The latest issue of More Than a Paycheck, NWTRCC’s newsletter, is now on-line. Articles include:
- Revolution, One by One — a summary of my “one man revolution” post and of some of the back-and-forth about it on the wtr-s email list.
- Some updates on the prospects of passport restrictions for tax resisters, consequences of the laws implementing Obamacare for tax resisters, challenges in being a phone tax resister, and how non-filers can navigate the food stamp program.
- International news about the upcoming international war tax resistance conference, and a quashed legal appeal by a German conscientious objectors’ group against mandatory military taxation.
- Glimpses at the state of war tax redirection funds, an upcoming () New England war tax resisters’ gathering, some war tax resisters who got shout-outs in a Mennonite Women publication, and an update on the Cindy Sheehan case.
- Organizational news including an announcement of the thirtieth anniversary of NWTRCC’s founding, a note about the national gathering coming up in Colorado Springs, and about NWTRCC’s presence at the School of the Americas Watch protests in .
- A profile of Seth Berner, who has been resisting a token protest amount of his taxes for 20 years.