Minister’s Sympathizers Picket Prison Camp

Richard Fichter, left, Springville, and Dale Rogers, right, a native of Texas, are shown as they picketed the Federal Prison Camp at Allenwood, Union County, in protest over the imprisonment there of the Rev. Maurice McCrackin of Cincinnati, Ohio. The minister, who has refused to pay income taxes because the money is used for defense expenditures, was imprisoned for failing to obey a summons by the Internal Revenue Service to appear in court.
Pickets Support Jailed Pacifist
Two Carry Placards at U.S. Prison Farm
Williamsport, (AP) — Sympathizers who promised to “do the same thing all over again” picketed the federal prison farm near here in support of the Rev. Maurice McCrackin of Cincinnati.
The Rev. Mr. McCrackin, a pacifist, is serving a six-month sentence for refusing to cooperate with the Internal Revenue Service. He was brought to the prison farm last week.
The Cincinnati pacifist was sentenced in federal district court at Cincinnati after refusing to pay income tax on the grounds that the money goes toward supporting military establishments.
The sympathizers who picketed the prison farm Saturday were Dale Rogers, a native of Texas who is a student at Lincoln University, near Oxford, Pa., and Richard Fichter, a former Methodist minister who now runs a dairy farm at Springville, Pa.
The pickets marched in sub-freezing temperatures carrying signs reading “McCrackin’s in Jail for Peace,” “80 Per Cent of Your Tax Dollar Pays for War,” “We Reject Taxes Too,” and “Thou Shalt Not Kill.”
Federal prison officials would make no comment on the incident.
I haven’t found much else about Richard Fichter. There’s an interesting story in which he jumped on stage during a live broadcast of the game show The $64,000 Challenge and tried to read a statement beginning “America, I have a challenge. The Russians are ahead of you…” They bundled him off to a psych ward, and I haven’t been able to determine any more about the contents of his challenge. In , Fichter had picketed the White House in behalf of an imprisoned draft resister.
Dale Rogers is even more of a blank to me.