The latest issue of More Than a Paycheck, NWTRCC’s newsletter, is now on-line. Contents include:
- Getting ready for 2012’s tax season by Ruth Benn
- Notes on the new minimum income tax-free income levels, techniques for avoiding bank account levies, and how much of your money you can legally give away without IRS complications
- International news including an article by the late Spanish war tax resister Pedro Otaduy
- Action ideas including an outreach letter to community radio, a new blog, another war tax resistance legal appeal, and an election day penny poll
- NWTRCC news including an announcement of the next national gathering (Chicago ), the new home of our email discussion list, a hunt for nominees to join the Administrative Committee, and a follow-up on those arrested in the civil disobedience action during the last national gathering in Kansas City
- Beth Seberger tells how she became a war tax resister and why
The new blog mentioned above is MathewCh5v9, featuring writing by war tax resister Vickie Aldrich, largely reviewing letters from her father from when he was in a Civilian Public Service camp for drafted conscientious objectors during World War Ⅱ.
She has also addressed her own conscientious objection — war tax resistance — in some posts:
- Baby pigs, corn pickers and frivolous filing ()
- Chickens and Conscience ()
- Do hickeys, shellac and appealing to the IRS ()
- The problem is the moneyed man ()
- Spring Steamliners and talking with Iris ()
- A Bigger God and goodbye wages ()
- Being a good citizen ()
- Writing to people, retiring and more IRS fun ()
- Salt and Light and the IRS ()