Tax Resistance.
Mrs. [Kate] Harvey’s barricade is still unbroken. Again congratulations.
Among the events of last week were:—
Drawing-room Meeting, , at
Hans-crescent Hotel. Hostess: Mrs. Alfred Nutt. Chair: Mrs.
[Caroline] Louis Fagan. Speakers: Mrs. [Anne] Cobden Sanderson, and
Rev. Hugh Chapman.
Drawing-room Meeting, , at 17,
Kensington-square, W.
Hostess: Lady Maud Parry. Chair: Lady Maud Parry.
Speakers: Mrs. Cobden Sanderson, Mr. Laurence Housman. Sale of goods,
the property of Miss Maud F. Roll, on , at Rotherfield. Speakers: Mrs. [Margaret] Kineton Parkes,
Miss Honnor Morten, and Dr.
C.V. Drysdale.