Some bits and pieces from here and there:
- Wendy McElroy writes about conscientious tax resistance in the light given off by the flames of recent Congressional debates about taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.
- The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration reports that the number of tax returns the IRS believes to be claiming fraudulent refunds has skyrocketed this year. It’s a little unclear to me from the report how much of this is a real trend in taxpayer behavior and how much is an artifact of new IRS procedures or the fact that more people are e-filing, thus making their returns available for automated analysis quicker.
- “Bushel Bob” has a website where he explains why he shut down his produce market so as to avoid earning money on which he’d have to pay war taxes. Now he donates his produce to charity and thereby avoids the tax.
- NWTRCC is posting reports of Tax Day actions as they trickle in.
- Goldishack Guerrillas gives us “10 Reasons Not to Pay U.S. Taxes This Season.”
- Radley Balko, in Reason magazine, has an interesting interview with Stewart Rhodes about the “Oath Keepers,” a group of American military and police personnel who have taken a vow not to carry out unconstitutional orders. In revolutions worldwide and throughout history, the turning point has often been when the folks in uniform have started questioning their orders and refusing to attack the citizenry on behalf of the politicians.