Senate Threatens to Strip Passports from Tax Resisters
, the U.S. Senate approved a bill, largely concerned with “surface transportation” issues, that includes a provision that may alarm some tax resisters.
The bill would, as of , authorize the government to revoke or deny passports to people who owe more than $50,000 in back taxes.
It remains to be seen whether the House of Representatives will include this provision in their own version of the bill.
A bit more news from the tax resistance movement in Greece:
Some volunteers have started up something that I think they’re calling “το κίνημα της πατάτας” (“the potato movement”), which hopes to cut out the middleman and regulators between producers and buyers and grease the wheels of a freed market.
The movement is named from their first big action, which in two four-hour weekend sweeps managed to distribute about 100 tons of potatoes in Nevrokopi at prices that undercut the supermarkets yet provided better prices to the farmers than what they could get from wholesalers.
(Here’s an English-language story on the movement.
And here is an article in Greek about some of the other forms the movement is taking.)
One movement activist, Dimitri Sianidis, wrote:
“In a country betrayed by politicians, who have in essence enslaved us to (mostly) foreign interests, and whose citizens are experiencing a new ‘katochi,’ for nobody-knows how long, the initiative of the potato movement volunteers is ultimately an act of resistance, and a new ‘no!’ against a system of servitude and misery for the Greeks which foreign and local interests have imposed on us.”
Representatives from the potato movement and from various local branches of the “Δεν Πληρώνω” (“Not Paying!”) tax resistance movement, are holding a conference later this month to discuss strategy.