade
      2. Ed Agro
      3. Frank Albrecht
      4. Pam Allee
      5. Jim Allen
      6. Pat Arrowsmith
      7. Anna Aschenbach
      8. Andrea Ayvazian
      9. Bob Bady
      10. Laura Baran
      11. Hugh & Sirkka Barbour
      12. Lori Barg
      13. Sue Barnhart
      14. Anne Barron
      15. Larry Bassett
      16. Martin Bates
      17. Justin Becker
      18. Randy Belmont
      19. Ruth Benn
      20. Bernard J. Berg
      21. Seth Berner
      22. David Berrian
      23. Frida Berrigan
      24. Tamiko Beyer
      25. Pam Beziat
      26. Moreno Biagioni
      27. Pat Blackburn
      28. Beth Blodgett (Sister Alegría del Señor)
      29. Jim Bouman
      30. Henry Braun
      31. Tom Brewer
      32. Josef Brinckmann
      33. Lindsey Britt
      34. Steven Broll
      35. Adrienne Maree Brown
      36. Dennis Brutus
      37. Kristin Buchholz
      38. Frederick Burks
      39. Robert Burrowes
      40. Alexis Buschmann
      41. Mike Butler
      42. Karen Button
      43. Martha Cain
      44. Carter
      45. April Carter
      46. Mandy Carter
      47. Pierre Cérésole
      48. John Chisholm
      49. Ashby Crowder
      50. Shane Claiborne
      51. Felice & Jack Cohen-Joppa
      52. Nicholas Collins
      53. Eldon Comfort
      54. Carol Coney
      55. Mimi Copp
      56. Betsy Corner
      57. Chris Coverdale
      58. Bethany Criss
      59. Sherill Crosby
      60. Thad Crouch
      61. Susan Cundiff
      62. Tamara Cushway
      63. Dennis Dalton
      64. Clare Daly
      65. Larry Dansinger
      66. Cathleen Deppe
      67. Frederick Dettmer
      68. Frank Donnelly
      69. Susan Dunlany
      70. Betsy Duren
      71. Donald Ealy
      72. Fred Ecks
      73. Tim Eisenbeis
      74. Gary Erb
      75. Aaron Falbel
      76. Bryan Farrell
      77. Mike Ferner
      78. Mary Ann Fiske
      79. Cynthia Foster
      80. Roger Franklin
      81. Edorah Frazer
      82. Erin Freed
      83. Litmus A Freeman
      84. Aanya Adler Friess
      85. Joanie Fritz
      86. Alexander Gaguine
      87. Kima Garrison
      88. Chris Gaunt
      89. Elaine M. Gibson
      90. Terry Gilliam
      91. William Giunta
      92. Bill Glassmire
      93. Michael Goldstein
      94. Rebecca Gordon
      95. Carol Gorgen
      96. Lee Gough
      97. Elizabeth Gravalos
      98. John Grueschow
      99. Gary & Nancy Guthrie
      100. Jim Haber
      101. George Haeseler
      102. John Hammar
      103. Peter Haney
      104. Clark Hanjian
      105. Jim Hannah
      106. Clare Hanrahan
      107. Dorothy Hansen
      108. Larry Harper
      109. Rebekah Hassler
      110. Tana Hastings
      111. Ed Hedemann
      112. Rosie Heidkamp
      113. J.M. Henrietta
      114. Jack Herbert
      115. Peter Herby
      116. John Lowell Heywood
      117. Janet Hicks
      118. Julia “Butterfly” Hill
      119. Brenda Hillman
      120. Steev Hise
      121. Laurence “Laurie” Hislam
      122. Steve Hodges
      123. Connie Hogarth
      124. Matthew Hoh
      125. Mary Ann C. Holtz
      126. Ben & Janine Martin Horst
      127. Geoff Huggins
      128. Ethan & Sarah Hughes
      129. Ann Huntwork
      130. Oliver Hydon
      131. Mary “Irv” Irvine
      132. Bob Irwin
      133. Michael Izbicki
      134. Melissa Jameson
      135. Robert C. Johansen
      136. Donna Johnson
      137. Xan Joi
      138. Joanna Karl
      139. Barb Kass
      140. Ellen Kaye
      141. Patrick Keaney
      142. Randy Kehler
      143. Kathy Kelly
      144. Scott Kennedy
      145. Dave Keniston
      146. Jon Klein
      147. Joshua Klein
      148. Brewster B. Kneen
      149. Katherine Kohrman
      150. Laurie Konwinski
      151. Sam Koplinka-Loehr
      152. Eileen Kreutz
      153. Timothy Lange (“Meteor Blades”)
      154. Marilyn Langlois
      155. Jason Laning
      156. Ellen Lankhorst
      157. Henry Lappen
      158. Linda Leehman
      159. Andrew Lehman
      160. Joanne Lehman
      161. Erica Leigh (Weiland)
      162. Hedley Lester
      163. Kathy Levine
      164. Ian Henry Leys
      165. Eileen Liddy
      166. John Lindsay-Poland
      167. Charlie Liteky
      168. Alice Liu
      169. Mary Loehr
      170. Jim Loewen
      171. Dee Logan
      172. R.J. Macani
      173. Doug & Maureen Mackenzie
      174. Steve Magin
      175. Joe Maizlish
      176. Suzanne & Tom Makarewicz
      177. Jon Marley
      178. Amy Martyn
      179. Sallie Marx
      180. Karen Marysdaughter
      181. Scott McCandless
      182. Peg McIntyre
      183. Ruth McKay
      184. Kristen McKee
      185. Andy McKenna
      186. J.E. McNeil
      187. Bob Meola
      188. Donnna Mehle
      189. Vicki Metcalf
      190. Sylvia Metzler
      191. David Meyers
      192. Pete Meyers
      193. Glen Milner
      194. George Mizo
      195. Jack Moe
      196. George Monk
      197. Paul Monsky
      198. Carol Moore
      199. Michael C. Moore
      200. Pat Morse
      201. Susan Morse
      202. Eric Muller
      203. George Mummert
      204. Chad Murdock
      205. Duncan Murphy
      206. Bryan Nelson
      207. Rod Nippert
      208. Matt Niznik
      209. Mildred Norman (Peace Pilgrim)
      210. Purusha Obluda
      211. Bernard Offen
      212. Kenneth O’Keefe
      213. Samantha Olden
      214. Brad Ott
      215. Lee Pagano
      216. Marcus Page
      217. Mike Palecek
      218. Geov Parrish
      219. John & Kate Parrish
      220. Jack Payden-Travers
      221. Ed & Georgia Pearson
      222. Raul Perez
      223. Lorin Peters
      224. Martin Philips
      225. Ruby Phillips
      226. Utah Phillips
      227. Becky Pierce
      228. Tim Pluta
      229. Suzanne Polen
      230. John Wesley Pratt
      231. Gail M. Presbey
      232. Olwen Pritchard
      233. Nathaniel “NTodd” Pritsky
      234. Mike Prokosch
      235. Chuck Quilty
      236. Susan Quinlan
      237. Bob Quirin
      238. Jessica Ramer
      239. Linda & Robert Randall
      240. Holly Rauen
      241. Jason Rawn
      242. Greg Reagle
      243. Redmoonsong
      244. Kevin & Linda Regan
      245. Mary Regan
      246. Evan Reeves
      247. Max & Nancy Rice
      248. Robert Riversong
      249. Ilene Roizman
      250. Jose Roldan
      251. Ari Rosenberg
      252. Larry Rosenwald
      253. Tom Rothschild
      254. Steve Russell
      255. Bert Sacks
      256. George Salzman
      257. Doris E. Sargent
      258. Jim Satterwhite
      259. Eileen Sauvageau
      260. Lisa Savage
      261. Claire Schaeffer-Duffy
      262. Molly Schaffnit
      263. Steven Schallert
      264. Judy Scheckel
      265. David Schenck
      266. Eric Schickendanz
      267. Ginny Sсhnеider
      268. V. Schneider
      269. John Schuchardt
      270. Scott Schumacher
      271. Liz Scranton
      272. Beth Seberger
      273. Lida Shao
      274. Cynthia Sharpe
      275. Tom Shea
      276. Cindy Sheehan
      277. Joanne Sheehan
      278. Caleb Shenk
      279. John Shibley
      280. Bronwyn Shiffer
      281. Maynard Shirk
      282. Daniel Sicken
      283. Arthur Silber
      284. Eleanor Bonney Simons
      285. Bradley R. Smith
      286. Coleman Smith
      287. Michael Smith
      288. Peter Smith
      289. Shirley Smith
      290. Heather Snow
      291. Rita Snyder
      292. Kristine & Michael Sonnleitner
      293. Jay Sordean
      294. Steve Soucy
      295. Shannon Stahmer
      296. Kayla Starr
      297. Daniel Staub
      298. Ellyn Stecker
      299. Carlos Steward
      300. Joffre Stewart
      301. Jim Stockwell
      302. Willard Stoltzfus
      303. Eric Stoner
      304. Marion Stuenkel
      305. Jim Sweigart
      306. Joel Taunton
      307. Elizabeth Taylor
      308. Katharine Temple
      309. Lauren Tepper
      310. Eddie Tews
      311. Peggy Thomas
      312. Charlie Toledo
      313. Patricia Tompkins
      314. Chris Toussaint
      315. Francois Tremblay
      316. Jenny Truax
      317. Edward Tverdek
      318. Bonnie Urfer
      319. Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey
      320. Ethan & Rima Vesely-Flad
      321. Sam Vimes
      322. Dana Visalli
      323. Eric Volpe
      324. Amy Wachspress
      325. Howard Waitzkin
      326. Francine & Thomas Wall
      327. Jim Wallis
      328. Lou Waronker
      329. Patricia Washburn
      330. David Waters
      331. Margaret Weitzmann
      332. Zenya Wild
      333. “Bushel” Bob Williams
      334. Lamar Williamson
      335. S. Brian Willson
      336. Thomas Wilson
      337. Betty Winkler
      338. Lea Wood
      339. Daniel Woodham
      340. Ruthy Woodring
      341. Nick Wright
      342. Sam Yerger
      343. Carolyn K. Ziffer
      344. Øystein Øgaard
    2. individual “show me the law” tax protesters
      1. Michael Badnarik
      2. Ed & Elaine Brown
      3. Kent Carter
      4. Ronald Conner
      5. Lynn Johnston
      6. Eddie Kahn
      7. Ghislaine Lanctôt
      8. Arthur J. Porth
      9. James E. Ramsden
      10. Irwin Schiff
    3. individual local or state tax resisters
      1. Samuel Adair
      2. Louis J. Adler
      3. William Atsinger
      4. Greg Ball
      5. Roberta Baxter
      6. Merrill Bey
      7. Walter Brandt
      8. Harry Carless
      9. Cheng Yanzhe
      10. Hervé Ferland
      11. Scott Frisby
      12. James F. Hathaway
      13. LaSaunders Hudson
      14. Louis Josephson
      15. Jerry Kirk
      16. Carrie Klauber
      17. Edward Koryto
      18. Robert H. Miller
      19. Cloise W. Noggle
      20. John O’Hagan
      21. Robert Purvis
      22. Patrick Quinn
      23. John Randolph
      24. Scott Silvera
      25. James Stinson
      26. William H. Vanderbilt
      27. Amis Vautier
      28. William Worden
    4. individual Social Security tax resisters
      1. Amos M. Brandt
      2. F. Hamblin
      3. Susan Seymour
    5. individual anarchist or libertarian tax resisters
      1. Amos Bronson Alcott
      2. Francisco Belmar
      3. Jeff Berwick
      4. Gabriel Colominas Bigorra
      5. Karl J. Bray
      6. Lauren Canario
      7. Graham Colson
      8. Jeff Dietrich
      9. Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin
      10. Giorgio Fidenato
      11. Mogens Gilstrup
      12. Karl Hess
      13. Taran Jordan
      14. Kat Kanning
      15. Russell Kanning
      16. David King
      17. Adam Kokesh
      18. Charles Lane
      19. Toine Manders
      20. John McAfee
      21. John Patric
      22. Simon Rierdon
      23. Dave Ridley
      24. J. Tony Serra
      25. Michele Seven
      26. John Brown Smith
      27. Lysander Spooner
      28. Mark Tier
      29. Leo Tolstoy
      30. Jerome Tuccille
      31. Benjamin R. Tucker
      32. Teresa Warmke
      33. Lynette Warren
      34. Claire Wolfe
    6. individual tax resisters of other or more comprehensive sorts
      1. Rachel Murphy Azzara
      2. M. Bidault
      3. G.A. Blarney
      4. Billy Bragg
      5. Lou Cadle
      6. Don Carey
      7. Andrew P. Connolly
      8. “Consent Withdrawn”
      9. Tom Cooley
      10. John Ed Croft
      11. Austin T. Flett
      12. Gary Flomenhoft
      13. Rob Greenfield
      14. John Hampden
      15. Ed Harris-Morgan
      16. Nick Hogan
      17. Karen Horn
      18. Boris Johnson
      19. Kesh
      20. Silas Lamson
      21. Charles Kanjama
      22. Miki Kashtan
      23. William Mason
      24. Kit Miller
      25. Phil Miller
      26. Michael Nagler
      27. Andrew Newman
      28. Luke Pease
      29. Pente Player
      30. John Gover Powell
      31. Vicki Robison
      32. Jonas Rosenzweig
      33. Ralph Shinaberry
      34. Popcorn Sutton
      35. Mary Theroux
      36. Emma Thompson
      37. Wat Tyler
      38. Deborah White
      39. Glynn Wilson
      40. Greg Wise
      41. Yang Zhizhu & Chen Hong
      42. Markus Zwicklbauer