Robert Randall has been investigating the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. “Obamacare”) from the perspective of a war tax resister looking for new ways of interfacing with the tax code. He recently wrote up his findings for the wtr-s mailing list.
His conclusion: “the Affordable Care Act, in addition to offering many of us health insurance when before we could get none, also offers new possibilities for war tax resisters to reduce, convert, or even eliminate taxes which go to war. We should include this method in our long list of methods for doing wtr and encourage our counselees to seriously consider the pros and cons of using this law. We should also develop additional strategies using the ACA…”
Randall explains the complicated steps you need to take to enroll for insurance in a way that is most efficient for getting ACA tax credits. He also describes a variety of techniques you may be able to use to make the ACA supplement your chosen form of tax resistance.