
Abbie Hoffman

Source: For the Hell of It: The Life and Times of Abbie Hoffman by Jonah Raskin

I want to be tried not because I support the National Liberation Front - which I do - but because I have long hair. Not because I support the Black Liberation Movement, but because I smoke dope. Not because I am against a capitalist system, but because I think property eats shit. Not because I believe in student power, but that the schools should be destroyed. Not because I'm against corporate liberalism, but because I think people should do whatever the fuck they want, and not because I am trying to organize the working class, but because I think kids should kill parents. Finally, I want to be tried for having a good time and not being serious.


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On This Day in SniggleryFebruary 5, 1914: William S. Burroughs born. (See Burroughs On-line for more about W.S.B.)