Excerpts from the Pittsburgh Sentinel
Far More Serious Menace Now — Tax Resistance
BOMBAY, (AP) — In Peshawar, beset by a three-fold threat of civil resistance, wild tribesmen and communism, Britain made the outstanding move in the strategy that is advancing her arm across the map of India.
…Peshawar City itself today was quiet, as was most of the rest of India, in nearly every center of which Mahatma Gandhi’s “day of silence” was as usual made the order of .
Salt raiding came to a virtual end with ’s enmasse attack upon the Wadala depots, in which police and military charged 15,000 volunteers and 150 or more persons were injured. There were no reports of the use of firearms. The officers belabored the raiders with their bamboo staves. Troops stood by but did not charge the raiders. This kept the casualties to a minimum.
Some of the congress members were turned back, others broke thru the embattled salt zone and made off with handfuls of the contraband product.
the coming of the rainy season ended salt raids.
The raiding was succeeded by a far more serious menace, tax resistance. To meet its eventualities, the government put forth a new regulation providing grave penalties not only for refusal to pay taxes, but for inciting to tax disobedience.
Government agents began at once to attempt tax collecting, but in most cases found the natives had departed from their lands. The situation was viewed with great anxiety, as continued maintenance of the tax strike would seriously hamper government revenues at the end of .