Subject: Re: Clinton has V.D. <- News report
Date: 1996/08/14
Message-ID: <4urf32$>
Newsgroups: talk.rumors,,,,alt.conspiracy,alt.politics.perot
I don't have any idea if there's anything to the below suggestion
regarding the possibilty of Clinton having a venereal disease.
If I believed Clinton were an honest, honorable man I wouldn't give
it much credence, actually.
However, since Clinton ostentatiously claims to be on "active duty"
as the Commander-in-Chief (God help us) when that claim's convenient,
shouldn't he be subject to AT LEAST the same (if not more severe)
military discipline that a VD-infected Buck Private would be? That is,
have the matter dealt with under the military justice system.
In <4uoe0s$> (Dianne
Gross) writes:
>Excerpts from Phil Brodley's "Into the Stretch" Column, 2 Aug. 1996
> ....Dole campaign strategist Lisa Svoboda has been quietly meeting with
> Gennifer Flowers' attorney and media rep Shawn Cirle. What might the two
> be discussing? Can any more disturbing skeletons be found in this
> ransacked grave?
> You'd think if Flowers wasn't enough to defeat Clinton in the last
> election, she couldn't help Dole much now. But whispers have it that
> maybe the Dole campaign isn't excavating for skeletons but digging for
> clams.
> "The clam," known to researchers as mollusca, is the latest in a line of
> mostly benign sexually-transmitted diseases that have been discovered in
> the last few decades. Because it was thought to be rare, and is
> considered 'mostly harmless,' it hasn't gotten the attention devoted to
> AIDS or Herpes.
> What makes mollusca a stand-out is this: It makes its victims, well,
> randy. Really randy. Statistically significantly randy.
> Some time after the convention, expect Flowers to hold a press
> conference in which she claims that she's infected and that she gave it
> to -- or got it from -- the president.
> Strategists see this as a way to focus attention on Clinton's perceived
> moral shortcomings -- polls show that the public does not believe that
> Clinton is faithful to his wife -- and may also be used to subtly
> indicate that Hilary has undue influence over his decisions. There's a
> hyphenated word ending in "whipped" that I'm not allowed to use in this
> column that applies here....
"Put that coffee DOWN! Coffee's for CLOSERS only!"
"You drove a HYUNDAI to get here tonight ... I drove an $83,000
BMW . . . THAT'S my name!"
"I can speak only to a Mr. or Mrs. 'Nyborg.'"
-- "Glengarry Glen Ross"