Our Honorary Treasurer’s Arrest.
While Dr. [Elizabeth] Knight
is in prison we intend to turn every in-door and out-door meeting that we
hold into a Protest Meeting against the taxation of women while they are
unrepresented in Parliament.
, we
shall hold a meeting outside Holloway Prison, at 3.30, our speakers being
Miss Eunice Murray, Mrs. Tanner and Mrs. Mustard.
, we shall hold
a joint protest meeting with the Tax Resisters’ League, further particulars
of which will be announced in next week’s Vote.
, the day after
her release, we have arranged a reception to
Dr. Knight at Caxton Hall. We
rely on the support of our readers at all these meetings.
The Arrest of Our Hon. Treasurer.
On our
hon. treasurer,
Dr. Elizabeth Knight, was
sentenced at Hampstead to a fine of £20 and
19s. costs for resisting
the National Insurance Act with regard to two maids, and in default of
payment or distraint on her goods, one month’s imprisonment. No money being
forthcoming, about the middle of May a warrant was issued for her arrest,
but she was left alone until , when the police
arrived at her house to escort her to Holloway Prison. On hearing the news,
Miss [Florence A.] Underwood and Mrs. [Isabel] Tippett went immediately to
see Dr. Knight; Madam Putz,
hon. secretary of the
Hampstead Branch, also arrived, and all accompanied
Dr. Knight to Holloway.