“There is music in the air” — It goes a little something like this:
There’s music in the air
When the infant morn is nigh
And faint its blush is seen
On the bright and laughing sky.
Many a harp’s extatic sound
With its thrill of joy profound
While we list enchanted there
To the music in the air.
There’s music in the air
When the moonlight’s sultry beam
Reflects a golden light
On the distant mountain stream.
When beneath some grateful shade
Sorrow’s aching head is laid
Sweetly to the spirit there
Comes the music in the air.
There’s music in the air
When the twilight’s gentle sigh
Is lost on evening’s breast
As its pensive beauties die.
Then, O then the loved ones gone
Wake the pure celestial song
Angel voices greet us there
In the music of the air.