Strange Fetishes
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My New Guru
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- The Dadarian Institute
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- Latest Research Outlined, fron Dan Winter
- MetaSyn Media Master Access
- — A Guide to Superconsciousness & Ascension
- The Universal Seduction — Piercing the Veils of Deception
- Eckankar: Religion of the light and Sound of God — ancient wisdom for today
- Ascension 2000
- The Trepanation Trust
- InfoSource Research
- Awakening Rainbows of Light
- Scotland the Hive
- WorldITC: The new technology of Spiritual contact
- Psychic Kids Spiritual Experiences — Of, by and for: psychic, clairvoyant, clairsentient, intuitive, spiritually-awakened and multi-dimensional children, a.k.a. Children of the Blue Ray, Indigo Children, Star children, Millennium children
- Ra-Material: The Law of One
- Pheylonian Beeswax Candles — Lilah and Tawlia
- Dowsing Internet Prescription for Homeotherapy of Dogs
- The Hidden Master
- International Association of Past Life Therapists
- Etheric Gridwork
- Fashion and Urine Therapy
- A Spiritual Acceleration Handbook: Moon Lodge Visions
- The Great Pyramid and its Message for Earth
- The Secret of Olyphant
- The Light Party — "Health, Peace and Freedom for All"
- The Aetherius Society: "Service is the Jewel in the Rock of Attainment"
- Unknown Country
- The Lightsmith Live Wire — Current, clear information to assist in personal and planetary shifts of consciousness
- Stargate — The Real One offers doorways to the past & future
- Crystalinks: Ellie Crystal’s Metaphysical and Science Page
- Advanced Tachyon Technologies — "the source of all frequencies!"
Hollow Earth
Brain Rape
Protect Your Mind
Weird Black Nationalism
Profound Hidden in Mundane
Other creative minds
Terry J. Hokanson
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Weird Archæology
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Cube Mania!
Angels ’n’ Shit
Little Green Men
Cosmic, man
What Would Jesus Think?
Wild Kingdom
9/11 Conspiracy
AIDS Conspiracy
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- Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower
- My body weight
- The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln
- Outline of program to effect the social arm of SDI, The Strategic Defense Initiative, known popularly as the "New World Order"
- The Propaganda Matrix — Exposing the New World Order and Government Sponsored Terrorism
- The 666 / PROJECT 666
- Is Bill Gates a Satanist!
- Metatech
- The Bare Truth
- Satanic Triadic High Mass Coming to Phoenix
- inivisble personnel can induce sleep on the driver to cause a car accident
- The World Cup Conspiracy — Colossal Shocker! Flesh-crunching mini-robots to be injected in human bodies… Transmitters for global electronic control system disguised as stadiums.
- Conspiracy Planet: The Alternative News & History Network
- The Illuminati 666
- Government Secrets
- Pax Americana Equals Pax Romana!!
- Seebo: See Beyond the Obvious
- Wake-up America — The Shadow Government of the United States
- David Icke — Mad, Bad, or Just Prepared to Go Where Others Fear to Tread?
- Reptilians & Prouty
- The Watcher Files: Exposing Human Reptilians, Aliens, Secret Government, Black Projects, New World Order
- How to recognize Indo-Mongol-Satanoids
- David Icke, Arizona Wilder, Credo Mutwa and the Biggest Secret by Ivan Fraser
- Purple “Reptoid” Crow
- Your Tax Dollars at Work
- Christendom and Freemasonry’s Use of the Phallus 1-A
- Goldfinger — Rome steals U.S. Gold Reserves!!
- The Secret Underground World Society
- A-albionic Overview — Current Working Hypothesis: "The Overt and Covert Organs of the Vatican and British Empires are Locked in Mortal Combat for Control of the World"
- Vatican Assassins
- Hello Secret Government. If you plan on visiting us after you read this statement, you have to get past my German Shepard
- thwarted!
- The New Model Army: America
- Nathan, The Messiah
- Ask OJ
- Denver International Airport: Expose of Bizarre Influence
- Curse of all Curses
- Wayne Manzo’s America’s Line — The Truth is Here!
Weather Reports
Underappreciated Activism
- :Judge: David-Wynn: Miller :Language and communication-claims of these unity-states of our world-corporation
- Publish and Perish: The mysterious death of Lyndon LaRouche’s printer Washington Monthly 7 November 2007
- Pork in my Vegetarian Soup
- World Revolution of Economic Communism, Anarchism, Paganism and Feminism
- this is — accept no limitations
- Super Intelligent Beings — the SIBs
- Ras Mikael Enoch
- Libertarian National Socialist Green Party
- Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
- Proper Response to the FBI!!
- MilkywayGalaxy — Linux Home Page
- Bud Light, Homosexuality and the Family
- Science Production of Lesbians and Gays
- Voxfux — The real story — behind the lies
- Xenophobic Persecution in the U.K.
- Lesbian Studies Institute — “Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”
- Public Warning Notice — This is Mitchell Allen Schmidt, He commits “ADULTERY”
- World Sex Daily: A Web-Based Tabloid For White People
- Celestial Empire
- Satanic Reds
- If There is a Truth, then There is a Lie
- Who can and who cannot give money to the Family Values Party and/or to the Tom Wells campaigns
- Postal Inspectors on the Rampage: The Postal Justice Project
- Dear Friend or Enemy by Ray Walter Swangkee¾
- The Supreme Court of Common Horsesense
- Yahoo! Groups: KoreshX98
- Neil Robert Miller — Paradigm from California
- Freedom2Measure — opposing metric tyranny
- Manifesto of the Emperor of America — a Norton for Now
- Automobile Safety Foundation — Steering locks pose an international safety emergency!
- Welcome to the Andrea Dworkin Web Site!: “In every century, there are a handful of writers who help the human race to evolve. Andrea is one of them.”
- Psychic Towers Research Foundation
- Brother Ellis Society of North America — join BESNA and become a BESAN
- The Hal Turner Show
- A brief tale from the “Sanctuary of the Birds”
- Empire of Atlantium
- Unlimitism Party
- Scientology, Xenu, Clambake