New National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee Newsletter

The new issue of More Than a Paycheck, NWTRCC’s newsletter, is online now, with stories on such topics as:

Rosenwald’s account was interesting, particularly that actual war tax resisters were few and far between at the conference (most countries were represented only by people working to enact some form of legal recognition for conscientious objection to military taxation, a la the Peace Tax Fund Act). The United States and, to a lesser extent, Britain, was represented by a movement of civilly disobedient conscientious objectors as well. I wonder why the Spanish resisters who have been so much in the news there didn’t show up on the radar at the conference.

From the Taranaki Herald:

Peasants Will Not Pay Taxes.

Girl Aims a Bomb.

Unrest Among the Troops.

The Viborg manifesto is producing an effect, many peasants refusing to pay taxes. Advices from the centre and south state that peasants are preparing for widespread disorders after harvest.

Sixty revolutionary agitators at Odessa have started for different villages.

A girl, armed with a bomb, and fifteen anarchists, including compositors, all armed with revolvers, seized a newspaper office in the centre of Odessa and locked up the proprietor and employees while they printed a proclamation. They then departed unmolested.

As there is unrest among the troops at Odessa the authorities are closely watching.