I got the final proof in the mail, looked it over, and approved it. Soon after, my new book, 99 Tactics of Successful Tax Resistance Campaigns was published and is now available for purchase.
You can order it directly from the publisher at this link (I get a bigger cut that way), or, if you’re an Amazon fan or have a gift certificate there or something, you can also order from them (I hope to have a Kindle version up on Amazon soon as well). The news will start to trickle out to the bookselling world in general over the next weeks, so you can even order it from your favorite brick-and-mortar bookstore if you want.
If you’ve been reading The Picket Line for a while, or if you’ve had a chance to dig through the archives here, you’ll know that I’ve been putting in a nutty amount of time and effort over the past decade to uncover the history of grassroots tax rebellion and to find out what makes it work. In this book I distill what I discovered and present it in a form that is meant to be vivid and concrete and of direct practical help to the tax resistance campaigns of today and tomorrow.
From here out, thanks to this book, tax resistance campaigns will have a leg up — they’ll be able to quickly learn from the lessons of history to make their efforts more successful.