To whom it may concern:
I noticed a couple of problems with your site.
First, the logo. Are you sure you meant to go with that trisected octagon thing?
The red octagon I get, the trisection not so much.
I’m guessing this is that peace sign vs. Mercedes logo confusion that’s been so popular lately.
Is that really what you were aiming at, though?
I admit, I’m not much up on the latest trends in detournement, so please disregard this if I’m missing the point.
But the second issue seems to me more important.
I don’t see any indication on the site that any of the sponsors, organizers, or speakers have stopped, or plan to stop, funding the war in Iraq.
Anyone reading the site would have the impression that all they’re going to do is ask other people to do this for them, or, even less usefully, that they’re going to plead with the façade of the building that holds Nancy Pelosi’s regional office to stop funding the war.
The site now looks like it would be better named “Won’t Somebody Else Please Stop Funding The War In Iraq” — it might help if the site mentioned the various ways in which the sponsors, organizers, and speakers are themselves stopping their payments; elsewise, whatever logo is on the site, it risks looking ridiculous.