The Definitive Instructions for Smoking Banana Peels
Hope this helps! And all of you who say bananas don’t work can just shut up. From: (David Van Assche) ANDERSON, LARRY S ( wrote: okay... i’ve heard a little about smoking banana peels from different sources (the dead milkmen :) ) but what does it really do? how do you prepare the peels for ingestion? what is the usaual effective dosage? and which neurotransmitters in the brain are most effected? any info you are willing to share would be of great help. also, any info on growing herb. and processing it. please reply email, because i often don’t have the time to look through all of these posts. thank you much... Ok, Banana peels have a substance called Bananadine in them which is a psychoactive tryptamine chemically related to LSD and DMT. I would say it lies somewhere in between. Now, to extract the Bananadine one must scarpe the chemical from the inside of the banana peels and then there are two ways to freebase it. It is only active if you smoke it, although I’ve heard of some people injecting it (Although this is dangerous because banadine has strychnine in it, permenantly binding the bananadine to the spine, where crystals may form if taken too often) Anyway, to freebase, the best method is to mix 1/3 banandine with 2/3 baking soda (Bicarbonate) and then slowly mix in water and bring the mixture to boiling temperature. You should be left with a rock like substance which looks very much like crack (hence… the street name: Banrack) This is then smoked through a crack pipe for best results… or simply heat and inhale the fumes. The other way is to simply make a joint with the bananadine and smoke it…. but this smoking it pure gives more of a Peanut high effect, which is undesirable for some people. Bananadine works by entering the blood stream and going to the brain where it is converted to the neurotransmitter Bananodin, where it is taken up by a group of receptors called the Bananyocine receptors. The high is very very intense, and one can get addicted to it the first time you take a hit, mostly because of the action of strychnine, which inhibts the bananyocine receptors and causes chromosome damage, which can eventually lead to a fluctuation in hormone levels causing men to grow breasts… I would recommend you to try it though cause its defenitly worth the high it gives…. ohhh… and it also makes sex the most intense thing ever experienced… orgasms are heightened to the extent that some people are known to have gotten heart attacks… — Debaser (David Laurence) |
Readers Respond!(names deleted) “I saw your web site on drugs and read the page on smoking bananas. you mention all the bad things about it and all the serious health problems that one can develoop, and then you say that everyone should try it at least once. What the fuck is wrong with you?????!!!!! You know the risks, but you do it anyway. I stay completely clean and part of that is because I know the dangers of drugs and I can experience pleasure without pharmaceautical enhancement. But you know the dangers and you do it anyway. Is your life so sorry that you can’t find enjoyment from anything besides drugs?” “thanks for the part about the bananas, now my friends might believe me.” “my friend told me about bannana peals and so i tried it but I guess I didnt do it right because it didnt do shit so I just desiced to smoke a bowl.” “is there a common substance that can be substituted for ether when rinsing the banana mush? ethyl alcohol=rubbing alcohol, correct? thanx” “Is banadin legal? And I would like to know what the bananna skins are suposed to look like when they are taken out of the microwave eg black and crispy or still with their colour yellow and also is isopropyl alchol ok to use instead of ethyl alchol?” “Abou the smoking banana peels. Can you just dry them in the microwave and then just smoke them in a bong. Does this work rather than soaking them in all that shit” “I HEARD THAT PEANUT SKINS GET GET ME HIGH IF THEY CAN I WONT TO KNOW HOW AND WHAT TODO TO GET HIGH OFF OF IT” “me and mate spent ages peeling the whitey stuff from inside the bananas– 10lbs worth, then mixed it with 2 times its weight in bicarb. soda then added water until mushy brown pulp. Then put in pan and heated it till kinda crystally with sum chunks. Then smoked it in a joint....... nothin happened the crap didn’t even light, no great high not even a puff– bollocks. what went wrong? Was that recipe just shit? Any tips greatly appreciated Lots of love H+L” “Is it possible to just scrape up the inside of the bananas, dry it in tha microwave then smoke it without putting it in all that alcohol crap n waiting 2 days n shit? And how much is 10 pounds, or how many bananas would u need to get ripped?” “hey there, i read your page about the banana smoking and looked it up some more on the net. i noticed some people compare it to lsd and shit... is it really that strong and can it fuck you up like lsd? also, is all the soaking and waiting nessecary? i read on some sites you can just dry it and smoke it. if you could add everything you know about it, id greatly appreciate it.” “this is my problem: i have tryed all the information i could find about smoking bannadine. now i’ve tryed most of the ways to prepare the bannadine for use but every time i cook it (dry it) it ends up doing nothing. so this is where you come in. i need a a simple way to prepare the bannadine so it would work im sorry if this e-mail sounds rude or any other way offensive but i am really tryed and just need the simplest and most effective way to prepare the bannadine. so if you can sent me some detailed or normal information i would really be thankful.” “You know I’m a pretty heavy drug user i can usually get lsd and all other drugs very easily. Well my question is smoking the bannas better than taking a couple hits of acid or a bag of shrooms? I could probably make it also seeing that i can make alot of other drugs such as ecstasy, special k, and crack. So if i made a whole shit load of this shit and people liked it what would be a good price to charge for bannanas that make you trip.” “Your turtoial on extracting bananadine needs a bit revising. It is confusing about the steps, you need to deeply describe each method and step. What i am curious about: Is it proven to just smoke the banana skins after drying out will be effective of do you have to do the nonpolar/polar extraction with ether and alachol? in one of the extraction method it says put 1/3 bananadine per 2/3 bakeing soda(now who can actually have pure bananadine? or does this mean the peals?), I am wondering if you also have to do the other extraction method before doing this one or are you able to just get the peals, scrape them, put 1/2 per 2/3bakeing soda in low boiling water, and stir(stir continusualy?, or can u just let it sit?) untill a crack like substance comes into form? approximently how many bannana peal shavings would you have to have in order to get onself high? Sorry for another question about the same thing you have probely heard. the web site i am reffering to is located at” “I keep reading how this whole banana thing was a big joke, but then here you go saying its an extreme high, i would really like to try it if i knew it acually worked but 3 days is a long time to wait for somthing that doesnt do anything but give you a headache, so give it to be straight please… is this real?” “hay i never until now tried to do the banana thing. i bought 10 lb. of bananas, peeled them, dried them almost blowing up my 12yr old microwave, and now am half way through grinding them up. i have a lot of faith in this because i did a little research and it makes sence. my only question for you is are you accually telling me that i need 100% pure ether and 100%ethyl alch.? just wondering cuz this stuff is really expensive and hard to find in a pure state. write me back with any info at all. thanks alot and i love the site.” “Dude: I cannot believe the polarized response you are getting to mellow yellow. They either play along or fall for it. Great job. In case no one has sent it to you yet, Donovan recently told how this all came about. Donovan claims he had no idea where this came from all these years, until Country Joe McDonald told him this story at the rock and roll hall of fame induction in 1996:
“Now I did not ever know about the ‘mellow yellow’ banana smoking story but just today at the restaurant where I work we were teasing our boss singing ‘they say its mellow yellow’ as he was wearing yellow. A customer over heard us and told the story of smoking bananas. He was a Vietnam Vet and said that the song was based on smoking the banana ‘strings’ He did not really go into details but did say they did this in the service. Did not get a huge ‘buzz’ but a little buzz. They did not have microwaves over there so I am sure this recipe can not be correct. “My theory is do you really think the government would want the American people to know about bananas and the potential effect??? What would happen to the banana industry? Think about it. If you really want to try smoking the banana I say just experiment!” See also: |
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On This Day in Snigglery | March 24, 1951: Argentinian strongman Juan Perón announces that his country has discovered the secrets of nuclear fusion. (See Pseudoscience for more premature announcements) |
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