Women’s Tax Resistance League
The principle of the enfranchisement of women having been established by the
passing of the Representation of the People Act of
, the Committee of the Women’s Tax
Resistance League have decided to dissolve.
At the outbreak of war, it was felt by a majority of the members of the
League that, at the moment of national crisis, they could not continue their
tax resistance, and it was therefore decided to suspend all active propaganda
till the end of the war. The Committee, however, to the last moment held a
watching brief, and representatives of the League have attended conferences
and meetings of the Consultative Committee, before and during the passage of
the Bill, and they were prepared to call members together should the need
have arisen. Happily all danger is now over, and we may rejoice on the
partial victory obtained.
Mrs. [Margaret] Kineton Parkes has written a little book, to which Mr.
Laurence Housman has contributed an introduction, giving an account of the
work done and the part played by the Women’s Tax Resistance League in the
achievement of victory, and it is hoped that this will be published at the
end of the war. It is also hoped that a meeting of old members of the League
may be arranged when that happier time arrives.
Gertrude Eaton, late Hon. Sec.