There’s a new issue out of NWTRCC’s newsletter, More Than a Paycheck. This one includes:
- DeCourecy Squires’s story of becoming a war tax resister and continuing to resist for four decades (so far)
- Some notes on Hiroshima Day outreach, tax policy and news updates, and war tax resistance ideas & actions
- A review of A Persistent Voice: Marian Franz and Conscientious Objection to Military Taxation
- A look at some new and updated resources available from NWTRCC
- News about the upcoming NWTRCC national in Ohio this , the international conference next year in Norway, the upcoming New England gathering of war tax resisters in Vermont in , and other upcoming gatherings
- And the encouraging news that the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting has decided to refuse to comply with an IRS levy on the salary on one of the Meeting’s employees, war tax resister Priscilla Adams