Kate Harvey Barricades Home Against Tax Collector

The Vote

From the issue of The Vote:

Tax Resistance.

Mrs. [Kate] Harvey’s barricade at Brackenhill, Bromley, is still unbroken, demonstrating to all who pass by woman’s determination to withstand the tyranny of taxation without representation. The evening meetings in the Market Square continue to be most successful.

Mrs. [Marion] Cunningham, member of our Hayes Branch, had silver articles seized on ; they will be sold among other ordinary goods on , at Uxbridge. No protest meeting will be held at the time, as at few people can attend. Mrs. Cunningham hopes to hold a meeting on and preach a sermon on Tax Resistance.

From the issue of The Vote:

No Vote! No Tax.

On , Mrs. [Isabella] Darent Harrison’s goods were sold by auction in her own house at St. Leonards-on-Sea without her permission being asked or given, by the Public Auctioneer. Bidding was allowed to run up to £70 by a system known amongst auctioneers as “puffing.” Mrs. Darent Harrison protested against the sale taking place to pay the taxes of an unenfranchised woman. The proceedings appear to have been altogether irregular, the sale not having been advertised in the Press, the only notice given being a few posters sent to friends of the tax-gatherers. Further, no notice was given of the amount required to cover the claim.