The latest issue of NWTRCC’s newsletter is now on-line, with articles including:
- a report on the 30th anniversary national gathering
- Geoff Huggins on adopting new war tax resistance strategies as a retiree
- Steev Hise writes about his experience with the IRS “Offer in Compromise” process
- some movement news including impressions from the School of the Americas Watch annual vigil, updates about war tax resisters who ran for office in the last elections, news about war tax resisters who have participated in anti-drone civil disobedience actions, and a mention of the recent New England war tax resistance regional gathering
- an overview of the decisions made at the coordinating committee meeting at the last national gathering
- When you sign the application for a Minnesota driver’s license, you are
supposedly agreeing to the following statement:
Submission of this application constitutes consent to registration with the selective service system, if required by federal law.