The issue of More Than a Paycheck, NWTRCC’s newsletter, is now on-line, and includes:
- Clare Hanrahan’s tax day speech: “We must stop supporting this system of destruction. Not merely because it is immoral and unjust, but because it is illegal — according to International Law.”
- counseling notes — Congress considers revoking passports from tax delinquents, the IRS struggles to cope with a flood of tax fraud, and Ed Hedemann suggests low-income tax resisters inflate the numbers on their income tax statements so they have something to resist.
- international news — tax resistance in Spain, and a new nonviolent campaign guide from War Resisters’ International
- legal news — updates on the Frank Donnelly and Cindy Sheehan cases
- action reports and photos
- reports from the NWTRCC national gathering in Chicago
- a collection of brief “how I became a war tax resister” anecdotes from attendees at the Chicago conference