Tax Resistance News from Around the World

Today, a roundup of links from here and there:

American War Tax Resisters

IRS Woes

  • The Treasury Department’s inspector-general issued a report stating that over , 1580 IRS employees “were found to have willfully evaded taxes.” Most (75%) were not fired, and some later received promotions, raises, and bonuses.
  • The number of people who renounced their U.S. citizenship is aiming toward another record high this year. The first quarter of the year saw 1,335 people tell Sam “you’re not my uncle” — a new record.
The average quarterly number of people renouncing U.S. citizenship has risen dramatically in recent years: 750 per quarter in 2013; 854 in 2014; and 1335 in the first quarter of 2015; this in comparison to the 100 to 200 people on average between 1998 and 2009.

Tax Resistance Campaigns Around the World