I.R.S. Despairs of “Prosecuting Its Way Out” of Identity Theft Epidemic

Some bits and pieces from here and there:

A couple of brief mentions of Quaker war tax resistance:

Richard Hall died on , and The Friend included the following mention of his war tax resistance in his obituary:

In upholding our religious testimony against all war, he felt that he could not conscientiously pay a war tax, and refused to pay the addition to the Income Tax, made to defray the expenses of the Abyssinian war.

In an unrelated case, the Friends’ Intelligencer notes:

[Canon Rawnsley mentions] Thomas Wilkinson, the Quaker poet of Yanwath () “of yeoman stock”; early a friend of Wordsworth; “very little disturbed” that his carts were seized and sold to meet a military tax that he could not conscientiously pay; “making his way by pony and on foot 300 miles to the yearly meeting in London”

Another source, however, says nothing of distraint for war taxes and claims that Wilkinson chose to walk to the meetings out of concern for the welfare of stage horses.