Cindy Sheehan met with the IRS the other day to hear their questions for her about her finances, but she didn’t much feel like giving answers.
She shares what happened on her blog.
An excerpt:
There was no ruling from the Magistrate at my hearing on
whether I could use a “blanket 5th” for the
form 433-A, but we agreed to meet with the
IRS on
to do a “line by line” answer for my “assets.” Basically, every answer was
“No” or “Zero,” but I do receive contributions for my books and speaking that
pay the expenses for Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox and which allow me to be a
full-time activist… so I did take the 5th on my
bank account records. Confirming my suspicion that the feds either want me to
perjure or incriminate myself, after I answered “no” to the automobile
question, the Revenue Officer pulled up my
record showing that I owned a Toyota Camry — which I transferred to my son
last year after his only form of transportation died on him. It was barely my
car anyway as I also try very hard not to purchase fuel. I had the feeling
that I was asked many questions that the feds already have the answer to.
Rioting Occurs in Various Parts of Spain and Several Citizens and Soldiers Are Wounded — Streets Barricaded.
Madrid, — passed off
peacefully practically everywhere throughout Spain, despite the universal
character of the anti-taxation measure. The only noteworthy disturbance took
place at Valencia, where barricades were erected in streets and a mob stoned
the gendarmes and received them with rifle shots. Two policemen were injured.
The gendarmes replied with a fusillade, before which the mob fled.
Madrid, — Despatches just received here show that disorders due to
anti-taxation agitation similar to those which took place in Valencia
occurred last night at
Barcelona, where a crowd threw up a barricade in the streets and exchanged
musketry fire with a body of gendarmes. Shots were also fired from verandas
and balconies of a number of houses. Several gendarmes were hit. A number of
rioters were arrested. At Seville a mob threw stones at the building of the
military club, shattering windows and gas lamps. The gendarmes only succeeded
in dispersing the rioters after a hard fight, during which several citizens,
two gendarmes, a police inspector, and two members of the municipal guard
were wounded. Infantry and cavalry finally cleared the streets.
This anti-tax agitation concerned, I believe, the introduction of the income
tax in Spain, partially in order to pay of debts from the Spanish-American War
in which Spain was trying to hold on to its distant Western Hemisphere
colonies (the Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam) that the
U.S. preferred to
wrest for itself.
Some day the bill for the wars that the
U.S. has been
putting on credit is going to come due. Today’s Occupiers and
TEA Partiers
are just tuning up their paving-stone aim for when the real battles come.