
Abbie Hoffman

Source: For the Hell of It: The Life and Times of Abbie Hoffman by Jonah Raskin

I want to be tried not because I support the National Liberation Front - which I do - but because I have long hair. Not because I support the Black Liberation Movement, but because I smoke dope. Not because I am against a capitalist system, but because I think property eats shit. Not because I believe in student power, but that the schools should be destroyed. Not because I'm against corporate liberalism, but because I think people should do whatever the fuck they want, and not because I am trying to organize the working class, but because I think kids should kill parents. Finally, I want to be tried for having a good time and not being serious.


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On This Day in SniggleryNovember 22, 2007: Members of the Australian Liberal Party are caught distributing leaflets from an invented “Islamic Australia Federation” claiming that the Labour Party was on their side supporting terrorism. (See Election Hacks for more political shenanigans)