Excerpts from
James F. Johnston, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S.,
Etc., Etc.,
Author of “Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology,” “A Catechism
of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology,” etc.
346 & 348 BROADWAY.
VII. INDIAN HEMP. — Little is popularly and practically know [sic.]
in northern Europe of the use of hemp as a narcotic indulgence; yet in the
East it is as familiar to the sensual voluptuary as the opium treated of in
the preceding chapter.
Our common European hemp (Cannabis sativa), fig. 68, so extensively
cultivated for its fibre, is the same plant with the Indian hemp
(Cannabis Indica), which from the remotest times has been celebrated
among Eastern nations for its narcotic virtues. The plant came to Europe
from Persia, and is supposed by many to be a native of India; but, like
tobacco and the potato, it has a wonderful power of adapting itself to
differences in soil and climate. Hence it is now cultivated, not merely
on the plains of Persia, India, and Arabia, but in Africa, from its
northern to its southern extremities; in America, all over its north-eastern
states and provinces, and on the flats of Brazil; and in Europe, in almost
every kingdom and country. In northern Russia it is an important article
of culture, even as far north as Archangel, and from that region our
manufacturers have been accustomed to receive large supplies of its
valuable fibre.
In the sap of this plant — probably in all countries — there exists a
peculiar resinous substance, in which the esteemed narcotic virtue resides.
In northern climates, the proportion of this resin in the several parts of
the plant is so small as to have escaped general observation. The whole
plant, indeed, has a peculiar smell, even when grown in Europe, which,
though not unpleasant to every one, often gives headache and giddiness to
persons who remain long in a hemp field. This probably arises from an
escape into the air of a small quantity of a volatile narcotic
But in the warmer regions of the East, the resinous substance is so
abundant as to exude naturally, and in sensible quantity, from the flowers,
from the leaves, and from the young twigs of the hemp-plant. We have
already seen that climate modifies considerably the proportions of the
active ingredients contained in the dried leaf of tobacco, and in the
dried juice of the poppy. The hemp-plant exhibits a still more striking
illustration of the influence of climate upon the chemical changes which
take place in the interior of living vegetables. It grows well, and
produces abundance of excellent fibre in the north, but no sensible
proportion of narcotic resin. It grows still better, and more
magnificently, in tropical regions; but there its fibre is worthless and
unheeded, while for the resin it spontaneously yields it is prized and
exudation of the hemp-plant is collected in various ways. In Nepaul it is
gathered by the hand in the same way as opium. This variety is very pure,
and puch prized. It is called momeea, or waxen churrus.
It remains soft, even after continued drying; has a fragrant narcotic odour,
which becomes strong and aromatic on heating. Its taste is slightly hot,
bitterish, and acrid, yet balsamic. In Central India, men covered with
leather aprons run backwards and forwards through the hemp-fields, beating
the plants violently. By this means the resin is detached and adheres to
the leather. This is scraped off, and is the ordinary churrus of Cabul.
It does not bring so high a price as the momeea. In other places the
leather aprons are dispensed with, and the resin is collected on the naked
skins of the coolies. In Persia it is collected by pressing the resinous
plant on coarse cloths, and afterwards scraping the resin from these, and
melting it in a little warm water. The churrus, or “kirs,”
of Herat is considered one of the best and most powerful varieties of the
The plant itself is often collected and dried for the sake of the resin it
contains. The whole plant gathered when in flower, and dried without the
removal of the resin, is called gunjah. In this form it is sold
in the markets of Calcutta in bundles about three inches in diameter, and
containing each twenty-four plants. The larger leaves and seed capsules
separated from the stalks are called bang, subjee, or
sidhee. This form is less esteemed than the
gunjah.{1} The tops or tender parts of
the plant, the flowers, and even the pistils of the flowers, are separated,
and when dried alone are very powerful, and much esteemed. The seeds, I
believe, are never used as a narcotic indulgence. In some medical works
they are spoken of as cramp-stilling and pain-removing; but if they really
possess these virtues, it must be in a very inferior degree; and they
probably reside in the husk,{2} and not
in the body of the seed itself.
When boiled in alcohol the gunjah yields as much as one-fifth of its weight
of resinous extract, and hence this method of preparing the drug in a pure
state has been recommended as the most efficient and economical. I am not
aware, however, that it is anywhere adopted in the East.
2°. FORMS IN WHICH HEMP IS UESD. — Among the ancient Saracens and the
modern Arabs, in some parts of Turkey, and generally throughout Syria, the
preparations of hemp in common use were, and are still, known by the names
of haschisch, hashash, or husheesh. The most
common form of haschisch, and that which is the basis of all others, is
prepared by boiling the leaves and flowers of the hemp with water, to which
a certain quantity of fresh butter has been added, evaporating the decoction
to the thickness of a syrup, and then straining it through cloth. The
butter thus becomes charged with the active resinous principle of the
plant, and acquires a greenish colour. This preparation retains its
properties for many years, only becoming a little rancid. Its taste,
however, is very disagreeable, and hence it is seldom taken alone, but is
mixed with confections and aromatics — camphor, cloves,
nutmegs, mace,
and not unfrequently ambergris and musk — so as to form a sort of
electuary. The confection used among the Moors is called el mogen,
and is sold at an enormous price. Dawamesc is the name given by
the Arabs to that which they most commonly use. This is frequently
mingled, however, with other substances of reputed aphrodisiac virtues, to
enable it to administer more effectually to the sensual gratifications,
which are the grand object of life among many of the orientals.
The Turks give the names of
hadschy malach
and madjoun
to the compositions they use for purposes of excitement. According to Dr.
Madden, the madjoun of Constantinople is composed of the pistils of the
flowers of the hemp-plant ground to powder, and mixed in honey with
powdered cloves,
nutmegs, and saffron.
Thus the Indian hemp and its products are used in one or other of four
different forms: —
First, The whole plant dried and known by the name of gunjah; or
the larger leaves and capsules dried and known as bang, subjee, or sidhee;
or the tops and tender parts of the plants collected after they have been in
flower, and which in some places are called haschisch; or the dried flowers,
called in Morocco kief, a pipe of which, scarcely the size of an
English pipe, is sufficient to intoxicate; or the dried pistils of the
flower as they enter into the composition of the madjoun of the Turks.
These several parts of the dried plant, when newly gathered, have a rapid
and energetic action. Their efficicy diminishes, however, by keeping.
Second, The resin which naturally exudes from the leaves and
flowers, and is, when collected by the hand, called momeea; or the same
beaten off with sticks, and sold by the name of churrus.
Third, The extract obtained by the use of butter, which, when
mixed with spices, forms the dawamesc of the Arabs, and is the foundation
of the haschisch of many Eastern countries and districts.
Fourth, The extract obtained by means of alcohol from the gunjah.
This is said to be very active, but I am not aware of its being in use in
the East.
The dried plant is smoked and sometimes chewed. Five or ten grains
reduced to powder are smoked from a common pipe alone with ordinary tobacco,
or from a water pape (narghilé), with a variety of tobacco
called tombeki.{3} The resin and
resinous extract are generally swallowed in the form of pills or
3°. ANTIQUITY AND EXTENT OF ITS USE. — In one or other of the forms
above mentioned the hemp-plant appears to have been used from very remote
times. The ancient Scythians are said by Herodotus to have excited
themselves by “inhaling its vapour.”
Homer makes Helen administer
to Telemachus, in the house of Menelaus, a potion prepared from the
nepenthes, which made him forget his sorrows. This plant had been
given to her by a woman of Egyptian Thebes; and Diodorus Siculus states
that the Egyptians laid much stress on this circumstance, arguing that
Homer must have lived among them, since the women of Thebes were actually
noted for possessing a secret by which they could dissipate anger or
melancholy. This secret is supposed to have been a knowledge of the
qualities of hemp. Under the name of beng it is also mentioned
in the Arabian Nights,
translated by Lane, as the narcotic used by Haroun al Raschid and other
heroes of the tales.
It is curious how common and familiar words sometimes connect themselves
with things and customs of which we know absolutely nothing. The word
assassin — a foreign importation now long naturalized among us —
is of this kind. M. Sylvester de Sacy, the well-known orientalist, says
that this word was derived from the Arabic name of hemp. It was originally
used in Syria to designate the followers of “the old man of the mountain,”
who were called Haschischins, because among them the haschisch
was in frequent use, especially during the performance of certain of their
mysterious rites. Others say that, during the wars of the Crusaders,
certain of the Saracen army, intoxicated with the drug, were in the habit
of rushing into the camps of the Christians and committing great havoc,
being themselves totally regardless of death; that these men were known by
the name of hashasheens, and that thence came our word “assassin.” The
oriental term was probably in use long before the time of the Crusades,
though the English form and use of the word may have been introduced into
Europe at that period.
Nor is the use of hemp less extended than it is ancient. In the plains of
India it is consumed in every form, and on the slopes of the Himalayas,
it is cultivated for smoking, as high up as the valleys of Sikkim. In
Persia, in the east of Europe, and in Mahommedan countries, it is in
extensive use. In Northern Africa it is largely employed by the Moors. In
central and tropical Africa it is almost everywhere known as a powerful
medicine and a desired indulgence. In Southern Africa the Hottentots use
it under the name of dacha, for purposes of intoxication; and
when the Bushmen were in London, they smoked the dried plant in short pipes
made of the tusks or teeth of animals. And what is more astonishing, when
we consider the broad seas which intervene, even the native Indians of
Brazil know its value, and delight in its use; so that over the hotter
parts of the globe generally, wherever the plant produces in abundance its
peculiar narcotic principle, its virtues may be said to be known, and more
or less extensively made use of.{4}
4°. EFFECTS OF HEMP ON THE SYSTEM. — This wide use of the plant
implies that the effects of hemp upon the system are generally very
agreeable. In India it is spoken of as the increaser of pleasure, the
exciter of desire, the cementer of friendship, the laughter-mover, and the
causer of the reeling gait, — all epithets indicative of its peculiar
effects. Linnæus describes its power as
“narcotica, phantastica, dementens, anodyna et repellens;”
while in the words of Endlicher,
“Emollitum exhilarat animum, impotentibus desideriis tristem, stultam
lætitiam provocat, et jucundissima somniorum conciliat
a. The effects of the churrus or natural resin have been
carefully studied in India by Dr.
O’Shaughnessy. He states that when taken in moderation it produces
increase of appetite and great mental cheerfulness, while in excess it
causes a peculiar kind of delirium and catalepsy. This last effect is
very remarkable, and we quote his description of the results of one of his
experiments with what is considered a large dose for an Indian patient:
“At two P.M. a grain of the resin of hemp was given to a rheumatic patient;
at four P.M. he was very talkative, sang, called loudly for an extra
supply of food, and declared himself in perfect health. At six P.M. he
was asleep. At eight P.M. he was found insensible, but breathing with
perfect regularity. His pulse and skin were natural, and the pupils freely
contracted on the approach of light. Happening by chance to life up the
patient’s arm, the professional reader will judge of my astonishment when I
found it remained in the posture in which I placed it. It required but a
very brief examination of the limbs to find that by the influence of this
narcotic the patient had been thrown into the strangest and most
extraordinary of all nervous conditions, which so few have seen, and the
existence of which so many still discredit — the genuine catalepsy of the
nosologist. We raised him to a sitting posture, and placed his arms and
limbs in every imaginable attitude. A waxen figure could not be more
pliant or more stationary in each position, no matter how contrary to the
natural influence of gravity on the part! To all impressions he was
meanwhile almost insensible.”*
This extraordinary influence he subsequently found to be exercised by the
hemp extract upon other animals as well as upon man. After a time it
passes off entirely, leaving the patient altogether uninjured.
In this effect of the hemp in India we see a counterpart of many of the
wonderful feats performed by the fakeers and other religious devotees of
that country. It indicates probably the true means also by which they are
enabled to produce them.
How much power a little knowledge gives to the dishonest and designing of
every country, over the ignorant and unsuspecting masses!
b. Again, the effects of the haschisch of the Arabians,
which probably differ little from those of hemp taken in any of its forms,
have been described to us from his own personal experience by a French
physician, M. Moreau. When
taken in small doses, its effect, he says, is simply to produce a moderate
exhilaration of spirits, or at most a tendency to unseasonable laughter.
Taken in doses sufficient to induce the fantasia, as its more
remarkable effects are called in the Levant, its first influence is the same
as when taken in a small dose; but this is followed by an intense feeling
of happiness, which attends all the operations of the mind. The sun shines
upon every thought that passes through the brain, and every movement of the
body is a source of enjoyment.
M. Moreau made many
experiments with it upon his own person —
appears indeed to have fallen
into the habit of using it even after his return to France — and he
describes and reasons upon its effects as follows: —
“It is really happiness which is produced by the haschisch; and
by this I mean an enjoyment entirely moral, and by no means sensual, as
might be supposed. This is a very curious circumstance, and some remarkable
inferences might be drawn from it. . . . . . For the haschisch-eater
is happy, not like the gourmand, or the famishing man when satisfying his
appetite, or the voluptuary in the gratification of his amative desires —
but like him who hears tidings which fill him with joy, or like the miser
counting his treasures, the gambler who is successful at play, or the
ambitious man who is intoxicated with success.”
This glowing description of the effects of the haschisch, though given by
one who had often used it, is on that very account, like the pictures of
the opium-eater, open to suspicion. We feel as if it were intended as a
kind of excuse or justification of the indulgence on the part of the
When first it begins to act, the peculiar effects of the haschisch may be
considerably diminished, or altogether checked, by a firm exertion of the
will, “just as we master the passion of anger by a strong voluntary effort.”
By degrees, however, the power of controlling at will and directing the
thoughts diminishes, till finally all power of fixing the attention is lost,
and the mind becomes the sport of every idea which either arises within
itself, or is forced upon it from without.
“We become the sport of impressions of every kind. The course of our
ideas may be broken by the slightest cause. We are turned, so to speak, by
every wind. By a word or a gesture, our thoughts may be successively
directed to a multitude of different subjects with a rapidity and lucidity
which are truly marvellous. The mind beciomes possessed with a feeling of
pride, corresponding to the exaltation of its faculties, which it is
conscious have increased in energy and power. The slightest impulse
carries it along. Hence those who make use of the haschisch in the East,
when they wish to give themselves up to the intoxication of the
fantasia, withdraw themselves carefully from everything which
could give to their delirium a tendency to melancholy, or excite anything
but feelings of pleasurable enjoyment. They profit by all the means which
the dissolute manners of the East place at their disposal. It is in the
midst of the harem, surrounded by their women, under the charm of music
and of lascivious dances performed by the almees, that they enjoy the
intoxicating dawamese; and, with the aid of superstition, they
find themselves almost transported to the scene of the numberless
marvels which the Prophet has collected in his paradise.”
The errors of perception, in regard to time and place, to which the
patient is liable during the period of fantasia, are remarkable. Minutes
seem hours, and hours are prolonged into years, till at last all idea of
time seems obliterated, and the past and the present are confounded
together. Every notion, in this curious condition, seems to partake
of a certain degree of exaggeration. One evening
M. Moreau was traversing
the passage of the opera when under the influence of a moderate dose of
haschisch. He had made but a few steps when it seemed to him as if he had
been there for two or three hours; and as he advanced, the passage seemed
interminable, its extremity receding as he pressed forward.
The effect produced by hemp in its different forms varies, like that of
opium, both in kind and in degree, with the race of men who use it, and
with the individual to whom it is administered. Upon orientals, its
general effect is of an agreeable and cheerful character, exciting them
to laugh, dance, and sing, and to commit various extravagances — acting
as an aphrodisiac, and increasing the appetite for food. Some, however,
it renders excitable and quarrelsome, and disposes to acts of violence.
It is from the extravagant behaviour of individuals of this latter
temperament that the use and meaning of our word assassin have most
probably arisen. it is from such effects of this substance also that we
obtain a solution of the extravagances and barbarous cruelties which we
read of as practised occasionally by Eastern despots.
Yet, even among orientals, according to
Dr. Moreau, there are some
on whom the drug produces no effect whatever — upon whom, at least,
doses are powerless which are usually followed by well-marked phenomena.
As is the case with opium, long use also makes larger doses necessary.
To some even a drachm of the churrus becomes a moderate dose, though
sufficient to operate upon twenty ordinary men.
Upon Europeans generaly, at least in Europe, its effects have been found
to be considerably less in degree than upon orientals. In India
Dr. O’Shaughnessy had seen
marked effects from half a grain of the extract, or even less, and had
been accustomed to consider one grain and a half a large dose; in England
he had given ten or twelve or more grains, to produce the desired
effect.”{5} In kind, also, its
effects upon Europeans differ somewhat from those produced upon Asiatics.
It has never been known, for example, to produce that remarkable cataleptic
state, described in a previous page as having been observed in India even
from a comparatively small dose of the hemp extract; nor, so far as I am
aware, has it ever obtained a footing in any part of Europe as a narcotic
It requires, indeed, a long and gradual training to its use before its
boasted effects can be fully experienced, and this fortunately is not
attempted yet in Europe. While in Jerusalem, M. de Sauley, with the view
of passing pleasantly a tedious evening, indulged himself in a dose of
haschisch, which, upon his uninitiated constitution, produced only
unpleasant results. He thus speaks of it —
“The experiment to which we had recourse for passing our time, turned out
so utterly disagreeable, that I may safely say not one of us will ever
be tempted to try it again. The haschisch is an abominable
poison, which the dregs of the population alone drink and smoke in the
East, and which we were silly enough to take in too large a dose on the
eve of new-year’s day. We fancied we were going to have an evening of
enjoyment, but we nearly died through our imprudence. As I had taken a
larger dose of this pernicious drug than my companions, I remained almost
insensible for more than twenty-four hours; after which I found myself
completely broken down, with nervous spasms, and incoherent dreams, which
seemed to have endured a hundred years at
of the Indian hemp comparatively little is yet known. Had it been as
long familiar to Europeans, or used as extensively by them, as it is in
the East, it would probably, like opium, have already been the subject
of repeated chemical investigations. The volatile oil and the resin of
hemp are the only two substances which chemists have yet extracted from
this remarkable plant.
a. The volatile oil. — When distilled with water, the dried
leaves and flowers, like those of the hop, yield a volatile oil in
small quantity. The properties of this volatile oil, and its action upon
the system, have not been studied. It is not supposed, however, to have
any important connection with the remarkable effects of the plant upon
the living animal.
b. The natural resin. — But the whole hemp plant is impregnated,
especially in warm climates, with a resinous substance in which most
active virtues reside. When collected as it naturally exudes, this
resin forms the churrus of India. It is extracted when the leaves are
boiled with butter to form the basis of the haschisch, or when the
dried plant is treated with alcohol to obtain the hemp extract. It is
soft, dissolves readily both in alcohol and ether, and is separated from
these liquids in the form of a white powder when the solutions are mixed
with water. It has a warm, bitterish, acrid, somewhat balsamic taste,
and a fragrant odour, especially when heated.
Both the resin which naturally exudes from the hemp plant, and the extract
it yields to spiritous liquids, are probably mixtures of several substances
possessed of different properties and relations to animal life. The
remarkably complex composition of opium justifies such an opinion. And
the analogy of the same substance makes it probable that the produce of
the plant will differ in different localities and countries — so that the
churrus of India, and the haschisch of Syria, may produce very different
effects on the same constitution. But these points have not as yet been
investigated either chemically or physiologically. This substance,
therefore, holds out the promise of a rich and interesting harvest to
future experimenters.
6°. HEMP COMPARED WITH OPIUM. — The extract of hemp differs
considerably from opium, not only in its sensible properties, but in its
effects upon the system. It does not lessen but rather excites the
appetite. It does not occasion nausea, dryness of tongue, constipation,
or lessening of the secretions, and is not usually followed by that
melancholy state of depression to which the opium-eater is subject. It
differs also in causing dilatation of the pupil, and sometimes
catalepsy, in stilling pain less than opium does, in less constantly
producing sleep, in the peculiar inebriating quality it possesses, in
the phantasmata it awakens, and in its aphrodisiac effects. It operates
likewise in a smaller dose, and does not produce that apathy to external
impressions by which opium is characterised. On the contrary, to the
intellectual activity imparted by opium it adds a corresponding
sensitiveness and activity of all the feelings, and of the senses both
internal and external. From the effects of opium a man must be roused
by shaking and bodily movement. Those of haschisch are allayed by
gentle soothing, and bodily stillness. This drug seems, in fact, to be
to the oriental a source of exquisite and peculiar enjoyment,
which unfits him for the ordinary affairs of this rough life, and with
which happily we are, in this part of the world, still altogether
It is impossible to form any estimate of the quantity of hemp, of hemp
resin, or of the artificial extract which is now used in different parts
of the world for purposes of indulgence. It must, however, be very large,
since the plant is so employed in one form or another by probably not less
than two or three hundred millions of the human race!
- 1. Pharmaceutical
Journal, vol. i. p. 490.
- 2. As is the case with the Syrian rue,
Peganum harmala,
described at the close of the preceding chapter.
- 3. The tombeki is said to be the leaf
of a species of Lobelia. It is smoked in a narghilé, and is
exceedingly narcotic; so much so that it is usually steeped in water
for a few hours, to weaken it before it is used, and the pipe is
charged with it while it is still wet.
- 4. (The
footnote is absent from the original text)
- 5. (Unmatched
end-quote is in the original)
Pereria, Materia
Medica, p. 1242.
- 6. Journey round the Dead
Sea. By F. de Saulcy. Vol. i. p. 140.