By W. B. O’Shaughnessy, M.D.,
Assistant-Surgeon, and Professor of Chemistry, &c.
In the Medical College of Calcutta.
Presented October, 1839.
The narcotic effects of Hemp are popularly known in the south of Africa,
South America, Turkey, Egypt, Asia Minor, India, and the adjacent
territories of the Malays, Burmese, and Siamese. In all these countries
Hemp is used in various forms, by the dissipated and depraved, as the
ready agent of pleasing intoxication. In the popular medicine of these
nations, we find it extensively employed for a multitude of affections.
But in Western Europe, its use either as a stimulant or as a remedy, is
equally unknown. With the exception of the trial, as a frolic, of the
Egyptian ‘Hasheesh,’ by a few youths in Marseilles, and of the clinical
use of the wine of Hemp by Mahneman, as shewn in a subsequent extract, I
have been unable to trace any notice of the employment of this drug in
Much difference of opinion exists on the question, whether the Hemp so
abundant in Europe, even in the high northern latitudes, is identical in
specific characters with the Hemp of Asia Minor and Hindostan. The
extraordinary symptoms produced by the latter depend on a resinous secretion
with which it abounds and which seems totally absent in the European kind.
As the closest physical resemblance or even identity exists between both
plants, difference of climate seems to me more than sufficient to account
for the absence of the resinous secretion, and consequent want of narcotic
power in that indigenous in colder countries.
In the subsequent article I first endeavour to present an adequate view of
what has been recorded of the early history, the popular uses and employment
in medicine of this powerful and valuable substance. I then proceed to
notice several experiment which I have instituted on animals, with the view
to ascertain its effects on the healthy system; and, lastly, I submit an
abstract of the clinical details of the treatment of several patients
afflicted with hydrophobia, tetanus, and other convulsive disorders, in
which a preparation of Hemp was employed with results which seem to me to
warrant our anticipating from its more extensive and impartial use no
inconsiderable addition to the resources of the physician.
In the historical and statistical department of the subject, I owe my
cordial thanks for most valuable assistance to the distinguished traveller,
the Syed Keramut Ali, Mootawulee of the Hooghly Imambarrah, and also the
Hakim Mirza Abdul Rhazes of Teheran, who have furnished me with interesting
details regarding the consumption of Hemp in Caudahar, Cabul, and the
countries between the Indus and Herat. The Pundit Modoosudun Goopto has
favoured me with notices of the remarks on these drugs in the early Sanscrit
authors on Materia Medica; — to the celebrated Kamalakantha Vidyadanka, the
Pundit of the Asiatic Society, I have also to record my acknowledgments; —
Mr. DaCosta has obligingly supplied me with copious notes from the
‘Mukzun-ul-Udwieh,’ and other Persian and Hindee systems of Materia Medica.
For information relative to the varieties of the drug, and its consumption
in bengal, Mr. McCann, the Deputy Superintendent of Police, deserves my
thanks; — and lastly, to Dr. Goodeve, to Mr. Richard O’Shaughnessy, to the
late Dr. Bain, to Mr. O’Brien of the Native Hospital, and Nobinchunder
Mitter, one of my clinical clerks, I am indebted for the clinical details
with which they have enriched the subject.
Botanical characters, chemical properties, production.
Botanical Description — Assuming with Lindley and other eminent
writers that the Cannabis sativa and Indica are identical,
we find that the plant is dioecious, annual, about three feet high, covered
over with a fine pubescence; the stem is erect, branched, bright green,
angular; leaves alternate or opposite, on long weak petioles; digitate,
scabrous, with linear, lanceolate, sharply serrated leaflets, tapering into
a long, smooth, entire point; stipules subulate; clusters of flowers
axillary, with subulate braces; males lax and drooping, branched and
leafless at base; females erect, simple and leafy at the base.
♂ Calyx downy, five parted,
imbricated. Stamens five; anthers large and pendulous.
♀ Calyx covered with brown glands. Ovary
roundish, with pendulous ovule, and two long filiform glandular stigmas;
achenium ovate, one seeded. — v. Lindley’s Flora Medica, p. 299.
The fibres of the stems are long and extremely tenacious, so as to afford
the best tissue for cordage, thus constituting the material for one of the
most important branches of European manufactures.
The seed is simply albuminous and oily, and is devoid of all narcotic
Chemical Properties — In certain seasons, and in warm countries, a
resinous juice exudes, and concretes on the leaves, slender stem, and
flowers; the mode of removing this juice will be subsequently detailed.
Separated and in masses it constitutes the
Churrus[1] of Nipal and Hindostan, and to this the type, or
basis of all the Hemp preparations, are the powers of these drugs
The resin of the Hemp is very soluble in alcohol and ether; partially
soluble in alkaline; insoluble in acid solutions; when pure, of a blackish
grey colour; hard at 90 degrees; softens at higher temperatures, and
fuses readily; — soluble in the fixed and in several volatile oils. Its
odour is fragrant and narcotic; taste slightly warm, bitterish, and acrid.
The dried Hemp plant which has flowered, and from which the resin has
not been removed, is called Gunjah. It sells from twelve
annas to one rupee seer, in the Calcutta bazars, and yields to alcohol
twenty per 100 of resinous extract, composed of the resin (churrus)
and green colouring matter (Chloro-phille). Distilled with a large
quantity of water, traces of essential oil pass over, and the distilled
liquor has the powerful narcotic odour of the plant. The gunjah is
sold for smoking chiefly. The bundles of gunjah are about two
feet long, and three inches in diameter, and contain 24 to 36 plants. The
colour is dusky green — the odour agreeably narcotic — the whole plant
resinous and adhesive to the touch. The larger leaves and capsules without
the stalks, are called ‘Bangh Subjee or Sidhee.’ They are used for
making an intoxicating drink, for smoking, and in the conserve or
confection termed Majoon. Bang is cheaper than gunjah,
and though less powerful, is sold at such a low price, that for one pice
enough can be purchased to intoxicate an experienced person.
According to Mr. McCann’s notes, the gunjah consumed in Bengal is
chiefly brought from Mirzapúr and Ghazeepore, being extensively
cultivated near Gwalior and in Tirboot. The natives cut the plant when in
flower, allow it to dry for three days, and then lay it in bundles,
averaging one seer weight each, which are distributed to the licensed
dealers. The best kind are brought from Gwalior and Bhurtpore, and it is
also cultivated of good quality in a few gardens around Calcutta. In
Jessore, I am informed, the drug is produced of excellent quality, and to
a very considerable extent of cultivation.
In Central India and the Saugor territory, and in Nipal, churrus is
collected during the hot season, in the following singular manner: — Men
clad in leathern dresses run through the Hemp-fields, brushing through the
plant with all possible violence; the soft resin adheres to the leather, is
subsequently scraped off, and kneaded into balls, which sell from five to
six rupees the seer. A still finer kind, the momeea or waxen
churrus, is collected by the hand in Nipal and sells for nearly
double the price of the ordinary kind. In Nipal, Dr. McKinnon informs me,
the leathern attire is dispensed with, and the resin is gathered on the
skins of naked coolies. In Persia, it is stated by Mirza Abdool Rhazes that
the churrus is prepared by pressing the resinous plants on coarse
cloths, and then scraping it from these, and melting it in a pot with a
little warm water. He considers the churrus of Herat as the best
and most powerful of all the varieties of the drug.
Popular uses.
The preparations of Hemp are used for the purpose of intoxication as
Sidhee, subjee, and bang (synonymous) are used with
water as a drink, which is thus prepared. About three tola weight, 540
troy grains, are well washed with cold water, then rubbed to powder, mixed
with black pepper, cucumber and melon seeds, sugar, half a pint of milk,
and an equal quantity of water. This is considered sufficient to intoxicate
an habituated person. Half the quantity is enough for a novice. This
composition is chiefly used by the Mahomedans of the better classes.
Another recipe is as follows:
The same quantity of sidhee is washed and ground, mixed with black
pepper, and a quart of cold water added. This is drank at one sitting.
This is the favorite beverage of the Hindus who practice this vice,
especially the Birjobassies, and many of the rajpootana soldiery.
From either of these beverages intoxication will ensue in half an hour.
Almost invariably the inebriation is of the most cheerful kind, causing
the person to sing and dance, to eat food with great relish, and to see
aphrodisiac enjoyments. In persons of quarrelsome disposition it occasions,
as might be expected, an exasperation of their natural tendency. The
intoxication lasts about three hours, when sleep supervenes. No nausea
or sickness of stomach succeeds, nor are the bowels at all affected, next
day there is slight giddiness and vascularity of the eyes, but no other
symptom worth recording. Gunjah is used for smoking alone — one
rupee weight, 180 grains, and a little dried tobacco are rubbed together
in the palm of the hand with a few drops of water. This suffices for
three persons. A little tobacco is placed in the pipe first, then a layer
of the prepared gunjah, then more tobacco, and the fire above all.
Four or five persons usually join in this debauch. The hookah is passed
round, and each person takes a single draught. Intoxication ensues almost
instantly, and from one draught to the unaccustomed — within half an hour,
and after four or five inspirations to those more practised in the vice.
The effects differ from those occasioned by the sidhee. Heaviness,
laziness, and agreeable reveries ensue, but the person can be readily
roused, and is able to discharge routine occupations, such as pulling the
punkab, waiting at table, &c.
The Majoon, or Hemp confection, is a compound of sugar, butter,
flour, milk and sidhee or bang. The process has been
repeatedly performed before me by Ameer, the proprietor of a celebrated
place of resort for Hemp devotees in Calcutta, and who is considered the
best artist in his profession. Four ounces of sidhee, and an
equal quantity of ghee are placed in an earthen or well-tinned
vessel, a pint of water added, and the whole warmed over a charcoal fire.
The mixture is constantly stirred until the water all boils away, which is
known by the crackling noise of the melted butter on the sides of the
vessel. The mixture is then removed from the fire, squeezed through cloth
while hot — by which an oleaginous solution of the active principles and
colouring matter of the Hemp is obtained — and the leaves, fibres, &c.
remaining on the cloth are thrown away.
The green oily solution soon concretes into a buttery mass, and is then
well washed by the hand with soft water, so long as the water becomes
coloured. The colouring matter and an extractive substance are thus
removed, and a very pale green mass, of the consistence of simple ointment,
remains. The washings are thrown away: Ameer says that these are
intoxicating, and produce constriction of the throat, great pain, and
very disagreeable and dangerous symptoms.
The operator then takes 2 lbs. of sugar, and adding a little water, places
it in a pipkin over the fire. When the sugar dissolves and froths, two
ounces of milk are added; a thick scum rises and is removed; more milk
and a little water are added from time to time, and the boiling continued
about an hour, the solution being carefully stirred until it becomes an
adhesive clear syrup, ready to solidify on a cold surface; four ounces
of tyre (new milk dried before the sun) in fine powder, are now stirred
in, and lastly the prepared butter of Hemp is introduced, brisk stirring
being continued for a few minutes. A few drops of attur of roses are
then quickly sprinkled in, and the mixture poured from the pipkin on a
flat cold dish or slab. The mass concretes immediately into a thin cake,
which is divided into small lozenge-shaped pieces. A seer thus prepared
sells for four rupees: one drachm by weight will intoxicate a beginner;
three drachms one experienced in its use: the taste is sweet, and the
odour very agreeable.
Ameer states that there are seven or eight majoon makers in Calcutta
— that sometimes, by special order of customers, he introduces
stramonium seeds, but
never nux-vomica; that all classes of persons, including the lower
Portugese, or ‘Kala Feringhees,’ and especially their females, consume
the drug; that it is most fascinating in its effects, producing extatic
happiness, a persuasion of high rank, a sensation of flying — voracious
appetite, and intense aphrodisiac desire. He denies that its continued
use leads to madness, impotence, or to the numerous evil consequences
described by the Arabic and Persian physicians. Although I disbelieve
Ameer’s statements on this point, his description of the immediate effect
of majoon is strictly and accurately correct.
Most carnivorous animals eat it greedily, and very soon experience its
narcotic effects, becoming ludicrously drunk, but seldom suffering any
worse consequences.
Historical details — Notice of Hemp, and its popular uses by the
Sanscrit, Arabic, and Persian writers.
The preceding notice suffices to explain the subsequent historical and
medicinal details. I premise the historical, in order to shew the exact
state of our knowledge of the subject, when I attempted an investigation.
Although the most eminent of the Arabic and Persian authors concur in
referring the origin of the practice of Hemp intoxications to the natives
of Hindoostan, it is remarkable that few traces can be detected of the
prevalence of the vice at any early period in India.
The Pundit Modoosudun Gooptu finds that ‘Tajni guntu,’ a standard treatise
on Materia Medica, which he estimates vaguely at 600 years’ date, gives a
clear account of this agent. Its synonyms are ‘Bijoya,’
‘Ujoya,’ and ‘Joya,’ names which mean promoters of success;
‘Brijputta,’ or the strengthener, or the strong-leaved;
‘Chapola,’ the causer of a reeling gait; ‘Ununda,’ or
laughter moving; ‘Hursini,’ the exciter of sexual desire. Its
effects on man are described as excitant, heating astringent. It is
added that it ‘destroys phlegm, expels flatulence, induces costiveness,
sharpens the memory, increases eloquence, excites the appetite, and acts
as a general tonic.’
The ‘Rajbulubha,’ a Sanscrit treatise of rather later date, alludes to the
use of Hemp in gonorrhoea, and repeats the statements of the ‘Rajniguntu.’
In the Hindu Tantra, or a religious treatise, teaching peculiar and
mystical formulae and rites for the worship of the deities, it is said
moreover, that sidhee is more intoxicating that wine.
In the celebrated ‘Susruta,’ which is perhaps the most ancient of all
Hindy medical works, it is written that persons labouring under catarrh
should, with other remedies, use internally the bijoya or
sidhee. The effects however are not described.
The learned Kamalakantha Vidyalanka has traced notice of Hemp in the 5th
chapter of Menu, where Brahmins are prohibited to use the following
substances, plandoo or onions; gunjara or gunjah; and
such condiments as have strong and pungent scents.
The Persian and Arabic writers are however far more voluminous and
precise in their accounts of these fascinating preparations. In the 1st
vol. of De Sacy’s ‘Crestomathie Arabe,’ we find an extremely interesting
summary of the writings of Takim Eddin Makrizi on this subject. Lane
has noticed it too with his usual ability in his admirable work ‘The
Modern Egyptians.’ From these two sources, the MS. notes of the Syed
Keramut Ali and Mr. DaCosta, and a curious paper communicated by our
friend Mirza Abdool Rhazes, a most intelligent Persian Physician, the
following epitome is compiled.
Makrizi treats of the Hemp in his glowing description of the celebrated
Canton de la Timbaliere, or ancient pleasure grounds, in the vicinity of
Cairo. This quarter, after many vicissitudes, is now a heap of ruins.
In it was situated a cultivated valley named Djoneina, which we are
informed was the theatre of all conceivable abominations. It was
famous above all for the sale of the Hasheeha, a drug still
greedily consumed by the dregs of the populace, and from the consumption
of which sprung the excesses which led to the name of ‘Assassin,’
being given to the Saracens in the Holy Wars. The history of the drug
the author treats of thus: The oldest work in which Hemp is noticed is
a treatise by Hasan, who states that in the year 658 (Mahometan era),
the Sheikh Djafar Shirazi, a monk of the order of Haider, learnt from his
master the history of the discovery of Hemp. Haider, the chief of ascetics
and self-chasteners, lived in rigid privation on a mountain between
Nishabor and Romah, where he established a monastery of Fakirs. Ten years
he had spent in this retreat, without leaving it for a moment, till one
burning summer’s day, when he departed alone to the fields. On his
return an air of joy and gaiety was imprinted on his countenance; he
received the visits of his brethren, and encouraged their conversation. On
being questioned, he stated that struck by the aspect of a plant which
danced in the heat as if with joy, while all the rest of the vegetable
creation was torpid, he had gathered and eaten of its leaves. He led his
companions to the spot, all ate, and all were similarly excited. A
tincture of the Hemp leaf in wine or spirit seems to have been the favorite
formula in which the Sheikh Haider indulged himself. An Arab poet sings of
Haider’s emerald cup; an evident allusion to the rich green
colour of the tincture of the drug. The Sheikh survived the discovery ten
years, subsisting chiefly on this herb, and on his death his disciples by
his desire planted it in an arbour about his tomb.
From this saintly sepulcher the knowledge of the effects of Hemp is stated
to have spread into Khorasan. In Chaldea it was unknown until 728, during
the reign of the Khalif Mostansir Billah: the kings of Drmus and Bahrein
then introduced it into Chaldea, Syria, Egypt, and Turkey.
In Khorasan, however, it seems that the date of the use of Hemp is
considered to be far prior to Haider’s era. Biraslan, an Indian pilgrim,
the contemporary of Cosröes,[2]
is believed to have introduced and diffused the custom through Khorasan
and Yemen. In proof of the great antiquity of the practice, certain
passages in the works of Hippocrates may be cited, in which some of its
properties are clearly described; but the difficulty of deciding whether
the passages be spurious or genuine renders the fact of little value.
Dioscorides (lib. ij. cap. 169) describes Hemp, but metely notices the
emollient properties of its seeds — its intoxicating effects must
consequently be regarded as unknown to the Greeks prior to his era, which
is generally agreed to be about the second century of the Christian epoch,
and somewhat subsequent to the life time of Pliny.
In the narrative of Makrizi we also learn that oxymel and acids are the
most powerful antidotes to the effect of this narcotic; next to these,
emetics, cold bathing, and sleep; and we are further told that it possesses
diuretic, astringent, and specially aphrodisiac properties. Ibn Beitar
was the first to record its tendency to produce mental derangement, and he
even states that it occasionally proves fatal.
In 780 M.E. very severe ordinances were passed in Egypt against the
practice: the Djoneina garden was rooted up, and all those convicted of
the use of the drug were subjected to the extraction of their teeth; but
in 799 the custom reestablished itself with more than original vigor.
Makrizi draws an expressive picture of the evils this vice then inflicted
on its votaries — ‘As its consequence, general corruption of sentiments
and manners ensued, modesty disappeared, every base and evil passion was
openly indulged in, and nobility of external form alone remained to these
infatuated beings.’
Medicinal properties assigned to Hemp by the ancient Arabian and Persian
writers, and by modern European authors.
In the preceding notice of Makrizi’s writings on this subject, we have
confined ourselves chiefly to historical details, excluding descriptions
of supposed medicinal effects. The Mukzun-ul-Udwieh and the Persian MS. in
our possession, inform us as to the properties which the ancient physicians
attributed to this powerful narcotic.
In Mr. DaCosta’s MS. version of the chapter on Hemp in the Mukzun-ul-Udwieh,
churrus, we are informed, if smoked through a pipe, causes torpor
and intoxication, and often proves fatal to the smoker; three kinds are
noticed, the garden, wild and mountain, of which the
last is deemed the strongest — the seeds are called sheaduna or
shaldaneh in Persia. These are said to be ‘a compound of opposite
qualities, cold and dry in the third degree; that is to say, stimulant
and sedative, imparting at first a gentle reviving heat, and then a
considerable refrigerant effect.’
The contrary qualities of the plant, its stimulant and sedative effects,
are prominently dwelt on. ‘They at first exhilirate the spirits, cause
cheerfulness, give colour to the complexion, bring on intoxication, excite
the imagination into the most rapturous ideas, produce thirst, increase
appetite, excite concupiscence. Afterwards the sedative effects begin to
preside, the spirits sink, the vision darkens and weakens; and madness,
melancholy fearfulness, dropsy, and such like distempers, are the sequel —
and the seminal secretions dry up. These effects are increased by sweets,
and combatted by acids.’
The author of the Mukzun-ul-Udwieh, further informs us —
‘The leaves make a good snuff for deterging the brain; the juice of the
leaves applied to the head as a wash, removes dandrin and vermin; drops
of the juice thrown into the ear allay pain, and destroy worms or insects.
It checks diarrhoea; is useful in gonorrhoea; restrains seminal secretions,
and is diuretic. The bark has a similar effect.’
‘The powder is recommended as an external application to fresh wounds and
sores, and for causing granulations; a poultice of the boiled root and
leaves for discussing inflammations, and cure of erysipelas, and for
allaying neuralgic pains. The dried leaves bruised and spread on a castor
oil leaf cure hydrocele and swelled testes. The dose, internally,
is one direm or 48 grains. The antidotes are emetics, cow’s milk,
hot water, and sorrel wine.’
Alluding to its popular uses, the author dwells on the eventual evil
consequences of the indulgence; — weakness of the digestive organs first
ensues, followed by flatulency, indigestion, swelling of the limbs and
face, change of complexion, diminution of sexual vigor, loss of teeth,
heaviness, cowardice, depraved and wicked ideas, scepticism in religious
tenet; licentiousness and ungodliness are also enumerated in the
catalogue of deplorable results.
The medicinal properties of Hemp, in various forms are the subject of some
interesting notes by Mirza Abdool Rhazes. ‘It produces a ravenous
appetite and constipation, arrests the secretions, except that of the liver,
excites wild imagining, especially a sensation of ascending, forgetfulness
of all that happened during its use, and such mental exaltation, that
the beholders attribute it to supernatural inspiration.’
Mirza Abdool considers Hemp to be a powerful exciter of the flow of bile,
and relates cases of its efficacy in restoring appetite — of its utility
as an external application as a poultice with milk, in relieving
haemorrhoids — and internally in gonorrhoea to the extent of a quarter
drachm of bangh. He states also that the habitual smokers of
Gunjah generally die of diseases of the lungs, dropsy, and anasarca — ‘so
do the eaters of majoon and smokers of sidhee, but at a
later period. The inexperienced on first taking it are often senseless for
a day, some go mad, others are known to die.’
In the 35th chapter of the 5th vol. of Rumphius Herbarium Amboinense, p.
208, Ed. Amsterd. A.D. 1695, we find a long and very good account of this
drug, illustrated by two excellent plates. The sub-joined is an epitome
of Rumphius’ article.
Rumphius first describes botanically the male and female Hemp plants, of
which he gives two admirable drawings. He assigns the upper provinces of
India as its habitat, and states it to be cultivated in Java and
Amboyna. He then notices very briefly the exciting effects ascribed to
the leaf, and to mixtures thereof with spices, camphor, and opium. He
alludes doubtingly to its alleged aphrodisiac powers, and states that the
kind of mental excitement it produces depends on the temperament of the
consumer. He quotes a passage from Galen lib. i. (de aliment. occult.) in
which it is asserted that in that great writer’s time it was customary to
give Hemp seed to the guests at banquets as promoters of hilarity and
enjoyment. Rumphius adds, that the Mahomedans in his neighborhood
frequently sought for the male plant from his garden to be given to persons
afflicted with virulent gonorrhoea, and with asthma, or the infection,
what is popularly called, ‘stitches in the side.’
He tells us, moreover, that the powdered leaves check diarrhoea, are
stomachic, cure the malady named Pitao, and moderate excessive
secretion of bile. He mentions the use of Hemp smoke as an enema in
strangulated hernia, and of the leaves as an antidote to poisoning by
orpiment. Lastly, he notices in two subsequent chapters varieties of Hemp
which he terms the gunjah sativa and gunjah agrestis. In
the Hortus Malabaricus Rheede’s article on the Hemp is a
mere outline of Rumphius’s statements.
Among modern European writers, the only information we could trace on the
medicinal use of Hemp in Europe, is the recent work of Ness v.
Esenbeck, from which the following is an extract kindly supplied by Dr.
Wallich: —
‘The fresh herb of the Hemp has a very powerful and unpleasant narcotic
smell, and is used in the East in combination with opium, in the
preparation of intoxicating potions, &c. It is probable that the
nepenthe of the ancients was prepared
from the leaves of this plant. Many physicians, Hahnemann among them,
prescribe the vinous extract in various nervous disorders, where opium
and hyoscyamus used to be employed, being less heating and devoid of
No information as to the medicinal effect of Hemp exists in the standard
work on Materia Medica, to which I have access. Soubeiran, Feé,
Merat and de Lens in their admirable dictionary; Chevalier and Richard,
Roques (Phytographie Medicale); Ratier and Henry (Pharmacopée
Francaise); and the Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales — are all
equally silent on the subject.
In Ainslie’s Materia Indica, 2d vol., we find three notices of
the plant and its preparations.
At page 39 ‘Banghie,’ (Tamul) with the Persian and Hindee synonymes
of ‘Beng’ and ‘Subjee,’ is described as an intoxicating liquor prepared
with the leaves of the Gunjah or Hemp plant.
Under the head Gunjah, Ainslie gives numerous synonymes, and tells
that the leaves are sometimes prescribed in cases of diarrhoea; and in
conjunction with turmeric, onions, and warm gingilie oil are made into an
unction for painful protruded piles. Dr. Ainslie also gives a brief view
of the popular uses, and botanical peculiarities of the plant.
Majoon lastly is described by Dr. Ainslie, page 176, as a
preparation of sugar, milk, ghee, poppy seeds, flowers of the
datura, powder of nux-vomica, and
sugar. The true majoon however, as prepared in Bengal, contains
neither datura, or nux-vomica. I have
already described the process by which it has been manufactured before me.
In the Journal de Pharmacie, the most complete magazine in
existence on all pharmaceutical subjects, we find Hemp noticed in several
volumes. In the Bulletin de Pharmacie t.v.a. 1810, p. 400, we find it
briefly described by M. Rouyer, apothecary to Napoleon, and member of the
Egyptian scientific commission, in a paper on the popular remedies of
Egypt. With the leaves and tops, he tells us, collected before ripening,
the Egyptians prepare a conserve, which serves as the base of the
berch, the diasmouk, and the bernaouy. Hemp leaves
reduced to powder, and incorporated with honey, or stirred with water,
constitute the berch of the poor classes.
The same work also, (Bulletin vol. 1. p. 523, x. 1809,) contains a very
brief notice on the intoxicating preparations of Hemp, read by M. De Sacy
before the Institute of France in July, 1809. M. De Sacy’s subsequent
analysis of Makrizi, of which I have given an outline, is however much
more rich in details than the article in the Bulletin.
Such was the amount of preliminary information before me, by which I was
guided in my subsequent attempts to gain more accurate knowledge of the
action, powers, and possible medical applications of this extraordinary
There was sufficient to to show that Hemp possessed in small doses an
extraordinary power of stimulating the digestive organs, exciting the
cerebral system, of acting also on the generative apparatus. Larger doses,
again, were shewn by the historical statements to induce insensibility,
or to act as a powerful sedative. The influence of the drug in allaying
pain was equally manifest in all the memoirs referred to. As to the evil
sequelae so unanimously dwelt on by all writers; these did not appear to
me so numerous, so immediate, or so formidable, as many which may be
clearly traced to over-indulgence in other powerful stimulants, or
narcotics, viz. alcohol, opium, or tobacco.
The dose in which the Hemp preparations might be administered, constituted
of course one of the first objects of inquiry. Ibn Beitar had mentioned
a direm, or 48 grains of churrus; but this dose seemed to me
so enormous, that I deemed it expedient to proceed with much smaller
quantities. How fortunate was this caution, the sequel will sufficiently
Experiments of the author — Inferences as to the action of the drug
on animals and man.
An extensive series of experiments on animals, was in the first place
undertaken, among which the following may be cited:
Expt. 1. — Ten grains of Nipalese churrus, dissolved in
spirit, were given to a middling-sized dog. In half an hour he became
stupid and sleepy, dozing at intervals, starting up, wagging his tail, as
if extremely contented; he ate some food greedily; on being called to, he
staggered to and fro, and his face assumed a look of utter helpless
drunkenness. These symptoms lasted about two hours, and then gradually
passed away; in six hours he was perfectly well and lively.
Expt. 2. — One drachm of majoon was given to a small-sized
dog; he ate it with great delight, and in twenty minutes was ridiculously
drunk; in four hours his symptoms passed away, also without harm.
Expt. 3, 4, & 5 — Three kids had ten grains each of the
alcoholic extract of gunjah. In one no effect was produced; in
the second there was much heaviness and some inability to move; in the
third a marked alteration of countenance was conspicuous, but no further
Expt. 6. — Twenty grains were given, dissolved in a little spirit,
to a dog of very small size. In a quarter of an hour he was intoxicated;
in half an hour he had great difficulty of movement; in an hour he had
lost all power over the hinder extremities, which were rather stiff but
flexible; sensibility did not seem to be impaired, and the circulation was
natural. He readily acknowledged calls by an attempt to rise ue. In four
hours he was quite well.
In none of these, or several other experiments, was there the least
indication of pain, or any degree of convulsive movement observed.
It seems needless to dwell on the details of each experiment; suffice it
to say that they
led to one remarkable result. — That while carnivorous
animals, and fish, dogs, cats, swine, vultures, crows, and adjutants,
invariably and speedily exhibited the intoxicating influence of the drug,
the graminivorous, such as the horse, deer, monkey, goat, sheep, and cow,
experienced but trivial effects from any dose we administered.
Encouraged by these results, no hesitation could be felt as to the perfect
safety of giving the resin of Hemp an extensive trial in the cases in
which its apparent powers promised the greatest degree of utility.
Cases of Rheumatism treated by Hemp
The first cases selected were two of acute rheumatism, and one of that
disease in the chronic form. In the two former but little relief had been
derived from a fair trial of antiphlogistic measures, and Dover’s powder
with antimonials — In the last case sarsaparilla at first, and
subsequently the Hemides-mus Indicus, with warm baths, had been tried
without advantage.
On the 6th of November, 1838, one grain of the resin of Hemp was
administered in solution at 2 P.M. to each of these
three patients.
At 4 P.M. it was reported that one was becoming very
talkative, was singing songs, calling loudly for an extra supply of food,
and declaring himself in perfect health. The other two patients remained
At 6 P.M. I received a report to the same effect, but
stating that the first patient was now falling asleep.
At 8 P.M. I was alarmed by an emergent note from
Nobinchunder Mitter, the clinical clerk on duty, desiring my immediate
attendance at the Hospital, as the patient’s symptoms were very peculiar
and formidable. I went to the Hospital without delay, and found him lying
on his cot quite insensible, but breathing with perfect regularity, his
pulse and skin natural, and the pupils freely contractile on the approach
of light.
Alarmed and pained beyond description at such a state of things, I hurried
to the other patients, found one asleep, the third awake, intelligent, and
free from any symptoms of intoxication or alarm.
Returning then to the first, an emetic was directed to be prepared, and
while waiting for it, I chanced to lift up the patient’s arm. The
professional reader will judge of my astonishment, when I found that it
remained in the posture in which I placed it. It required but a very
brief examination of the limbs to find that the patient had, by the
influence of this narcotic, been thrown into that strange and most
extraordinary of all nervous conditions, into that state what so few have
seen, and the existence of which so many still discredit — the genuine
catalepsy of the nosologist.
It had been my good fortune years before to have witnessed two unequivocal
cases of this disorder. One occurred in the female clinical ward in
Edinburgh, under Dr. Duncan’s treatment, and was reported by myself for
the Lancet in 1828. The second took place in 1831, in a
family with whom I resided in London. The case was witnessed by Dr. Silver,
Mr. George Mills, and several other professional friends. In both these
cases the cataleptic state was established in full perfection, and in both
the paroxysm ran on each occasion a regular course, and terminated suddenly
without any evil consequence.
To return to our patient. We raised him to a sitting posture, and placed
his arms and limbs in every imaginable attitude. A waxen figure could not
be more pliant, or more stationery in each position, no matter how contrary
to the natural influence of gravity on the part.
To all impressions he was meanwhile almost insensible; he made no sign of
understanding questions; could not be aroused. A sinapism to the
epigastrium caused no sign of pain. The pharynx and its coadjutor muscles
acted freely in the deglutition of stimulant remedies which I thought it
advisable to administer, although the manifest cataleptic state had freed
me altogether of the anxiety under which I before laboured.
The second patient had meanwhile been roused by the noise in the ward, and
seemed vastly amused at the strange aspect of the statue-like attitudes
in which the first patient had been placed, when on a sudden he uttered a
loud peal of laughter, and exclaimed that four spirits were springing with
his bed into the air. In vain we attempted to pacify him, his laughter
became momentarily more and more incontrollable. We now observed that the
limbs were rather rigid, and in a few minutes more his arms or legs could
be bent, and would remain in any desired position. A strong stimulant
drink was immediately given, and a sinapism applied. Of the latter he made
no complaint, but his intoxication led him to such noisy exclamations,
that we had to remove him to a separate room; here he soon became tranquil,
his limbs in less than an hour gained their natural condition, and in two
hours he experienced himself perfectly well, and excessively hungry.
The first patient continued cataleptic till 1 P.M.,
when consciousness and voluntary motion quickly returned, and by 2
A.M. he was exactly in the same state as the second
The third man experienced no effect whatever, and on further inquiry, it
was found that he was habituated to the use of gunjah in the pipe.
On the following day it gave me much pleasure to find that both individuals,
above mentioned, were not only uninjured by the narcotic, but much relieved
of their rheumatism; they were discharged quite cured in three days after.
The fourth case of trial was an old muscular cooly, a rheumatic malingerer,
and to him half a grain of Hemp resin was given in a little spirit. The
first day’s report will suffice for all. — In two hours the old gentleman
became talkative and musical, told several stories, and sang songs to a
circle of highly delighted auditors; ate the dinners of two persons
subscribed for him in the ward, sought also for other luxuries we can
scarcely venture to allude to, and finally fell soundly asleep, and so
continued till the following morning. On the noonday visit, he expressed
himself free from headache, or any other unpleasant sequel, and begged
hard for a repetition of the medicine, in which he was indulged for a few
days and then discharged.
In several cases of acute and chronic rheumatism admitted about this time,
half-grain doses of the resin were given, with closely analogous effects;
— alleviation of pain in most — remarkable increase of appetite in all —
unequivocal aphrodisia, and great mental cheerfulness. In no one case did
these effects proceed to delirium, or was there any tendency to quarrelling.
The disposition developed was uniform in all, and in one was the headache
or sickness of stomach a sequela of the excitement.
Case of Hydrophobia.
A case now occurred in which the influence of a narcotic, capable either
of cheering or of inducing harmless insensibility, would be fraught with
blessings to the wretched patient.
On the 22nd November, at 9 A.M., a note in English
was handed to me by my servant, entreating my assistance for the Hakim
Abdullah, then at my gate, who had been bitten by a rabid dog, three weeks
before, and who feared that the miserable consequences of the bite already
had commenced. I found the poor man in a carriage, he was perfectly
composed, though quite convinced of the desperate nature ofhis case. He
told me that the evening before, on passing near a tank, he started in
alarm, and since then was unable to swallow liquid. His eye was restless,
suspicious, and wild; his features anxious, his pulse 125, his skin
bedewed with cold moisture; he stated nevertheless that he wished for
food and felt well; a small red and painful cicatrix existed on the left
He was immediately removed to the Hospital, where I accompanied him. By
his own desire water was brought near his lips; — never can I forget the
indescribable horrors of the paroxysm which ensued. It abated in about
three minutes, and morbid thirst still goading the unhappy man, he
besought his servant to apply a moistened cloth to his lips. Intelligent
and brave, he determinately awaited the contact of the cloth, and for a
few seconds, though in appalling agony, permitted some drops to trickle on
his tongue, — but then ensued a second struggle, which, with a due share
of the callousness of my profession, I could not stand by to contemplate.
Two grains of Hemp resin in a soft pillular mass were ordered every hour;
after the third dose he stated that he felt commencing intoxication — he
now chatted cheerfully on his case, and displayed great intelligence and
experience in the treatment of the very disease with which he was visited.
He talked calmly of drinking, but said it was in vain to try — but he
could suck an orange; this was brought to him, and he succeeded in
swallowing the juice without any difficulty.
The Hemp was continued till the sixth dose, when he fell asleep and had
some hours’ rest. Early the ensuing morning, however, Mr. Siddons, my
assistant, was called up to him, and found him in a state of tumultuous
agony and excitement: tortured by thirst he attempted to drink, — but I
will spare the reader the details of the horrors which ensued.
The Hemp was again repeated, and again by the third dose the cheering
alleviation of the previous day was witnessed. He ate a piece of
sugar-cane, and again swallowed the juice — he partook freely of some
moistened rice, and permitted a purgative enema to be administered. His
pulse was nearly natural, the skin natural in every respect. His
countenance was happy. On one subject only was he incoherent,
and even here was manifested the powerful and peculiar influence of the
narcotic. He spoke in raptures of the inmates of his zenana and
his anxiety to be with them. We ascertained however that he had no such
Four days thus passed away, the doses of Hemp being continued. When he
fell asleep, on waking the paroxysms returned, but were again almost
immediately assuaged as at first. Meanwhile purgative enemata were
employed, and he partook freely of solid food, and once drank water without
the least suffering. But about 3 P.M. of the fifth
day he sunk into profound stupor, the breathing slightly stertorous; in
this state he continued, and without further struggle, death terminated
his sufferings at 4 A.M. of the 27th November.
Reviewing the preceding summary of this interesting case, it seems evident
that at least one advantage was gained from the use of the remedy; — the
awful malady was stripped of its horrors; if not less fatal than before, it
was reduced to less than the scale of suffering which precedes death from
most ordinary diseases. It must be remembered too that in the first case
ever so treated, I possessed no data to guide me as to the dose or manner
of administration of the drug. The remarkable cases of tetanus detailed in
the sequel, throw light on these important points, and will lead in future
cases to the unhesitating administration of much larger quantities than at
first I ventured to employ. I am not however rash enough to indulge the
hope which involuntarily forces itself upon me, that we will ever from this
narcotic derive an effectual remedy, for even a solitary case of this
disease — but next to cure, the physician will perhaps esteem the means
which enable him ‘to strew the path to the tomb with flower,’ and to divest
of its specific terrors the most dreadful malady to which mankind
is exposed.
While the preceding case was under treatment, and exciting the utmost
interest in the school, several pupils commenced experiments on themselves,
to ascertain the effects of the drug. In all, the state of the pulse was
noted before taking a dose, and subsequently the effects were observed by
two pupils of much intelligence. The result of several trials was, that
in as small doses as the quarter of a grain, after an average interval of
one hour, the pulse was increased in fulness and frequency; the surface of
the body glowed; the appetite became extraordinary; vivid ideas crowded the
mind; unusual loquacity occurred; and with scarcely any exception, great
aphrodisia was experienced.
In one pupil, Dionath Dhur, a retiring lad of very quiet habits, ten drops
of the tincture, equal to a grain of the resin, induced in twenty minutes
the most amusing effects I ever witnessed. A shout of laughter ushered in
the symptoms, and a transitory state of cataleptic rigidity occurred for
two or three minutes. Summoned to witness the effects, we found him
enacting the part of a Raja giving orders to his couriers; he could
recognize none of his fellow-students or acquaintances; all to his mind
seemed as his own condition; he spoke of many years having passed since
his student’s days; described his teachers and friends with a piquancy
which a dramatist would envy; detailed the adventures of an imaginary
series of years, his travels, his attainment of wealth and power. He
entered on discussions on religious, scientific, and political topics, with
astonishing eloquence, and disclosed an extent of knowledge, reasoning, and
a ready apposite wit, which those who knew him best were altogether
unprepared for. For three hours and upwards he maintained the character
he at first assumed, and with a degree of ease and dignity perfectly
becoming his high situation. A scene more interesting it would be
difficult to imagine. It terminated nearly as rapidly as it commenced,
and no headache, sickness, or other unpleasant symptom followed the
innocent excess.
In the symptoms above described we are unavoidably led to trace a close
resemblance to the effects produced by the reputed inspiration of the
Delphic Oracles — perhaps it would not be very erroneous to conclude,
that it was referable to the same kind of excitement.
Use in Cholera.
An epidemic cholera prevailing at this period, two of the students
administered the tincture of Hemp in several cases of that disease, and
cures were daily reported by its alleged efficacy. Dr. Goodeve was thus led
to try it in several cases, and his report was in the highest degree
favourable. The diarrhoea was in every instance checked, and the
stimulating effect of the drug clearly manifested. The Durwan of the
College, an athletic Rajpoot, was attacked, and came under my treatment
after he had been ill seven hours; he was pulseless, cold, and in a state
of imminent danger; the characteristic evacuations streaming from him
without effort — half a grain of the Hemp resin was given, and in twenty
minutes the pulse returned, the skin became warm, the purging ceased, and
he fell asleep. In an hour he was cataleptic, and continued so for several
hours. In the morning he was perfectly well, and at his duty as usual.
It is but fair to state, however, that the character of the epidemic was
not at the time malignant. I admit the cases to be inconclusive, but I
conceive them to be
promising, and that they deserve the close attention
of the practitioner.
Use in Tetanus
I now proceed to notice a class of most important uses, in which the results
obtained are of the character which warrants me in regarding the powers of
the remedy as satisfactorily and incontrovertibly established. I allude to
its use in the treatment of traumatic tetanus, or lock-jaw, next to
hydrophobia, perhaps the most intractable and agonizing of the whole
catalogue of human maladies.
The first case of this disease treated by Hemp was that of Ramjan Khan,
aet. 30, admitted to the College Hospital on the 13th of December, 1838,
for a sloughing ulcer on the back of the left hand. Five days previously
a native empiric had applied a red hot gool (the mixture of charcoal
and tobacco used in the hookah) to the back of the left wrist, as a remedy
for chronic dysentery and spleen. The patient’s brother was similarly
cauterized on the same day. In both sloughing took place down to the
tendons. Symptoms of tetanus occurred on the 24th of December. The brother
who had refused to avail himself of European aid had been seized with
tetanus at his ownh ome four days previously, and died after three days’
illness. On the 26th December, spasms set in and recurred at intervals of
a few minutes; the muscles of the abdomen, neck, and jaw, became firmly,
and permanently contracted. Large doses of opium with calomel having been
administered for some hours, without the least alleviation of symptoms,
and his case having on consultation been pronounced completely hopeless, I
obtained Dr. Egerton’s permission to subject the poor man to the trial of
the Hemp resin. Two grains were first given at 2 1/2
P.M., dissolved in a little spirit. In half an hour the patient
felt giffy; at 5 P.M. his eyes were closed, he felt
sleepy, and expressed himself much intoxicated.
He slept at intervals during the night, but on waking had convulsive
On the 27th, two grains were given every third hour — (a purgative enema
was also administered, which operated three times); the stiffness of the
muscles became much less towards evening, but the spasms returned at
intervals as before. Pulse and skin natural.
28th. — Improved; is lethargic but intelligent. Spasms occasionally recur,
but at much longer intervals, and in less severity.
29th. — Dose of Hemp increased to three grains every second hour.
Symptoms moderating.
30. — Much intoxicated; continues to improve.
1st January 1839. A Hemp cataplasm applied to the ulcer, and internal use
of remedy continued; towards evening was much improved; no permanent
rigidity; had passed two dysenteric stools.
2nd Morning report. Has passed a good night, and seems much better.
Hemp continued. Evening report. Doing remarkably well.
3rd, 4th, and 5th. — Continues to improve. Hemp resin in two grain doses
every 5th hour.
6th, 5 A.M. Feverish; skin hot; pulse quick; all
tetanic symptoms gone; passing mucous and bloody stools; leeches to
abdomen; starch and opium enema, with three grains acetate of lead, every
second hour; tepid sponging to the body; Hemp omitted.
7th, 6 A.M. Still feverish; stools frequent, mucous;
abdomen tender on pressure. No appetite. The ulcer sloughy, ragged, and
offensive. Opium and acetate of lead continued. Abdomen leeched. Sore
dressed with water. At noon there was slight rigidity of abdominal
muscles; Hemp resumed. At 3 P.M. became intoxicated
and hungry, ulcer extremely dry, foul, and abominably foetid; towards
evening rigidity ceased. Hemp discontinued.
From this day the tetanus may be considered to have ceased altogether, but
the dysenteric symptoms continued, despite of the use of opium and acetate
of lead; the ulcer too proved utterly intractable. Some improvement in the
dysenteric symptoms occurred from the 10th to the 15th, when natural stools
were passed; he seemed gaining strength, but the wound was in no wise
improved, the slough on the contrary threatened to spread, and two
metacarpal bones lay loose in the centre of the sore; on consultation it was
agreed to amputate the arm, but to this the patient peremptorily objected.
The mortification now spread rapidly, and to our infinite regret, he died of
exhausion on the night of the 23rd January.
An unprejudiced review of the preceding details exhibits the sedative
powers of the remedy in the most favourable light; and although the patient
died, it must be remembered that it was of a different disease, over which
it is not presumed that Hemp possesses the least power.
The second case was that of Chunoo Syce, (treated by Mr. O’Brien at the
Native Hospital) in whom tetanus supervened on the 11th December, after an
injury from the kick of a horse. After an ineffectual trial of turpentine
and castor oil in large doses, two grain doses of Hemp resin were given on
the 26th November. He consumed in all 134 grains of the resin, and left
the Hospital cured on the 28th December.
Third case. Huroo, a female aged 25, admitted to the Native Hospital
on 16th December; had tetanus for the three previous days, the sequel of a
cut on the left elbow received a fortnight before. Symptoms violent on
admission. Turpentine and castor oil given repeatedly without effect; on
the 16th and 17th, three grains of Hemp resin were given at bed-time. On
the morning of the 18th she was found in a state of complete catalepsy, and
remained so until evening, when she became sensible, and a tetanic
paroxysm recurred. Hemp resumed, and continued in two grain doses every
fourth hour. From this time till the third hour tetanic symptoms returned.
She subsequently took a grain twice daily till the 8th of February, when
she left the Hospital quite well.
Mr. O’Brien has since used the Hemp resin in five cases, of which four
were admitted in a perfectly hopeless state. He employed the remedy in
ten grain doses dissolved in spirit. The effect he describes as
almost immediate relaxation of the convulsive tendency. Of Mr. O’Brien’s
eight cases, four have recovered.
In the Police Hospital of Calcutta, the late Dr. Bain has used the remedy
in three cases of traumatic tetanus, of these one has died and two
A very remarkable case has recently occurred in the practice of my cousin,
Mr. Richard O’Shaughnessy. The patient was a Jew, aged 30, attacked with
tetanus during the progress of a sloughing sore of the scrotum, the sequel
of a neglected hydrocele. Three grain doses were used every second hour,
with the effect of inducing intoxication, and suspending the symptoms.
The patient has recovered perfectly, and now enjoys excellent health. The
details of this case are given as a companion article to this paper.
Besides the preceding cases I have heard of two of puerperal trismus thus
treated in native females. Both terminated fatally, an event which cannot
discredit the remedy, when it is remembered that the Hindoo native females
of all ranks are placed during, and subsequent to their confinement, in a
cell within which large logs of wood are kept constantly ignited. The
temperature of these dens I have found to exceed 130 of Fahrenheit’s scale.
The preceding facts are offered to the professional reader with unfeigned
diffidence, and to the inferences I feel disposed to derive from the
consideration. To me they seem unequivocally to shew, that when given
boldly, and in large doses, the resin of Hemp is capable of arresting
effectually the progress of this formidable disease,
and in a large proportion of cases of effecting a
perfect cure.
The facts are such at least as justify the hope that the virtues of the
drug may be widely and severely tested in the multitudes of these appalling
cases which present themselves in all Indian Hospitals.
Case of Infantile Convulsions
A very interesting case of this disease has recently occurred in my
private practice; the particulars of which I have the permission of the
family to insert in this paper.
A female infant, 40 days old, the child of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. of Calcutta,
on the 10th Septembet, had a slight attack of convulsions, which recurred
chiefly at night for about a fortnight, and for which the usual purgative,
warm baths, and a few doses of calomel and chalk were given without effect.
On the 23rd the convulsive paroxysms became very severe and the bowels
being but little deranged, two leeches were applied to the head. Leeches,
purgatives, and opiates were alternately resorted to, and without the
slightest benefit up to the 30th of September.
On that day the attacks were almost unceasing and amounted to regular
tetanic paroxysms. The child had moreover completely lost appetite, and
was emaciating rapidly.[4]
I had by this exhausted all the usual methods of treatment, and the child
was apparently in a sinking state.
Under these circumstances I stated to the parents the results of the
experiments I had made with the Hemp, and my conviction that it would
relieve their infant, if relief could possibly be obtained.
They gladly consented to the trial, and a single drop of the spiritous
tincture, equal to the one-twentieth part of a grain in weight, was placed
on the child’s tongue at 10 P.M. No immediate effect
was perceptible, and in an hour and a half two drops more were given. The
infant fell asleep in a few minutes, and slept soundly till 4
P.M. when she awoke, screamed for food, took the
breast freely, and fell asleep again. At 9 A.M.,
1st October, I found the child fast asleep, but easily roused; the pulse,
countenance and skin perfectly natural. In this drowsy state she continued
for four days totally free from convulsive symptoms in any form. (During
this time the bowels were frequently spontaneously relieved, and the
appetite returned to the natural degree.)
October 4th. At 1 A.M. convulsions returned,
and continued at intervals during the day; five drop doses of the
tincture were given hourly. Up to midnight there were thirty fits, and
forty-four drops of the tincture of Hemp were ineffectually given.
October 5th. Paroxysms continued during the night; at 11
A.M. it was found that the tincture in use during the
preceding days had been kept by the servants in a small bottle with a
paper stopper; that the spirit had evaporated, and the whole of the resin
settled on the sides of the phial. The infant had in fact been taking
drops of ‘water’ during the preceding day.
A new preparation was given in three drop doses during the 5th and 6th, and
increased to eight drops; with the effect of diminishing the violence though
not of preventing the return of the paroxysm.
On the 7th, I met Dr. Nicholson in consultation, and despairing of a cure
from the Hemp, it was agreed to intermit its use, to apply a mustard
poultice to the epigastrium, and to give a dose of castor oil and
turpentine. The child, however, rapidly became worse, and at 2
P.M. a tetanic spasm set in, which lasted without
intermission till 6 1/2 P.M. A cold bath was given
without solution of the spasm — the Hemp was therefore again resorted to,
and the dose of 30 drops, equal to 1 1/2 grains of the resin, given at
Immediately after this dose was given the limbs relaxed, the little patient
fell fast asleep, and so continued for thirteen hours. While asleep, she
was evidently under the narcotic influence of the drug.
On the 8th October, at 4 A.M., there was a severe fit,
and from this hour to ten at night 25 fits occurred and 130 drops of the
tincture were given in 80 drop doses, equal to 15 grains of the resin. It
was now manifestly a struggle between the disease and the remedy, but at
10 P.M. she was again narcoticized, and from that
hour no fit returned.
On the three following days there was considerable griping, and on
administering large doses of almond oil, several small dark green lumps of
the Hemp resin were voided, which gave effectual relief. The child is
now (23rd November) in the enjoyment of robust health, and has regained her
natural plump and happy appearance.
In reviewing this case several very remarkable circumstances present
themselves. At first we find three drops, or one twentieth of a grain,
causing profound narcoticism; subsequently we find 130 drops daily required
to produce the same effect. The severity of the symptoms doubtless must be
taken chiefly into account, in endeavouring to explain this circumstance.
It was too soon for habit to gain ascendancy over the narcotic powers of the
drug. Should the disease ever recur, it will be a matter of much interest
to notice the quantity of the tincture requisite to afford relief. The
reader will remember that this infant was but sixty days old when 130 drops
were given in one day, of the same preparation of which ten drops had
intoxicated the student Dinonath Dhur, who took the drug for experiment.
130 drops are equal again to 15 grains of the resin, one grain of which
occasioned profound trance (or catalepsy) in two men labouring under
Delirium occasioned by continued Hemp inebriation.
Before quitting this subject, it is desirable to notice the singular form of
delirium which the incautious use of the Hemp preparations often occasions,
especially among young men first commencing the practice. Several such
cases have presented themselves to my notice. They are as peculiar as the
‘delirium tremens,’ which succeeds the prolonged abuse of spiritous liquors,
but are quite distinct from any other species of delirium with which I am
This state is at once recognized by the strange balancing gait of the
patient’s; a contant rubbing of the hands; perpetual giggling; and a
propensity to caress and chafe the feet of all bystanders of whatever rank.
The eye wears an expression of cunning and merriment which can scarcely be
mistaken. In a few cases, the patients are violent; in many highly
aphrodisiac; in all that I have seen, voraciously hungry. There is no
increased heat or frequency of circulation, or any appearance of
inflammation or congestion, and the skin and general functions are in a
perfectly natural state.
A blister to the nape of the neck, leeches to the temples, and nauseating
doses of tartar emetic with saline purgatives have rapidly dispelled the
symptoms in all the cases I have met with, and have restored the patient to
perfect health.
The preceding cases constitute an abstract of my experience on this subject,
and which has led me to the belief that in Hemp the
profession has gained an anti-convulsive remedy of the greatest value.
Entertaining this conviction,
be it true or false, I deem it my duty to publish it without any avoidable
delay in order that the most extensive and the speediest trial may be given
to the proposed remedy. I repeat what I have already stated in a previous
paper — that were individual reputation my object, I would let years pass
by, and hundreds of cases accumulate before publication, and in publishing
I would enter into every kind of elaborate detail. But the object I have
proposed to myself in the inquiries is of a very different kind. To
gather together a few strong facts, to ascertain the limits which cannot
be passed without danger, and then pointing out these to the profession, to
leave their body to prosecute and decide on the subject of discussion, such
seems to me the fittest mode of attempting to explore the medical resources
which an untried Materia Medica may contain.
It may be useful to add a formula for making the preparation which I have
The resinous extract is prepared by boiling the rich, adhesive tops
of the dried gunjah in spirit (Sp. gr. 835,) until all the resin is
dissolved. The tincture thus obtained is evaporated to dryness in a vessel
placed over a pot of boiling water. The extract softens at a gentle heat,
and can be made into pills without any addition.
The tincture is prepared by dissolving 3 grains of the extract in
one drachm of proof spirit.
Doses, &c. — In Tetanus a drachm of the tincture every
half hour until the paroxysms cease, or catalepsy is induced. In
Hydrophobia I would recommend the resin in soft pills, to the
extent of ten to twenty grains to be chewed by the patient, and repeated
according to the effect. In Cholera ten drops of the tincture
every half hour will be often found to check the vomiting and purging, and
bring back the warmth of the surface; — my experience would lead me to
prefer small doses of the remedy in order to excite rather than
narcotise the patient.
- 1.
For very fine specimens of churrus, I have to express my thanks to
Dr. Campbell, late assistant Resident at Nipal.
- 2.
By this term is probably meant the first of the Sassanian dynasty, to whom
the epithet of ‘Khusrow’ or Cosroes, equivalent to Kaiser, Caesar, or Czar,
has been applied in many generations. This dynasty endured from A.D. 202
to A.D. 635 — vide note 50 to Lane’s translation of the
Arabian Nights, vol. ii, p. 226.
- 3.
Handbuch der Medicin. und Pharmac. Botanik, von F. Nees von.
Estabeck et Dr. Carl Ebermaier, vol. 1, p. 338.
- 4.
The nurse, I should have mentioned, was changed early in the illness, and
change of air resorted to on the river, but in vain.
Reprinted from Transactions of the Medical and Physical
Society of Bengal, 1838-1840, pp. 421-461.