Some tax resistance news from here and there:
- The Spanish war tax resistance movement has issued its annual report on war tax resistance in Spain which includes the number of resisters who registered with the campaign, how many euros total they resisted, and where they redirected their money. The number of objectors has dropped somewhat from totals, which the group suggests is probably from two causes: underreporting by resisters and the government’s insistence that people file electronically, which discourages some resisters who do not know how to register their resistance using the filing software. They break the numbers down by region, too, which may help them figure out where to concentrate more of their outreach in the coming year.
- AddioPizzo, the Italian group organizing resistance to mafia taxes, has put together an interactive map of the hundreds of businesses in the Palermo region that have pledged to stop paying protection money. This helps consumers who are practicing the AddioPizzo buycott — “critical consumption” they call it — to find businesses they can support.
- Code Pink activist Lisa Savage explains “How A Nice, Middle Class Girl [like her] Became a War Tax Resister”.
- Mark Engler and Paul Engler take a look at Gandhi’s salt march and the strategic decisions Gandhi made during that campaign.
- Basler Zeitung takes a look back at a tax resistance campaign in the Basel region in .