A new issue of NWTRCC’s newsletter, More Than a Paycheck, is out.
Some of what you’ll find inside:
- A preview of Tax Day activities planned for this year across the country.
- A debate about whether or not NWTRCC ought to endorse the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund bill. This sets the stage for a discussion on the same topic that will take place at the Spring national meeting in Virginia .
- Contributors to the debate include Pam Allee, Larry Dansinger, myself, Carolyn Stevens, Karl Meyer, Joffre Stewart, and Kelly Suttles.
- Some brief notes about IRS policy and tax law changes and about NWTRCC’s new speakers bureau.
- An article by Alan Clemence on the importance of regional gatherings, with lots of good information on how the New England Regional Gathering of War Tax Resisters an Supporters is organized.
- A profile of war tax resister Mimi Copp.
The debate about whether or not NWTRCC should endorse the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund bill was interesting.
Supporters of the bill tend to project their hopes for what they think such a bill ought to accomplish onto the actual bill that’s being proposed. In doing so, they make claims for what the bill would do that are not supported by the bill’s actual substance.
But there was actually much less of this in the current debate than usual. With one exception, even the supporters of the bill recognized that it is flawed and that it would not accomplish much of substance. More remarkable to me were the number of people in the debate who said that they don’t support the bill or the “peace tax fund” idea in general, but who think that NWTRCC should go ahead and endorse it anyway so as to better preserve our good ties with the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund.