Tax Resistance News from Around the World

Some links from here and there:

In other news, the group ADNic is promoting a Nicaraguan tax resistance / consumer strike campaign with a series of graphics. Here are some examples (translations mine):

Resistencial Fiscal. Educación y Difusión (Paso No. 5). Asume un rol activo en la resistancia fiscal y ten en mente que Ortega usa tus impuestos para matar. #ParoDeConsumo #SOSNicaragua

Tax resistance: Education and Outreach. Step 5: Take an active role in tax resistance and keep in mind that Ortega uses your taxes to kill. #ConsumerStrike #SOSNicaragua

Resistencial Fiscal. Esta es su ganacia. Producto / Impuesto: Ron, 36%; Cervezas, 42%; Licores, 37%; Aguardiente Granel, 42%; Cigarros, 309%; Tabacos, 43%. Reduciendo tu consumo, le estás dando un golpe directo al régimen ¡Los impuestos son su oxígeno! #ParoDeConsumo Unidad Nacional

Tax Resistance. This Is Their Profit. Rum: 36%, Beers: 42%, Liquors: 37%, Grain alcohol: 42%, Cigarettes: 309%, Tobacco: 43%. By reducing your consumption you strike a direct blow against the regime. Taxes are their lifeblood! #ConsumerStrike, National Unity