Some recent links of interest:
- More Thoreau bicentennial notes, including a surprising number in the German press:
- Radio Open Source shares a podcast series on “A Wild & Disobedient Life.”
- People’s World gives a wikipedia-like retelling of the life and thought of Thoreau.
- Die Presse brings us “Der Aufstand des rechtschaffenen Bürgers” (The uprising of the righteous citizen), which talks mostly about how Thoreau’s theories of civil disobedience and conscientious objection continue to influence dissenters to the present day.
- Sonntagsblatt gives us “Aussteiger, Literat, Rebell: Vor 200 Jahren wurde der U.S.-Philosoph Henry David Thoreau geboren” (Dropout, writer, rebel: 200 years ago the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau was born), which notes that “even today, U.S. citizens refer to him when they refuse to pay taxes.”
- Welt gives us “Das anarchische Herz” (the anarchic heart) of Thoreau.
- Wiener-Zeitung compares the thought of Thoreau and Ernst Jünger, in “Mythos Wald”.
- Forty businesses in Italy organized to refuse taxes to protest the government’s plans to lodge refugees near their businesses without sufficient planning.
- Here’s another report of the Conscience and Peace Tax International gathering in London , this one in German, from Wolfgang Steuer of Netzwerk Friedenssteuer.
- If you’re going to mail a bomb threat to the IRS don’t leave fingerprints and certainly not entire fingers.