Some news of interest to war tax resisters in particular:
- C.J. Hinke has a book coming out: Free Radicals: War Resisters in Prison. Here’s an excerpt. You can also follow the PrisonWarResisters blog which contains a lot of good accounts of mid-twentieth-century conscientious objection in the United States. The entries touch on war tax resistance from time to time, mostly in passing, but include information about the tax resistance stands of Juanita & Wally Nelson, Ernest & Marion Bromley, Eroseanna Robinson, Karl Meyer, and Art Harvey.
- The Spanish anti-militarist group “Tortuga” has created a comic book to explain why and how to refuse to pay war taxes.
- A transcript of Peter Goldberger’s talk on the possible ramifications of the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision for U.S. war tax resisters is now available on the NWTRCC web site.
- The War Tax Talk blog has a new post from Ruth Benn announcing a new edition of a NWTRCC “practical series” pamphlet on Health Care and Income Security for War Tax Resisters.
- There’s a new issue of NWTRCC’s newsletter out, with content including:
- The IRS still seems to be trigger-happy about “frivolous filing” warnings.
- War tax resisters have been making the tactic known hither and yon, including at a Fellowship of Reconciliation regional conference, a Fourth-of-July parade, a “People’s Budget” gathering, and the U.S. Social Forum; also, the New England Gathering of War Tax Resisters and Supporters is coming up in .
- A profile of Sylvia Metzler.